CSI: Vegas Recap 10/13/22: Season 2 Episode 3 “Story Of A Gun”

CSI: Vegas Premiere Recap 10/13/22: Season 2 Episode 3 "Story Of A Gun"CSI: Vegas Premiere Recap 10/13/22: Season 2 Episode 3 "Story Of A Gun"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Vegas premieres with an all-new Thursday, October 13, season 2 episode 3 called, “Story Of A Gun” and we have your weekly recap below. In tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode as per the CBS synopsis, “The CSI team investigates after a group of teens discover a dead woman behind the wheel of an abandoned car in a Nevada ghost town.

Tonight’s season 2 episode 3 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Vegas recap at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are so far with this season.

Tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode begins with a car crash. Teens get out of their vehicle and go check on the other driver, and she appears dead in her car. One kid, instead of calling 911, does a social media post.

Elsewhere, the victim is found and her name is Mindy Downs a group of teens say they found her, they carpooled up there to drink in peace. Two sets of tracks, the teens say another car was fishtailing and there is a lot of loose cash floating around. Either she was running out of town or she robbed a stagecoach. She didn’t buckle up for safety. The victim was shot in the neck, she didn’t die from the crash. Turns out that Mindy was shot before the crash.

Mindy’s husband arrives to identify the body, he tells Catherine that Mindy was going to her mother’s house. Her sister-in-law Amy is there as well and she says that is surprising because her sister usually tells her where she is going.

The bullet is removed and it fits pistols and rifles. Joshua looks at the bullet, there is some green on it, looks like it passed something else before it hit Mindy.

Rey tells Joshua that he needs a favor, someone filled his car for a prank, and he wants to know if he can lift some prints. Joshua tells him he will see what he can do.

Mindy’s husband is being interrogated by Max and Serena are in the room. He admits that he was at the scene, but he rushed there when she called him and slid into her car. He took off because he was worried he would be blamed, she was already dead. He has a voicemail of her leaving him a message saying she was hurt.

Allie finds some skid marks, she, Serena, and Joshua are trying to map out what happened to Mindy. Joshua thinks it was a long-range sniper who took her out, and Allie agrees.

After doing some tests, Serena and Joshua find that Mindy was shot from around a mile away. Max says her husband was an avid hunter, he could have shot her from his own backyard. Allie sees some teenagers in Mindy’s neighborhood and he says he heard some gunshots, his friends say it was just fireworks. Beau found something, there are some balloons near a house, advertising for some new lots, and a bullet grazed one of the balloons.

Max finds some shell casings in the field behind the trailer park. All of a sudden, someone is behind Max and whacks her on the head. The team found her, she still has one casing in her hand. The ambulance arrives and takes her to the hospital. Max has some swelling on the brain, but she is stable. Joshua blames himself, and Catherine tells him not to, just focus his energy on the case. The casing that Max found matches the bullet that was in Mindy.

They find the owner of the rifle, a neighbor, and her name is Teresa and she says it was stolen.

Max was hit by someone who is left-handed. Beau finds a piece of concrete in the field and it doesn’t belong there. They see some construction nearby, and they start digging and find a rifle.

Good news, Max is going to be ok, and ready for visitors soon. Joshua says he will go when he has a bug shot. The rifle pointed upwards, Allie sees there is a piece missing, and she thinks she knows who shot Mindy. Allie goes back to Teresa’s house, she lied, the rifle wasn’t stolen. Her grandson Cash fired the rifle, he was being buried and he shot upwards to scare the boys who bullied him. Serena finds a pair of jeans in the bedroom, there is cement on them. Teresa is the one who got rid of the rifle, and she is also the one that hit Max.

Teresa begs them not to take him in, she was just trying to protect Cash and it wasn’t his fault. Both are taken in.

Mindy’s husband asks Serena for an apology, he didn’t shoot his wife. Serena tells him that Mindy was leaving him, he put her in the line of that bullet and he didn’t call 911.

Joshua goes to see Max, she says she has never been better. He tells her that they got the shooter and her attacker. He tells her that he is sorry that he wasn’t there. he got caught up in things that he couldn’t fix. He brought her a double double.


Dorothy Gale:
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