Big Brother Recap 08/18/22: Season 24 Episode 19 & 20 “Live Elimination & HoH”

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Thursday, August 18, 2022, season 24 episode 19 & 20 double episode and we have your Big Brother recap below! In tonight’s Big Brother season 24 episode 19 & 20 called, “Live Elimination & HoH” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on BB24 we have another live elimination.  With Kyle not using his PoV both Indy & Terrance are still on the block and one of them will be leaving tonight.  Following the live eviction we will have another HoH competition.

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 8 PM and 10:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Tonight’s Big Brother episode begins with Taylor being annoyed with Kyle, he is getting in the way of her HOH. Taylor is speaking to Joseph and Michael walks in, he fans the fire that is starting against Kyle. Taylor says if he doesn’t use the Veto he is forcing the Leftovers to go after him.

Indy got the Punkitard punishment and goes into the diary room to change. She has to wear it for the whole week, and she says it sucks, she has to perform punk performance, when told.

Kyle doesn’t want to use the Veto, he doesn’t want to take the chance of Alysa going on the block. Joseph mentions that Indy is a big threat and they should get rid of her. Sadly for Kyle, he is showing his cards in the conversation, he is putting Alysa before his alliance with the Leftovers. In the end, the alliance agrees to keep the nominations the same.

Time for the Veto meeting, Kyle does not use the Veto. Then, Kyle goes into the pantry and Taylor follows him and tells him to play along. Taylor shouts “you were supposed to use the Veto.” Kyle thinks it was overkill, and says, whatever, Taylor can do her and I will do me. Taylor wanted everyone to think she was pissed off, she marches up to the HOH room.

Indy is surprised, she thought she was in an alliance with Kyle, now she can’t trust him.

Terrance calls him a veteran of being on the block and says he is going to get the five votes to stay. Jasmine is shocked, Kyle was supposed to use the Veto and they were going to get Monte on the block and sent home. The five swatters think Joseph is still working with them, but he doesn’t know how much longer he can keep up this farce.

Terrance goes into the HOH room and Taylor tells him not to worry he is going nowhere.

Kyle wants to make sure Michael and Brittney trust him. He wants them to know that in the Leftovers there is a much tighter group that they have to be worried about, Monte, Taylor, and Joseph. Michael wants to turn all the other guys against each other to secure a place for him and Brittney in the end.

Brittney and Michael talk about when the Leftovers break up and a strategy for them. Kyle is hinting at a similar alliance to the Cookout, but Michael doesn’t believe it and neither does Brittney.

Nest, we see Terran get all his ink, which was his punishment.

Kyle talks to Alyssa about being a duo is not good in the BB house, but he still continues it and as he tells her they are cuddling in bed. Then, they make it official and he calls her his girlfriend.

Time for Taylor to get her punishment, she has to decide who she wants to be locked too for the next 48 hours, she chooses Joseph. The two transform into Skid and Fancy, a punk duo, Taylor has to have a NY accent, and Joseph a British accent.

Julie addresses the HGs, she congratulates them on making it past the halfway mark, they made it 44 days.

It is Jasmine’s birthday, the HGs made her a card made out of a cereal box, Turner couldn’t be less amused by the whole thing.

Michael tells his alliance that he wants to give Indy a sympathy vote, he feels like it would hurt her feelings if it is a unanimous vote but really is thinking about the jury and he doesn’t want her upset with him. Taylor doesn’t like it, she is worried that it will get too close to being a tie, or Indy staying.

Time for the live vote and eviction. Indy says it is an honor to be the first Brazilian on the show and she would like to have their vote so they can continue dreaming together. Terrance first mentions his family and how much he loves them. He says he has 182 tattoos and 182 reasons to stay in the house.

Monte is the first to cast his vote and he votes to evict Indy, Michael for Terrance, Joseph for Indy, Jasmine for Indy, Alyssa for Indy, Brittney for Indy, Turner for Indy, and Kyle for Indy. The votes are in, and with a vote of 7-1 Indy is evicted from the Big Brother house. Indy first takes off her punkitard headdress and then proceeds to hug everyone before leaving.

Indy is speaking to Julie and she says she doesn’t really think it was Taylor’s intention for her to be evicted. She blames Kyle, she picked him to play the Veto and he didn’t use it to take her off the block. Julie says she didn’t have her alliance, the Five Swatters, backing her in the game. Indy says it is really frustrating. She says the lying and backstabbing don’t happen in the Brazil version because the viewers decide on the winner. Julie says they tried that season one and it didn’t work out. During the video goodbyes, Michael tells Indy about the Leftovers but she tells Julie that she pretty much already knew.

Julie gathers everyone in the living room, all ten of them are there. She tells them shortly they will compete in the HOH competition, but before they head outside, they need to know that the BB game is about to change. They are about to experience a week of Big Brother-like it has never been played in over 20 years of the game. She tells them to get ready for the “split house” twist. This week there will be two games of Big Brother simultaneously and separately.

Tonight, two HOHs will be crowned. Once HOH will live inside the house this week with four other HGs playing one big brother game at Big Bro Chella. The second HOH with the remaining four houseguests will be living in the backyard all week long, and they will be playing their own game at Dire Fest. These two groups of five will have no contact all week, they will be completely separated. They will have their own nominations, own Veto, own vote, and eviction. This is happening inside and outside the house. One week away from tonight, two HGs will be evicted and leave to go to the jury house.

Two powers are up for grabs. Taylor is not eligible to compete. This competition is called “do you see the VIP?” The evicted former HGs are enjoying their summer outside the BB house and they missed BB fest so much that they decided to attend their own festivals. Two at a time, the HGs will step up to the podium and face off. There they will be shown images of three different festival crowds. In each image, one of their former HGs will be holding a sign that says “VIP.”

Their job is to quickly identify the section where the former HG holds the sign, A, B, or C. The first to answer with the correct answer will still be in the game, the opponent will be eliminated. If they win this competition they will be HOH of Big Bro Chella living a life of luxury inside the house. The runner-up will be the second HOH and living outside, have the same power, but roughing it in Dire Fest. The losing HGs will find out which side they will be competing with later.

By random draw, Terrance and Brittney face off first. The two are so slow, but Terrance wings in first and he is correct. Brittany is eliminated. Joseph and Jasmine are next, Jasmine rings in first and she is correct, Joseph is eliminated. Monte and Turner are next, Turner rings in first with the correct answer, and Monte is eliminated. Terrance and Alyssa are next, Terrance wins, and Alyssa is eliminated. Michael and Kyle are next, Michael is correct, and Kyle is eliminated. Terrance and Jasmine are next, Terrance is correct, and Jasmine is eliminated. Turner and Michael are next, Michael is correct, and Turner is eliminated.

The final showdown is between Michael and Terrance, Michael wins, he is the HOH for Big Bro Chella. Terrance is the runner-up, he is the HOH for Dire Fest and will be living outside.

Julie tells Michael and Terrance they each reign over four houseguests this week and they will decide who joins them with a classic schoolyard pick.


Dorothy Gale:
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