Animal Kingdom Recap 08/07/22: Season 6 Episode 10 “Clink”

Animal Kingdom Recap 08/07/22: Season 6 Episode 10 "Clink"

Tonight on TNT Animal Kingdom returns with an all-new Sunday, August 7, 2022 episode and we have your Animal Kingdom recap below. On tonight’s Animal Kingdom season 6 episode 10 called, “Clink” as per the TNT synopsis, “Pope is self-destructive. J, Craig, and Deran must figure out what they’re going to do about him. Julia and Andrew work together on a job..”

Tonight’s episode of Animal Kingdom looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live Animal Kingdom recap at 10:00 PM ET! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the return of season 6 of Animal Kingdom.

Tonight’s Animal Kingdom recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Animal Kingdom episode, J and Deran make sure that Pope is protected while he is in jail. Meanwhile, Pope is in his cell, he asks his roommate how much his family has to pay him to shut up because he talks a lot.

Craig wakes up, Deran asks if he is moving back with Renn and he says no, she is moving in with her grandma out of state. Deran is backing a bag for Pope. Craig gives him some money for Pope’s commissary. Deran tells him that he should visit Pope, it has been weeks.

Smurf opened Julia’s mail and she is upset, it was her sat scores and she got 94%. Smurf tells her that she needs her and Andrew to do a job, one errand. She tells her it is an extracurricular activity and will be good for her college essays. Julia is not thrilled but says ok.

Back to Pope, he is sitting at a table when a guy walks by and purposefully bumps him.

J, Craig and Deran are speaking to Pope’s lawyer, they want to use his documented mental health issues. As long as Pope is on board, it might work. And, if they go to trial it could cost a hundred grand. Deran says Pope is screwed. J thinks Pope is going to talk in jail, Deran doesn’t think so, he says Pope is no snitch. Craig says they should see if they can get any dirt on the judge. Deran says they have to do whatever they have to do to get Pope out. Craig says they just can’t leave him inside, they need to break him out. J wants to go after Amy, she is the real problem.

Andrew and Julie are on their errand for Smurf, she apologizes to Andrew about the thing with Baz.

Deran visits Pope in jail, he tells him that he brought him some stuff. Pope says he is keeping his head down. Deran tells him that he has friends in there, they will do what they have to do. Pope says he just wants to be left alone, he can’t concentrate, he can’t sleep. Deran tells him that he is going to get him out, Pope says he doesn’t want to get out. Pope does not want a trial. Deran says the only problem they have is some testimony from a woman named Amy. Deran asks Pope, what if Amy doesn’t make it to trial and Pope says no, nothing happens to Amy or Lena. Pope hangs up the phone, calls the guard and tells Deran not to come back. Meanwhile, J makes a call to find Amy Wheeler.

Deran goes to see Craig and tells him that Pope doesn’t want this thing to go to trial. Deran notices that the bar got broken into and Craig says its because Pope is gone, people are testing them and they need to make this end quick.

Smurf stops by to see Baz and congratulates him on a job well done, he introduces her to Charley who just got out of the shower.

Pope is in the yard and three guys who his brothers paid are following him around, and he is getting annoyed and tells them to leave him alone. The moment they do, a bunch of guys run up to Pope and stab him.

Deran tells J that Pope doesn’t want to go to trial and wants them to stay away from Amy. J says he doesn’t care what Pope wants at this point. Deran gets a call about Pope getting stabbed. He’s fine, he just needs some stitches.

Pope is back from the infirmary, his roommate tells him that his getting stabbed is bad business for them and he is not going to let it happen again. They tell him not to retaliate, they will put him in the hole.

Smurf throws a party at Baz’s new place with his new girl and a loto f his friends. She sniffs some coke with a friend of his, walks away with him and leaves the rest for Baz.

J goes to see Finnegan about Pope’s injury, he tells him that Pope told his uncle to back off. J says they are going to have to think of a different type of arrangement, a permanent one. Finnegan says it is going to be expensive. J offers 25 grand to do it, keep it between them and he will call him when it is time to do it.

Pope loses it in jail and storms the guy who stabbed him, alarms go off and the guards are trying to pull him off.

Deran goes to see Pete and Trina comes out and Deran says he didn’t know that was going to happen to Pete, Pope is unpredictable and he wants to fix the problem. He tells her to name her price. She tells him that people are coming after his weak-ass family and it’s not just her, you can’t buy respect.

Craig and Deran are at the house and have a beer. Deran tells him that Pope got stabbed, he is fine, they didn’t get him too bad. The people were associated with what happened to Pete, they are going to try and kill Pope. He says they are weak, Smurf is dead, Pope is inside.

Julia and Andrew return to the house, it is late and Smurf is sitting by the pool. She handles her an envelope with money. Smurf calls her a beautiful girl. Julia says she has been thinking and she should focus more on what they have there too. Smurf tells her to go get a drink, celebrate. Andrew sits down near Smurf, she hugs and kisses him. Julia comes back and Smurf says she is so happy they are getting along, this is the family business.

In jail, the guards are trying to detain Pope, they give him drugs to calm down. He is put in the hole, by himself and looks happy.

Deran Craig and J are talking, Craig says they need to break him out of there. Deran says its not impossible, they just have to find a weakness. J says they can still do what they do without Pope. Craig reminds him that it is a famiy business and there is no family without Pope. Deran says let’s do it. J says ok.