Tonight on NBC Chicago Fire returns with an all-new Wednesday, January 19, 2022, season 10 episode 12 called, “Show Of Force,” and we have your Chicago Fire recap below. On tonight’s Chicago Fire season 10 episode 12 as per the NBC synopsis, “Boden, Kidd and Severide work together to protect one of their own. At the Fire Academy, Herrmann meets an inspiring young man. Talk of the annual CFD Gala dominates the firehouse.”
Tonight’s Chicago Fire season 10 episode 11 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our Chicago Fire recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!
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Tonight’s Chicago Fire episode begins with Herrmann at home with the family. The boys get into a disagreement and his wife is frustrated. Herrmann tells his wife he will be in class all day, he leaves.
Kidd tells Severide that she feels weird stepping in for Pelham given the situation. He tells her, “you got this Stella Kidd.” Chief Boden has Pelham in his office, he says he won’t let this go until he gets a fair shake. Pelham tells him that he doesn’t want to get dragged down with him, this is not his fight to which Boden replies, like hell it isn’t.
The alarm goes off, the team heads to a mall where something broke on an escalator and everyone fell. A woman at the top is trapped inside and her leg is torn apart. Another man on the bottom has his foot trapped and a woman her hand trapped. They get everyone out, but the woman at the top has both her legs in bad shape.
Back at the station, the team tell Kidd that she took command like a natural. Kidd heads out back and asks Pelham about his status, he says no change. She tells him that just for the record, she is not gunning for his spot, it is his. He smiles and tells her that she is great, the team loves her and she has earned the right to fill it whether he returns or not.
Mouch says the gala is officers only this year, they cut out the working people and he is not happy. Brett says that in Footloose when they cancelled the prom, they had their own prom.
Chief Kilbourne, he believes that he is responsible for the allegations against Pelham and wants him investigated.
Boden gets a routine assessment done of his station, led by Kilbourne and he knows that something is up. Kilbourne specifically confronts Kidd and tells her to keep up the good work, he has his eye on her.
The siren goes off and the team responds to a man who got his wedding ring stuck on part of his truck and he doesn’t want them to cut the ring because it means a lot to him. The team have no choice, Severide cuts the ring and gets the man’s finger out, it is purple and bloody.
Boden goes to speak to Stafford who confirms that Kilbourne has done this kind of thing before. And the problem is, Boden has cashed in all his chips with Hill. Kidd makes the call and tries to get through Hill, but it doesn’t work, her assistant says she is done talking about Pelham.
Kidd calls Mouch and Gallo to the briefing room, she says it is an emergency meeting of truck 81. Pelham is being railroaded and the brass won’t listen. Everyone is in.
At home, the boys are arguing again and Herrmann loses it, he tells them they are acting stupid. He says he met a guy that lost his brother twelve years ago and he sits besides his brother’s brass boots and reads a book to him – then he comes home and listens to them fight, it makes him sick to his stomach.
Mouch and Gallo go to Hill’s office, they put Pelham’s jacket on the floor and tell her that they can take their as well. Hill asks what they want, they say five minutes of her time.
Kidd and Hill visit Sarah, they both talk to her and tell her that she has to decide what kind of firefighter she wants to be.
Herrmann’s sons apologize, they tell him that they love each other and they want to meet the guy he was talking about.
Brett arranged a party at Mollies since they weren’t invited to the gala, and it goes off well.
At the gala, Kilbourne walks up to Boden and asks about the garbage he heard that his firefighters were making a scene at headquarters. Boden asks him to go outside to talk in private. Once outside, Hill is there and she says Sarah rescinded her statement, she said it wasn’t Pelham’s fault. And she is placing him on administrative leave, for that and other cases that have come to light.
Kelly and Kidd are at the gala, he takes her outside and tells her that what she did for Pelham, he is proud and he is the luckiest man on earth. Kelly takes out a ring, he puts it on Kidd’s finger and kisses her.
Violet bumps into Pelham at the gala, he tells her that she looks great – they grab each other and kiss.
Kidd goes to see Pelham, she tells him that Kilbourne is out, he is in.