Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers recap for Monday, April 4, reveals that Xander Cook Kiriakis (Paul Telfer) struck a wedding deal with Gwen Rizczech (Emily O’Brien) while Allie Horton (Lindsay Arnold) took over as the evil twin. Let’s talk about how all Monday’s DOOL action went down.
At the DiMera mansion, Abigail DiMera (Marci Miller) presented a bouquet for Anna DiMera (Finola Hughes) that Tony DiMera (Thaao Penghlis) sent over.
Anna remained livid over having to share her husband with “Renee DuMonde” aka Sarah Horton (Linsey Godfrey), but she was relieved when Abigail relayed the news that Chad DiMera (Billy Flynn) scored the antidote.
Downstairs, Allie reeled over Johnny DiMera (Carson Boatman) being possessed and told stories from the past to bolster her brother’s strength.
Allie felt they had to work together to drive the devil out, so there was definitely an inner struggle going on for Johnny.
Later, Abigail found Allie alone and rather distracted.
Allie acted like she was just dealing with sibling drama and admitted she’d been looking for Johnny, who was actually unconscious and out of sight nearby.
Once Allie was alone again, her eyes glowed as her voice deepened.
Days revealed that Allie was the new evil twin in town – and then Allie prepared to drag unconscious Johnny out of the house.
At the Kiriakis mansion, Anna showed up with updates on the antidote.
Anna passed them along to Tony and Maggie Kiriakis (Suzanne Rogers), but there were concerns since Sarah had gone missing from the house.
In Xander’s suite, “Renee” showed up demanding that “Alex Marshall” sign the divorce papers.
Xander tried to convince Sarah that he was the man she loved and that what they had was very real.
Xander was about to call Sarah the love of his life when Gwen showed up.
Sarah assumed Gwen was working with Xander to steal all her money and refused to let it happen.
Sarah wanted “Alex” to grant her a divorce – and once Maggie called with antidote news, Xander signed the papers and sent Sarah off to Tony.
Once Xander was alone with Gwen, he tried to get her to see things from his perspective.
Gwen didn’t think Xander would ever feel the same way about her as he did about Sarah.
Xander assured Gwen that she was his best friend and that she’d helped him through a very difficult time.
Xander also insisted that if the antidote didn’t work and Sarah wasn’t restored, then he would let her go and marry Gwen.
Once Sarah made it back to the Kiriakis mansion on Monday’s Days episode, she revealed the signed divorce papers.
Knowing they had to get Sarah to the hospital for the antidote, Tony claimed Anna also signed divorce papers.
Tony suggested marrying today and claimed they needed a blood test first.
At the hospital, Tony sat beside Sarah in the exam room. “Renee” hated how everyone had made her out to be crazy, but she felt safe with Tony and was excited for their future.
As for Maggie and Xander, they met up with Chad at the hospital to discuss the antidote.
Chad insisted that Dr. Wilhelm Rolf (William Utay) swore on Stefano DiMera’s (Joseph Mascolo) grave that it would work.
The lab also deemed it safe – though it would take months or even years if they wanted more thorough testing.
Anna wasn’t willing to wait that long, so she grabbed the syringe and jabbed “Renee” with it almost as soon as Sarah joined them with Tony.
Next, Belle Brady (Martha Madison) discussed devil drama with Shawn Brady (Brandon Beemer) before being summoned by a prisoner at Statesville.
Belle ultimately realized it was Jan Spears (Heather Lindell) and felt they had nothing to talk about. Jan disagreed as she showed off her baby bump!
Days of Our Lives spoilers say Jan is about to do some serious damage to Shawn and Belle’s marriage, so stay tuned to DOOL.
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