FBI Fall Finale Recap 12/13/22: Season 5 Episode 9 “Fortunate Son”

FBI Fall Finale Recap 12/13/22: Season 5 Episode 9 "Fortunate Son"FBI Fall Finale Recap 12/13/22: Season 5 Episode 9 "Fortunate Son"

Tonight on CBS FBI  airs with an all-new Tuesday, December 13, 2022 season 5 episode 9, “Fortunate Son,” and we have your FBI recap below. In tonight’s FBI season 5 episode 9 called, “Fortunate Son,” as per the CBS synopsis, “A teen shows up at FBI headquarters with a large bag of fentanyl, seeking the team’s protection from the men who shot his father. Also, Nina comes to Scola with a proposal he is hesitant to accept.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s FBI episode, a kid walked into the New York offices of the FBI department carrying a bag of drugs. The kid’s name was Trevor Logan. He was a teenager. He went to the FBI because he thought his father needed help. Trevor said earlier that day his father came home and told him to get into the car. He didn’t know why his father was yelling or what spooked his dad, but he did know that not long after they got into the car, someone shot at them. His father ended up getting shot. He drove himself to the hospital. He also told Trevor to hold onto the bag and to go hide somewhere safe. And Trevor took one look at that bag before realizing his father was in over his head.

The bag was full of drugs. Not just any drugs by the way. Nothing like cocaine or heroin. It was fentanyl of all things. It was so dangerous that Trevor didn’t want to handle it on his own and he went to the FBI for help. There was some mild confusion with the security guards demanding he put down a bag before going into the building with it. But Stuart and Tiffany stepped in. They got Trevor to drop the bag and it was searched. They found the drugs. They later questioned Trevor about it and he told them the whole story about how he got it. He said he was scared. He didn’t want his dad to die. He was just a kid and he really needed help.

The FBI promised to do something. Only first they wanted him to wear a wire. They said they couldn’t help his father if they didn’t have the full picture and so Trevor had to wear a wire to find out where his dad got the drugs from. Trevor agreed to wear the wire. He wanted to help his dad. He wore the wire and he didn’t get anywhere with the older man. His father refused to discuss what happened at the hospital. He said there were too many people around. He even said that they didn’t have to worry about the men shooting at them earlier. He said those people wouldn’t try attacking him at the hospital because there are too many cameras around.

Stuart told Trevor to back off. They didn’t want to alert Vince that Trevor was wearing a wire. Trevor was also asked to look for his father’s cell phone and he couldn’t find it at the hospital. They were in such a rush to leave the apartment earlier that there was a chance his father left his cell at the apartment. Trevor took Stuart and Tiffany back to the apartment. They spotted someone shady leaving the apartment. The agents pursued him and they lost him. They then returned to the apartment where they found it ransacked. Whoever it was that broke it had gone through the place with everything they had.

Trevor went back to the hospital. Again wearing the wire. Trevor made up a story about how he went back to the apartment for clothes and that he saw someone had broken in. His father got mad at him for returning to the apartment. He also asked about the bag. He kept asking about that bag of drugs and Trevor assured his dad that it was safe. He even came up with a story about how it was in the closet at his friend’s place. Trevor also tried to tell his dad that he loved him, but the words never came out and his father had noticed the new necklace he was wearing and so Trevor had to get out of there.

Trevor wanted his dad to at least know that he loved him because he was about to do something dangerous. It seems the FBI decided to use the ploy to take down the men that shot at Vince. Vince as it turns out was a drug dealer who failed to go ahead with delivery because he didn’t like being stiffed on a couple of jobs. He, therefore, decided to steal a shipment from his supplier. The FBI found this out when they eventually got Vince’s cell phone. They also realized that Vince was never going to help them and so they came up with a plan to take down his supplier. The guy’s name was Nico. Stuart approached him as a drug dealer who bought his missing bag of drugs.

Stuart claimed he was willing to give Nico back what he was missing in return for a finder’s fee. When that ploy didn’t work, Stuart then said he wanted to make a deal with Nico. Nico told him to come to a certain bar before it opened and with Trevor. He wanted to see if Stuart was telling the truth about Trevor selling him the drugs after his dad died. Stuart agreed to the meeting. He talked Trevor into doing this and that’s why Trevor tried to tell his dad he loved him, but his dad must have realized something was up because he later found and shot Nico. He also stole money from Nico. He stole enough to go on the run.

So, when Stuart and Trevor showed up for their meet, they found both Nico as well his lieutenant shot on the floor. Stuart called for backup. Tiffany handled Trevor while the rest of them tried to administer first aid. It wasn’t until Nico was sent to the hospital that they went through all the security videos. They found a camera on the outside proving that Vince was the shooter. Vince became wanted for an armed robbery.

They later caught up to him, they tried to talk him down, Trevor tried to talk him down, and Vince still chose to go down shooting because he wanted to die. He didn’t want to return to prison. And afterward, Trevor blamed himself. He thought if he had just hidden like his dad asked that maybe his dad would still be alive.

And Nina told Stuart she was keeping the baby. She also said that she wanted to raise the baby alone. She wanted to take a job in LA and she wanted Stuart to sign away his rights in the meantime, but he turned that down. After the day he had, he said any child of his deserves to know his father loves them. He wasn’t going to sign away his rights. He was willing to be flexible with Nina and so she ultimately agreed to work with him. She even told him that they were having a boy.


Kristine Francis:
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