Big Brother Recap 08/21/22: Season 24 Episode 21 “Teams Revealed and Nominations”

Big Brother Recap 08/21/22: Season 24 Episode 21 "Teams Revealed and Nominations"Big Brother Recap 08/21/22: Season 24 Episode 21 "Teams Revealed and Nominations"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Thursday, August 21, 2022, season 24 episode 21 episode and we have your Big Brother recap below! In tonight’s Big Brother season 24 episode 21 called, “Teams and Nominations” as per the CBS synopsis, “Tonight on BB24 we will find out how Michael and Terrance split up the two teams.  Following this, we will find out which houseguests are put on the block for elimination.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 8 PM and 10:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Tonight’s Big Brother episode begins with the beginning of the division of the house. Julie dropped this insane twist where the house is split into two groups. Terrance is thrilled to have power and wants to make a big impact. Michael is also thrilled, this is his second HOH this season.

Michael chooses Jasmine because she is high on his target list, but she thinks it is because they have a good relationship, he then chooses Brittany. Next is Taylor. Last is Monte because he wants him to make him accountable for working out. Michael doesn’t want to go after a Leftover this week, so he is happy that Kyle is on the other side.

Terrance chooses his boy Turner who then whispers to Terrance, whoever your target is, pick them next. Turner is thrilled that he doesn’t have to spend a week with Jasmine. Next, he chooses Alyssa because she voted for him to stay, but she is disappointed because she doesn’t want to sleep outside. His first two picks are the people he wants to spend the week with, and the next two are people he would put on the block, Joseph and Kyle.

Brittany feels good about BroChella but she is nervous about Terrance being in charge of Dyre
Fest. Meanwhile, Kyle is nervous, he knows that he and Alyssa are probably easy targets because they are in a showmance together.

BroChella gets a pizza party and beer in the HOH room to celebrate being in the house, the HGs that are a part of DyreFest are going outside and not having a party. Kind of being treated like outside Have Nots minus the slop.

Kyle says he can’t believe he was picked last and he thinks this test is going to force him to show his cards.

Terrance tells Turner he is safe and he trusts him so he feels good. Meanwhile, Terrance is looking for Turner’s advice on what he is going to do this week, just like Terrance to not able to strategically handle his own game.

Terrance then goes to speak to Alyssa and tells her that he is her priority, he will not put her on the block, and she is safe this week.

Taylor really thinks that Dyre Fest and Terrance being the HOH is the end of the Leftovers. Outside, the HGs have porta potties, and canned food, they all sleep under a tent and sleep in the elements.

Jasmine talks to Michael, she tells him it is her birthday week and she doesn’t want to go on the block. Michael thinks it is ridiculous, it is three weeks that she is using that excuse. Michael won’t tell her, but she is his target, even though he told her that Monte is his target. The crazy thing is, when Jasmine is upset, she barely has a southern accent! Michael doesn’t trust her and wants her gone, and usually, Michael doesn’t get swayed when he makes a decision.

Meanwhile, Taylor is trusting Kyle, Joseph, and Turner at Dyre Fest to get rid of Alyssa.

Terrance looks to Turner for advice and he tells him that he should put up Kyle and Alyssa because he would have no blood on his hands because they are in a showmance. But, Terrance is not thinking that, he is thinking to target Joseph and Turner and hopes that doesn’t happen. Terrance goes promises Joseph safety, but he doesn’t believe a word he says.

Kyle finally comes clean with Alyssa about his alliance with the Leftovers, and she is not too happy about it. This means he has been lying to her the whole time in the house. He then goes to Terrance and tells him about the alliance and how they took out Ameerah, Nicole, and Daniel. Kyle is in survival mode, he is not sure if this was the best move or dumbest move in the game. Terrance and Alyssa bond over the new intel that they have been given, they feel like they both have been left out. At first, Terrance was going to put up the showmance as a pawn, but not anymore. He now wants to make a big move on his HOH.

Time for the nomination ceremony. Michael nominates Monte and Jasmine, with Jasmine being the target. Terrance nominates Turner and Joseph, he just wants to break up the big alliance. Joseph feels like it would be horrible to go home on Terrance’s HOH and Turner feels blindsided, he says if he is in the house next week he is 100% going after Terrance, no doubt about that. Kyle is thrilled, looked like his plan worked.


Dorothy Gale:
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