East New York Recap 10/16/22: Season 1 Episode 3 “The Small Things”

East New York Recap 10/16/22: Season 1 Episode 3 "The Small Things"

Tonight on CBS our favorite show East New York airs on an all-new Sunday, October 16, 2022, episode and we have your East New York recap below. On tonight’s East New York Season 1, Episode 3 called, “The Small Things,” as per the CBS synopsis, “During an investigation into a fatal shooting, the team crosses paths with Demonté Green (Woody McClain), a smooth-talking businessman who may have been the intended target.

Also, Deputy Inspector Haywood tries to help a troubled teen, and Detective Killian finds himself at odds with his girlfriend, Corinne, after she hires an ex-con to work at their new bar.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our East New York recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our East New York recaps, spoilers, news, and more, right here!

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In tonight’s East New York episode, a drive-by shooter killed someone in East New York. Deputy Inspector Regina Haywood responded to the crime by going to the scene. She was joined by several of her officers. They went around the neighborhood asking witnesses to describe what they saw and they got a description of two guys on a scooter wearing masks. One drove, the other shot. The witnesses’ accounts all varied because most of them hid the second they heard gunshots. But not everyone in the neighborhood was welcoming. There were a bunch of guys on the roof of the apartment building and they started to throw debris at the officers. Someone even came close to bludgeoning Haywood with a piece of concrete.

After a chunk of concrete came down, Haywood entered the building. She took her cops to the rooftop and arrested everyone they could. They also got the guy who threw concrete. It turns out it was a kid. His name was Vincent West. He was sixteen and he was arrested for the murder attempt on a cop’s life. The police put him in a holding cell. They did everything by the book. It also mattered that Vincent never asked to be released or for a lawyer. He was asked why he threw the concrete and he shrugged. He didn’t care that he got caught. It was his grandmother that was kicking off. The grandmother arrived at the precinct with the Deputy Mayor.

Deputy Mayor Sharpe was a sleaze. He took Haywood to task on her first day for not catching a criminal and solving a crime in an hour. He even was willing to throw her under the bus in front of the cameras. So, his showing up with Vincent’s grandmother was just him trying to win votes. He actually expected his presence alone would get Vincent out of lockup. Haywood had to remind the Deputy Mayor that Vincent tried to kill a cop. It was a serious offense and again one that Vincent wasn’t at all remorseful about. He never once apologized or seemed scared about getting caught. He was fine because he thought he looked tough in front of his much older friends.

Haywood had to tell poor grandma that Vincent was going to stay in lockup. It wasn’t like when she got her other grandson out of family court in a day. Vincent was going to stay where he was and so the grandma then told Haywood she expected better from her. Grandma was black. Vincent was black. Haywood was black. Hell, even the Deputy Mayor was black. Grandma thought Haywood being black would somehow mean she would do more for black and brown kids and she still failed to grasp that her grandson committed a heinous crime. Everyone also forgot that the police were investigating another crime. It was why they were at the tenement, to begin with.

The police were looking for the two men involved in Junior Hunter’s murder. Junior was just sitting outside on a lawn chair and talking to his friends when he got shot. He was an innocent bystander. But the police figured out why he got killed in the crossfire. The armed men went to that building to kill Demonte Green. Green was a businessman. He makes cell phone accessories. He also does computer repair. He lived in the building where the shooting happened and the shooter didn’t open fire until he came outside. The detectives on the case found footage of it. They saw that the shooter and his partner waited for Green to come out of the building.

Green was the intended target. But, why? What could an innocent businessman have done to warrant death? The detectives looked into it and they connected Green to the gun used in Hunter’s murder. Green has access to a 3D printer. He made accessories with it and he also made switches that turned a semiautomatic into an automatic weapon. He gave one of those switches to the gang. He warned them that the switch could be tricky. It wouldn’t operate like metal. It was plastic and would melt. Green tried to warn the gang about that. They pretended to hear him on it. Then they act shocked that one of the gun jams and one of their friends die.

The gang naturally blamed Green for the death of their friend. They wanted revenge. They planned on killing him when they decided to use the faulty switch. It caused the gun to jam and that’s how Green survived the attempt on his life. The police got a warrant. They found a bunch of switches in his apartment. They arrested Green and applied just a little pressure and he talked. He didn’t want to face a possible two-hundred-year sentence for making those switches. He told the police why the gang wanted him dead. He also told them that he had already been sent to jail and that he came out with a business plan. He honestly wanted to be a businessman. And that gang threatened his life if he didn’t help them get those switches.

Or at least that was his story. The gang’s story went a little differently. They claimed that they didn’t have to threaten Green because he was selling those switches on the street for the right price and that he refused to take back a faulty switch because he claimed they damaged it. No refund if they damaged the material. Green also didn’t care that one of their cousins died because of the faulty switch. He was the only guy they could approach on the street for that material and so he was it. Which is why they tried to kill him. And so both the shooter as well as Green were going away for a long time.

And in the end, Officer Brandy Quinlan was able to scare straight Vincent. He was so spooked after his conversation with her that he finally apologized for what he did and he told Haywood that nothing like that would ever happen again. Haywood went easy on him. Vincent was released by the family court and he was there at the memorial for Junior Hunter with his grandma.

But the Deputy Mayor was still making backroom deals.