Big Sky Recap 03/10/22: Season 2 Episode 11 “Do No Harm”

Tonight on ABC their new thriller by David E. Kelley, Big Sky airs with an all-new Thursday, March 10, 2022 episode and we have your Big Sky recap below. In tonight’s Big Sky season 2 episode 11 ‘Do No Harm,’ as per the ABC synopsis,“Situations turn dire all over town as Jenny races to find a missing Max and Rachel. Cassie and Lindor are forced to accept the help of a badly injured Wolf, and Ronald’s injuries begin to get the better of him. Meanwhile, the Bhullar family has finally reunited, but the mysterious arrival of her father has escalated Ren and Jag to a whole new level of sibling rivalry.”

So make sure to tune in between 10 PM and 11 PM ET for our Big Sky recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, videos & more, right here!

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Tonight’s Big Sky episode begins with Cassie and Mark talking to Wolf, he says he got the syndicate to give him up because he wanted to fix him, the bad that his brother did. Wolf tells them that they will never find Ronald without his help. He wants complete immunity for the charges that they are going to throw at him and help him bury his wife. Then, he will bring them to Ronald.

Max and her mother got themselves into big trouble, Dietrich’s guy has them and has zip tied them to chairs and is leaving them the basement until T-Loc shows up with Dietrich’s money.

Ren is playing the piano, to her father and his girlfriend. Stone arrives, he want to talk. Stone holds out his hand to Ren’s dad. He says he has the name of all Dietrich’s distributers.

Scarlett is driving the truck, Ronald looks on deaths door and he his having a dream, or nightmare that he is in the ruck with Rick who says people are never dead. And, he should never had listened to his mother, the girls and now Scarlett. Rick tells him that he is like his brother, a fool for love, it is a manmade concept. He doesn’t recall Merilee ever saying she wanted to bash his head in during their wedding vows, but she did. Ronald tells him that he hopes he rots in hell, Rick tells him to give him time.

Jenny then shows up at the ranch, Stone sees her and he is furious, he tells her that she is going to blow his cover. He says he messed up with T-Loc.

T-Loc arrives at his sister’s house, with a new car and he has brought a gift, he asks if he can stay for a few nights. He gives her a stack of cash, she gives in, he can stay but only until Bruce gets home. He goes back to his car and gets his overnight bag. T-Loc gets a text, it is a photo. Max who is hurt and it says that if he doesn’t return the money she is going to get hurt.

Jenny is mad that Stone told Dietrich that T-Loc had the money, she told him in confidence. The two head to the bar to see Dietrich about Max and her mother being kidnapped. He says he doesn’t know anything, maybe they should ask Bob.

Jenny and Stone go outside, she wants to know about his partner that got killed and he says he is not going to do this now. She tells him that she wished he trusted her, she leaves.

Scarlett has pulled over, Ronald is bleeding a lot and he has a fever. She tells him that she doesn’t know what to do, he needs a doctor. He doesn’t want a doctor, he tells her to ditch the truck. She refuses and says she is going to get him a doctor.

Cassie and Mark helps Wolf bury his wife who gets down on his knees to says his final words to her in her grave. He asks God to have mercy on her soul and let her be in a heaven full of animals. He promises her to that he will do everything in his power to get Ronald, if it is the last thing he does.

Wolf installed a gps microchip into Ronald, just in case, and he is going with them, they have a deal.

The Bhuller family is all sitting around a table to talk, he tells Alicia to be quiet while they talk. Her father says Jag is going to need some extra hands. Jag says he thought it would be good for the family open a base there. Ren is furious and tells Jag that she is surprised that he thought of it all himself. She asks him about his next move, his father wants to hear it to. Verr is not impressed when Jag says it is complicated. Ren says what she would do, if it had been her idea.

Dietrich asks Bob what was he thinking, he has cops all around because of him. He tells him to work smarter not harder with the Bhullers. Bob tells him that T-Loc just purchased a fancy new vehicle. Dietrich reminds Bob that he works for him, or else. Bob hits Dietrich, and tells him that he doesn’t take orders from a person who he doesn’t respect.

It’s morning, T-Loc’s sister wants to know where he got the money, he says it came into his possession. Now, “they have” Tracy and Max. He wants to call the police, but she is worried about the money and would like to keep it, to start over. She tells him fine, return the money but she wants to stay out of it.

Ren and Verr are having tea, he tells her that he knows it was her idea and it was a good idea, but she is not ready to lead the family. He tells her that she was there to recover the missing drugs and money, and she hasn’t even completed that. He reminds her that when he is no longer around, it will just be her and her little brother, who will be running the company. And, she should have told him about the new hire, Stone, he does his own due diligence. As well, she wants her to take care of Dietrich, she needs to tie that up for him because he knows too much.

Jenny and Poppernak go to his sister’s house and finds him opening the garage door to leave with a bag full of money.

Stone stops by to see Ren, he tells her that Dietrich knows that a guy named T-Loc took the money and Bob, who works for Dietrich kidnapped Max and her mother. Ren says this could be a win win for the two of them. She tells him that he need to vet with her dad, or he may be out.

Mark has Wolf handcuffed inside the car with Cassie having her gun pointed at him. Mark asks about the deal he made with the syndicate. Wolf says after he was finished with his little experiment, he was supposed to give him back. Cassie shouts that her father is dead because of him. Wolf says he made a mistake and he is sorry, but he is going to fix it.

Scarlett is driving, she followed a doctor to his home and she has a plan to get him the help he needs.

T-Loc is at the station, he is beside himself thinking that Max and his mother could be hurt. He gets a call from Bob to do the exchange, but they can’t trace the call.

Scarlett knocks on the door and points a gun to get the doctor to help Ronald.


Dorothy Gale:
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