FBI Recap 02/01/22: Season 4 Episode 12 “Under Pressure”

Tonight on CBS FBI airs with an all-new Tuesday, February 1, 2022 season 4 episode 12, “Under Pressure,” and we have your FBI  recap below. In tonight’s FBI season 4 episode 12 as per the CBS synopsis,“Maggie goes undercover working in a bar to investigate an anti-government group that regularly gathers there and has several members suspected in a series of bombings.

The case opens old wounds for her when a single father on the periphery of the group begins to fear he’s in danger of becoming collateral damage.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s FBI recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s FBI episode, Jubal and his team were looking for a second bomb. By this point, a bomb had already gone off. It killed a member of the NYPD and they had a reason to suspect a second bomb was in play. It turns out they were right. They were just too slow to prevent the second bombing. The second bomb was mailed to City Councilman Doug Archer and it killed him. The late councilman had nothing to do with the police inspector. They operated in the same district but that was about it and so the FBI was at a loss over what happening. They didn’t know if there was going to be a third bomb or more. They didn’t know who the terrorists or terrorist were. All they know is that an extremists group bragged about a mass casualty event and so the team thought that was this.

But the ensuing investigation didn’t seem tied to the extremist group. They checked everyone that had been to the councilman’s office and they found out about a deliveryman who supposedly dropped off someone’s lunch. The FBI then went to the deliver service. They said they had nothing scheduled that day and so they asked the person who ran the service if he recognized the picture of their suspect. He did. He said it was a new employee by the name of Bryan Moore. The name was of course an alias. His real name is Brian McIntosh. He was sleeping at a homeless shelter as well as using a fake ID because he was on the run from a rape charge.

The FBI later found Brian on a bus out of town. He tried to make a run for it. Brian was soon arrested and he revealed that the bombing hadn’t been his idea. He had simply been paid a hundred bucks to drop off a package. He didn’t know what was in the package nor did he care. He just did it for the money and so that didn’t sound like the extremist group. If anything, they would want to take credit for what they did. They wouldn’t have used an intermediary. The FBI had nothing else to go on and Brian was horrible at giving them a description. The most he could say is that the guy that approached him knew he usually makes deliveries to the building.

The FBI went back to the extremist group. They had a man on the inside or so they thought and so they used their guy to spy on the group. They had to make sure that this group wasn’t a threat because even if the recent bombings wasn’t them – they still talked about a mass event. They therefore still need to be stopped. Their source didn’t like it. He wanted no part in the fight because he was worried for his life and that of his family’s. He didn’t want to assist the FBI but they had something on him and so they forced him to keep working for them. They made him gather information that they could use.

The FBI got to even see some of these plans. They realized that the extremist group wasn’t planning a mere mail bombing. They were planning another Oklahoma City bombing by rigging a car to be a mobile bomb. The group that they spying on had found out that they were looking at them and they later started to panic. They came to suspect their source. They also came to suspect Maggie who was acting as a new bar maid at the bar they were using for cover. The FBI were listening in on the conversation and they sent in OA to tell Maggie her cover was in jeopardy. OA tried to warn Maggie in time and him being there prevented the guys from questioning her.

But they did scan the bar for listening device. They found the one that the FBI had planted and that was bad news for their source. Collin wasn’t there that day. He was with his daughter because she needed him, but his absence there made them think he could be a rat and so they went looking for him. Maggie arrested the guy before he could get to Collin. Only it wasn’t worth it. They hadn’t known that Collin turned on them and his cover was blown the moment that Maggie arrested the guy. The extremist group weren’t just extremists to Collin. They were once his friends and so they asked him what did one of the guys mean he was going after people responsible for killing his sister.

Collin didn’t know what that meant. But the FBI soon did. They found out that they where those men were targeting and they got to the car with the bomb. No one knew how to deactivate it. It couldn’t be deactivated once it started and so Maggie took a risky move. She got into the car. She drove it away from people into an abandoned parking lot. She then ran as far as she could and she didn’t die when the bomb went off. The attempted bombing alone would see the extremists all serve life sentences. Maggie went to Collin to tell him the good news and she found him moving. He said he didn’t want any part in what happened.

Collin claimed it was Maggie who put him and his family. Its why he was moving with his family to New Hampshire and they will hopefully start over there. And so it didn’t matter that he could have continued to be of service to the FBI.

All that matters is that they lost a great source that could have come in handy down the road.


Kristine Francis:
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