Chicago PD Recap 10/05/22: Season 10 Episode 3 “A Good Man”

Tonight on NBC their drama Chicago PD returns with an all-new Wednesday, October 5, 2022, season 10 episode 3 called, “A Good Man,” and we have your Chicago PD recap below. In tonight’s Chicago PD season 10 episode 3 called, “A Good Man,” as per the NBC synopsis, “The team investigates a string of brutal pharmacy robberies and Halsted connects with one of the victims about their Army careers. Upton suspects there is more to the story and confides in Voight.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Chicago PD recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Chicago PD recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago PD episode, Chicago Detective Jay Halstead hasn’t been the same since they took down that notorious gang. Maybe it was the explosion. Halstead did almost die in an explosion. Maybe it brought a lot of things back to him. It could have reminded him of the war overseas. He was a soldier in the military. But Halstead has been troubled since then and he wasn’t really sleeping. He was also doing his best to get out of going home. Upton would wait up for him and then never hear anything or see him. She was trying to be supportive by not confronting him. She wanted him to come to her only it’s been hard on her. What with the distance that Halstead was deliberately putting between them.

Upton couldn’t help someone that didn’t want to be helped. When he first began staying the nights away, he used Voight as an excuse or said it was paperwork. Things are different now. Halstead has lately been driving all night in the hopes of getting a hit on his police radio. He was looking for a crime. Any crime as long as he got to respond. Halstead was driving so much that he soon got a hit. There was an armed robbery taking place at a pharmacy and Halstead was first on the scene. Halstead pulled his gun. He went in alone and he got help from a pedestrian. It turns out the other guy was also army.

Lenny Gibson the pedestrian got a hostage away from the thieves. He took a bullet to the side. Halstead wanted to stay with him to make sure he got treatment and Lenny told him to stop wasting time on him. He wanted Halstead to pursue the armed thieves. Halstead went after the hooded guys and he managed to injure one, but they got away because they had a car waiting for them out back. Halstead saw the make and model of the car. He put his feelers out for it throughout the city. They eventually heard back from a salvage yard. It turns out some white guy dropped off the car a few hours after the theft.

The owner of the salvage yard called the police. He had tried to keep the suspect on the property for as long as possible only the other guy got skittish and left. Fast-forward ten minutes, the owner was showing Halstead and Upton to the car when they saw smoke. It turns out the bad guys lit a torch in there before abandoning the car. They probably knew it would look suspicious and they tried to get rid of the evidence. Halstead tried to save the car, but it still blew and they had to call for the fire department. They still had forensics run an analysis on the car. They got lucky by finding fingerprints. The fingerprints led back to a drug addict.

Halstead then did several unethical things to get the addict to flip on who he sold the car to, but he got results. They identified one of the shooters in the armed robbery. The perp’s name was Benjamin Watts. The police also found out their murder suspect had paid Lenny the good guy before the job. Lenny had been involved in the robbery. He was supposed to act as a lookout when he changed his mind in the middle of the job and he tried to do the right thing. Lenny was a hero. He was a vet struggling to pay the bills when he got desperate and tried to do the wrong thing and he couldn’t go through it. and so that should count for something.

It did for Halstead. Halstead wanted to erase Lenny’s involvement in the robbery. Lenny couldn’t answer questions because his wounds had been too grievous. Halstead then turned to Lenny’s family and friends. He got the information he needed from them. He found out that there was an empty warehouse that was in use. Only Halstead didn’t tell anyone in his unit about it. He just went alone. Upton noticed when again didn’t come home that something was wrong and so she went to Voight. She tried talking to Halstead. She tried supporting Halstead. Nothing was working and only Voight could help now.

Voight and Upton pinged Halstead’s phone. They tracked his location and they saw he was in trouble when a car pulled up not long after Halstead entered the building. Voight took care of the guy in the car. Halstead took care of the guy that followed him in. Halstead killed a guy because he didn’t follow the procedure. Voight and Upton covered up Halstead murdering someone. They tried to bury it like an anonymous homicide. But Halstead wasn’t happy with that. Halstead resigned from CPD. He was leaving the task force. He was going to work in Bolivia for eight months and he and Upton were going to see how things go once Halstead returned.

Halstead also told Voight goodbye. Halstead wanted to be like Voight and that had been a problem because he can never be Voight.


Kristine Francis:
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