East New York Recap 10/23/22: Season 1 Episode 4 “Snapped”

Tonight on CBS our favorite show East New York airs on an all-new Sunday, October 23, 2022, episode and we have your East New York recap below. On tonight’s East New York Season 1, Episode 4 called, “Snapped” as per the CBS synopsis, “When the team receives an unusual call for police assistance, they must employ creative methods to defuse a critical family conflict.

Also, Haywood’s mother encourages her to connect with her estranged father, and rookie officer Bentley bristles at career advice from his mentor, Sandeford.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our East New York recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our East New York recaps, spoilers, news, and more, right here!

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In tonight’s East New York episode with how things are in East New York, there weren’t many in the community who felt they could reach out to the police for help. But someone did. They sent a message to a restaurant to drop off the food and they mentioned something in the notes section. The note said “hostage, please help”. The restaurant could do nothing to help that poor person and so they contacted the police. Officer Brandy Quinlan was the first on the scene. She got alerted by the restaurant. She saw the note. She called it in with her superiors and they sent a pair of their best detectives to help. Detectives Killian and Morales had come in not knowing the situation. They seemed annoyed that they were brought in on the call and so it took showing them the note to make them treat this seriously.

The detectives looked up the address. The apartment belonged to Isiah James. He has no record and at first Killian wanted to believe this was a hoax. He didn’t think someone would ask for help in a meal app. The ladies felt differently. They had Quinlan wired up. She also dressed in plain clothes as a deliverywoman and she went to that apartment. Quinlan didn’t see anyone in danger, but she did see a gun in the open and the camera she was wearing picked up a detcord. Meaning James has wired his home to explode if anyone tries barging in there. Which was a serious offence all on its own. It also showed that he was clearly hiding something or someone and he was worried about getting caught. And so this was when Deputy Inspector Haywood came in.

Haywood was showed the video from the camera. She saw the danger. She was also worried about who could possibly be inside the apartment. Quinlan didn’t see anyone else other than James. She doesn’t know if the victim has been held in the backroom or if there really was a victim. The police just knew that James was a danger. They went digging into James’s life. He was going through a really bad divorce. He was also the explosive expert with a construction company. He took time off after his divorce became contentious and odds are he’s taken his ex-wife hostage and that’s why he rigged the apartment.

Haywood ordered that the whole block be cleared. She had officers wear plain clothes and quietly emptied the block. She even got rid of a pesky priest by being honest with him about the situation. But somehow it got leaked to the press. The press started showing up in droves. They all wanted to get a picture of the action and the police were doing their best to keep everything contained. They didn’t want to alert James that they were onto him. Quinlan pretended to drop his drink the first time she went to the apartment and so she returned with a replacement. The replacement had a wire in it.

The police were later able to get into contact with James’s ex-wife. She wasn’t his prisoner. She did however recognize the voice from the camera planted on him. She said James had her lawyer. Her lawyer went to bat for her. Sonja also called James unhinged in court. He has some mental problems and Sonja was trying to make it conditional for him to see his kids as long as he was in therapy. She was supposed to have gotten his signature. She went over to his apartment to get in person when James took her hostage. He never planned on kidnapping her. He rigged his apartment because he planned on killing himself. Sonja just got in the way of that.

Something that Haywood realize. Haywood wanted to reach out to James and she was stopped by the commanding officer at the scene. Bomb squad had showed up. They were running the scene and everyone got upset when the ex-wife contacted James. The ex-wife didn’t have clearance to do that. She alerted James that he was surrounded by cops. He blamed her. She yelled at him. Her cell phone was later confiscated. But by that point, the job was done. James was now so angry that he was willing to kill. He knew that the police had snipers trained at him. He no longer wanted to die and he told the police that he has enough explosives to take out blocks of the neighborhood.

Haywood thought she could talk to him. She got permission from the commanding officer running the scene. She called James using his ex-wife’s cell phone and she tried to remind him of his kids. What would his kids say if he went through with killing Sonja. Haywood tried to appeal to his better nature and at that point he stopped having one. He hung up on Haywood. He took Sonja to the window where he told her that if anyone tried to kill him or the enter the apartment then he was going to kill her. Officer Quinlan hated to be missing out on the action. She was sidelined after another unit took over the scene. And so she had an attitude.

She just didn’t know why Officer Andre Bentley had an attitude as well. He apparently got arrested for failure to comply by a racist cop and that left him angry. He was so angry that he got profiled as a black man. He was angry that his superiors didn’t want him to file a complaint about it. But they didn’t want any paperwork for his revenge. Officer Sandford put out feelers for the cop that arrested Bentley and he had the guy pulled over. He also had the police sit on the guy until Bentley could arrive at the scene. And humiliate the racist cop himself.

By the end, Bentley was feeling better. He was in such a great mood that he took Quinlan out for drinks and they celebrated the end to the hostage crisis. The hostage crisis thankfully ended in success. Haywood was able to call James again and that time she was able to convince him to stand down. She just kept reminding him about his kids and how he’d never see them again if he didn’t turn himself in. And so James did hand himself over.

James was going to prison for a very long time, but at least now his daughters can visit him and speaking to the guy had helped Haywood with some of her own father’s issues. She wasn’t ready to talk to her dad just yet. She was a little too stubborn to forgive him right away. But her mom was forcing a reunion whether she liked it or not.


Kristine Francis:
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