Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Monday, December 12 Recap – Gwen Punches Xander to Fool Bonnie – Stephanie Changes Chad’s Mind

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Monday, December 12 Recap – Gwen Punches Xander to Fool Bonnie – Stephanie Changes Chad’s MindDays of Our Lives Spoilers: Monday, December 12 Recap – Gwen Punches Xander to Fool Bonnie – Stephanie Changes Chad’s Mind

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers recap for Monday, December 12, reveals that Gwen Rizczech (Emily O’Brien) punched Xander Cook (Paul Telfer) to fool Bonnie Kiriakis (Judi Evans) while Stephanie Johnson (Abigail Klein) changed Chad DiMera’s (Billy Flynn) mind. Here’s how all the Days action played out.

First on Monday’s DOOL episode, Chad ate the dinner Stephanie made for Alex Kiriakis (Robert Scott Wilson) and was sorry she had to waste the romantic meal on him.

Stephanie hated the idea of Paulina Price (Jackée Harry) stepping down as governor before she even got started, but this looked like the end of the road.

Chad said it was the end of the road for them too, but Stephanie suggested she had plenty of other clients he could help her with. However, Chad didn’t think that was the best idea because of Alex.

Once Stephanie pointed out that Alex understood Chad wasn’t ready to move on from Abigail DiMera (Marci Miller), she didn’t think he’d have a problem with their continued collaboration.

Chad eventually ran out of reasons to object, so he agreed to keep working at SJPR and shared a toast with Stephanie as he buried his feelings.

Next on Monday’s Days episode, Jack Deveraux (Matthew Ashford) stopped by Xander’s motel room and talked to Sarah Cook (Linsey Godfrey) since Xander was still out for a run.

Sarah wound up admitting that Xander quit his job because his boss asked him to do something he wasn’t comfortable with.

Jack was proud of Xander and downplayed Gwen’s lingering feelings since she was focused on writing at The Spectator. Besides, Xander was committed to Sarah, so Jack reminded her of that.

Sarah also gave Jack updates on Bonnie’s kidnapping trauma, so he hoped that Ava Vitali’s (Tamara Braun) accomplice would ultimately be brought to justice.

When Maggie Kiriakis (Susanne Rogers) found Justin Kiriakis (Wally Kurth) with Alex at the Kiriakis mansion, she brought them up to speed on Bonnie’s clown confusion at the pub.

Bonnie rushed off before Maggie or anyone else could chase after her, so Justin grew concerned about her wandering around in that mental state.

At the park, Bonnie threatened to call the cops on Xander since she was convinced he was the musclebound clown who kidnapped her.

Justin suddenly called Bonnie’s phone, so she decided she’d rat Xander out to him instead.

Gwen appeared behind Bonnie and knocked her out with a rock, but Xander worried about what would happen once Bonnie woke up.

In the town square, Sonny Kiriakis (Zach Tinker) gave Leo advice on his job search before talk turned to Leo’s past mistakes.

Leo put his hand on Sonny’s as he wished there was a way to make things up to him.

Once Alex showed up, Sonny got the news about missing Bonnie and wanted to help find her.

Alex seemed suspicious of Sonny and Leo’s dinner together, but Sonny insisted they simply bumped into each other.

After Justin found Bonnie’s scarf in the park, he called Alex to hint about being on the right track.

When their search efforts didn’t prove successful, Justin eventually decided it was time to get the police involved.

Back with Xander and Gwen, their plan was in motion, but there was one more favor Xander needed.

Xander pushed Gwen to hit him as hard as she could, but Gwen struggled since she wasn’t upset at the moment.

To provoke Gwen into punching him, Xander reminded Gwen that he chose Sarah over her.

That convinced Gwen to give Xander a fist to the face and cause some bruising, so he was ready for the next step.

When Bonnie regained consciousness, she was tied up next to Xander – who was also tied up and pretending to be knocked out cold.

As for Gwen, she called Leo and admitted she might have a job for him. Gwen thought it was time to let Leo in on the secret she was keeping with Xander.

Days of Our Lives spoilers say Gwen’s plot will come with some twists and turns, so stay tuned to DOOL.

CDL will have other exciting Days of Our Lives spoilers, news and updates to check out, so make us your number one source.

Heather Hughes:
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