Bull Recap 04/28/22: Season 6 Episode 19 “Opening Up”

Tonight on CBS their drama Bull inspired by Dr. Phil McGraw airs with an all-new April 28, 2022, episode and we have your Bull recap below. In tonight’s Bull season 6 episode 19 called, “Opening Up,” as per the CBS synopsis, “When Bull is sidelined with a back injury, Marissa and Chunk are forced to go to court without him to defend Marissa’s closest childhood friend, Kyla (Annika Boras).

A tech CEO was accused of wrongfully terminating an employee. Also, Danny contemplates what she wants out of life following a near-death experience.

This series looks very interesting so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our Bull recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Bull recaps, news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s Bull recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Bull episode, Danny was in her local bodega when someone came in with the gun. They tried to rob the place. Danny told the cashier who was a friend to do everything the man said and she did. She gave him all the money she had in the register. But this man didn’t believe that was all of it. He kept asking for more. Something the cashier didn’t have and so that’s when Danny stepped in. Danny fought the gunman. He tried to pull the trigger on her. It got stuck and that gave Danny the chance to grab the gun. She did so. She even knocked out the gunmen. Danny did everything right. And she had her cashier friend call the police.

Danny hadn’t wanted to tell anyone at TAC about it. She just kept the whole incident to herself. She claimed she injured her shoulder in krav maga practice. She also helped the team out when they caught a case. Marissa’s friend Kyla had needed TAC’s help in fighting a lawsuit for sexual harassment. Kyla was married to Oscar and the two of them have an open marriage. They were each allowed to sleep with other people. Kyla ended up sleeping with a man who worked for her and she hadn’t known about it until after she fired the guy. Now, that same man was suing her because he claimed Kyla pressured him into a nonconsensual relationship.

Raiden was his name. Raiden claims that the moment he stopped putting out that he got fired. Kyla however holds onto the fact that she didn’t know this man worked for her when they hooked up. She ran into him at a bar next to her office and one thing led to another. It was nothing serious. At least not to Kyla. She loves her husband and Oscar was sticking by her for this. They had both been embarrassed when Kyla’s accuser threw out the words “sexual harassment” at her while she was onstage for a conference. Marissa had also been there. She counts Kyla as one of her best friends and she was standing by her through this as well.

Marissa believed Kyla’s version of events. Bull on the other hand wasn’t so sure. Bull said that there’s no telling what a trial would reveal once they get started and he also pointed out that an open marriage was hard to sell to a jury. Which it was. The jury didn’t want to understand the very unusual concept of an open marriage. They wanted to believe in monogamy. They wanted to believe in happily ever after. Blame all the fairytales being read to children for that. But the case didn’t look good for another reason. They tried to settle with Raiden and he refused seven million dollars.

Taylor checked into Raiden. He went through a bad divorce that took half his savings. He was also paying a lot of alimony and child support for his two boys. He was deep in the red kind of debt. Raiden had needed that seven millions dollars and yet he turned it down because he would only agree to settle if Kyla steps down as CEO of her company. Something that Kyla refuses to do. Kyla was the company. If she left, the company would lose value. It could even possibly shut down and that’s not something Kyla wants to do. She wants to fight her company and her good name. Kyla handed over everything she had to Marissa.

Marissa did some digging through her stuff to see what she sent Raiden. Raiden apparently had a domination fetish and so Kyla made him several risqué videos giving him orders. Chunk thought it would look bad in court. He therefore came up with an idea to release it to the public beforehand and get ahead of it. They were doing well with public opinion until Raiden came up with a mysterious email. The email was a threat that Raiden claims Kyla sent him and it was all about sleeping with her or risk being fired. Oscar hadn’t liked hearing that. He stormed out of the courtroom and refused to answer his wife’s calls.

It started looking bad for Kyla after that. Everyone believed she sexually harassed Raiden and that not even her own husband was standing by her. In spite of their open marriage. The team later asked Kyla about that email and she said she never sent it. She said she doesn’t use email. Not since college over twenty years ago. There was also the fact that Kyla’s company was trying to push her out. They thought the sexual harassment case looked bad. They hadn’t wanted to keep Kyla in power if she couldn’t be trusted. And so Taylor started looking into that bombshell email, it turns out Kyla never sent it. She had actually been asleep when it was sent.

It was Kyla’s husband who sent the email. Oscar felt jealous of his wife’s career. He started out as her mentor and she’s since eclipsed him. But Oscar didn’t just want to ruin his wife. He wanted to take everything away from her because he blames her for his own feelings of inadequacy. Oscar revealed everything after TAC threatened to expose for witness tampering and fraud. Kyla was given the chance to press charges, but she didn’t take it. She didn’t want the world to know that her own husband tried to destroy her. And so she had Raiden publicly admit he lied about the sexual harassment.

As for Oscar, he was going to step down as second in command at her company. And they would quietly divorce in six months.

But Danny had needed someone to talk to following her near death and so she made friends with a bartender.


Kristine Francis:
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