FBI Recap 04/26/22: Season 3 Episode 19 “Face Off”

FBI Recap 04/26/22: Season 3 Episode 19 "Face Off"

Tonight on CBS FBI  airs with an all-new Tuesday, April 26, 2022 season 3 episode 19, “Face Off,” and we have your FBI recap below. In tonight’s FBI season 3 episode 19 as per the CBS synopsis, “When a morning show host is murdered inside her home, the team tracks the killer, who they realize is targeting powerful women.

Also, things become awkward for Scola when Special Agent Nina Chase becomes part of the team during Maggie’s recovery.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s FBI episode, things haven’t been the same since Maggie was exposed to sarin gas. She was hospitalized afterward. She was recovering albeit slowly. She was suffering from damage to her nervous system and so she was going to need months of rehab before she even thinks of coming back.

If she ever does! Scola’s possible girlfriend was actually filling in for Maggie temporarily. Nina has worked with the team before. They saved her life on the job and that meant she wouldn’t be in any trouble. Not for the team anyways. Maybe for Scola. Also, maybe for Isobel. Isobel got into a lot of trouble after it was revealed two of her agents were exposed to sarin gas on her watch and so Isobel got a lecture from her boss that there shouldn’t be any more cowboy moves on her part.

No rushing in on things. No quick decisions that didn’t take into account the full ramifications on the agents involved. Isobel is on notice because she’s done things like this before. She was told to keep her head down in the future and she tried to, but then her team caught a serial killer case. They were asked to step in by the NYPD after three women were murdered matching the same MO. They were all wealthy as well as successful women in their thirties to forties when someone broke into their house and repeatedly stabbed them to death. The latest victim’s wife was also attacked. She was in the hospital.

The victim’s daughter on the other hand survived the night. She hid in the closet. She heard and saw the man who attacked her mom and stepmom. She described the killer as young, tall, and black. The FBI looked into it and they found someone matching that description who worked for the latest victim. They showed a picture of the man to the daughter. The little girl said that was the man who broke in. Only it couldn’t be. That guy had a solid alibi and there was security footage of someone breaking into the house. The footage wasn’t of the man that the little girl identified. It was of someone else.

The little girl made a mistake. She saw the man at night and while she was afraid. She was also white. Making an identification is a lot harder across racial fields. The little girl didn’t mean to get it wrong, but now the team know they needed to look for more than just someone she could identify. They tried running facial recognition on the footage they had. It was too grainy and dark. It hadn’t worked. The team next tried going to the public for help. Isobel was advised against this. The profiler that her boss sent to “assist” her was more like a watchdog. He thought they shouldn’t go to the media with what they had because the serial killer was killing women to feel powerful.

It was very rare for a serial killer to be black. This guy also wasn’t targeted the fielding that the rare black serial killer does target. He was going after wealthy women. Not the disenfranchised group they normally target. The profiler said their killer was someone who felt inferior to the women he was killing. He said those men were usually white. Isobel ignored what the profiler was saying and she went to the media anyways. She released the footage they had because a new victim was killed. She was afraid that their killer was on a spree and that he would target someone new if they didn’t get help from the media.

Isobel didn’t just ignore the profiler. She took what he meant and she turned it around to bait the killer. She called him weak. She called him a coward who needed to strike in the dark. Isobel’s play worked out for them because they did get help from the media and one person identified a man leaving an abandoned church. There had been pieces of stained glass in the footprints left at a scene. It matched the idea of the killer using an abandoned church as his headquarters. The FBI went to the church. They didn’t find the killer, but they did find his plans for all the houses he mapped out and there was a new address in his kill book.

The address was in fact Isobel’s address. She angered the killer so much that he was targeting her next and Isobel barely got a call from Jubal warning her about the killer before she actually had to fight him. She fought him. She took off his mask. She also saw that he wasn’t actually black. He was a white guy wearing a blackface mask. Isobel didn’t get a good look at the face before the guy ran off. Except that didn’t matter. They still had the killer’s book and the book revealed something about the killer. It revealed he was using restaurant language to identify the victims as PPX and PX. This means VIP in restaurant language.

The FBI looked into a restaurant connection between the victims. They all seemed to dine at one of the victim’s ex-husband’s places. He started working at the restaurant after his theater job didn’t pan out during the pandemic. He broke up with his wife. She went on to marry a powerful woman and took their daughter with her. Her second wedding anniversary is when David Owen started killing women. It’s when he started targeting other powerful women. Women who make him feel like he was inferior to them and he would have killed Isobel too if she hadn’t fought back. He must have gotten scared that the police were onto him after he attacked Isobel because he kidnaped his daughter and he went on the run.

Thankfully, his ex woke up at the hospital. She told them where Owen would run to after they narrowed it down using an EZ Pass. The FBI ended up going to her family cabin where they found Owen. Only Owen had pulled a gun on his daughter. He had spared her earlier when he attacked her mother and stepmom, but that was out the window the moment he realized he could face real prison time. Owen really was a coward. Isobel realized this and she wanted them to storm in before Owen killed his daughter. The profiler argued against this. Isobel ignored him and she trusted her gut instead.

Isobel turned out to be right because the FBI was able to get to Owen before he killed his daughter. The profiler thought she got lucky and she corrected him by mentioning she was one of ten female SACs in the FBI. She’s been getting “lucky” for a long time now.

As for Owen, he was going away for life.