Big Brother Recap 07/28/22: Season 24 Episode 10 “Live Eviction and HoH”

Big Brother Recap 07/28/22: Season 24 Episode 10 "Live Eviction and HoH"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Thursday, July 28, 2022, season 24 episode 10 and we have your Big Brother recap below! In tonight’s Big Brother season 24 episode 10 is called, “Live Eviction and HoH,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on BB24 we have another live eviction, and if things go as they seem we will see a huge blindside!  Will Ameerah be sent home?  Time will tell…Following the live eviction, we will see another Head of Household competition. 

So make sure to visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 8 PM and 9:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brotherrecaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Big Brother episode Terrance says he is going home, he wants Ameerah to stay in the game instead of him.

Ameerah is going to speak to whoever she can to get information. She needs six votes to stay, she is working hard to get them. The Leftovers need to watch their game this week, if Ameerah smells anything they are screwed.

Nicole has a heart-to-heart with Terrance, she says since he is clearly going home she wanted to tell him a secret, she was a cop for ten years. Nicole tells Turner she is sad that Terrance is going. Nicole leaves the room and Turner tells Terrance that he is safe. Terrance shakes his hand and says his word is his bond! Did Turner just make a big mistake?

Time for the live vote and eviction. Alyssa votes to evict Terrance, Indy for Terrance, Monte for Ameerah, Nicole for Terrance, Jasmine for Terrance, Brittany for Ameerah, Taylor for Ameerah, Kyle for Ameerah, Michael for Ameerah, Daniel for Ameerah, Joseph for Ameerah. With a vote of 7 to 4, Ameerah is evicted. As Ameerah is leaving, Nicole says she will see her on The Amazing Race.

Ameerah is with Julie and she is shocked, she says everyone was saying that she was safe. She thinks she was a bigger competitor than Terrance and that is why she was targeted. She thinks Daniel and Nicole stabbed her in the back. Julie tells her about the Leftovers and Daniel and Nicole had nothing to do with it. She is shocked.

Julie addressed the house, she tells Terrance that since he is all alone, he can have more than one bestie. So, he can join a bestie group. But if the Besties win HOH he is safe for the week. If they don’t, then he is not safe. Terrance joins Monte and Joseph, the three are playing the game together.

This HOH competition is based on Sony’s new movie The Invitation. If you want to compete for the HOH you need to first find an invitation. On Julie’s go, 1500 envelopes will be raining down, their job is to open them until they find a red invitation. The first to find it and claim a spot on the porch will be moving on. That means four of them will not be moving on.