Fear The Walking Dead Finale Recap 06/05/22: Season 7 Episode 16 “Gone”

Fear The Walking Dead Finale Recap 06/05/22: Season 7 Episode 16 "Gone"

On AMC tonight Fear The Walking Dead (FTWD) airs with an all-new Sunday, June 5, 2022, episode and we have your Fear The Walking Dead Recap below! In tonight’s FTWD season 7 episode 16 finale called, “Gone,” as per the AMC synopsis, “Morgan finds a new ally who turns out to be more trouble than he bargained for.”

Don’t forget to bookmark this spot and come back later for our Fear The Walking Dead recap between 9 PM – 10 PM ET.  While you wait for the recap, don’t forget to check out all our FWTD news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Tonight’s episode begins with Alicia, she is still alive, but barely. Elsewhere, Morgan has his raft tied up to some trees and radios to see if anyone is out there. Mo starts crying, he needs to find food. He puts the headset on Mo to listen to Grace’s signing. Morgan is out scavenging with Mo, he finds a pediatric clinic, but no food. He opens up gates that read Sanderson, then goes inside a home. He hears a woman’s voice, she is calling for Jim. When he opens the door, she has a knife and he says he is looking for food. He sees pregnancy tests on the desk and asks how far along she is. Her name is Ava and she tells him to take his baby and go as far as he can. She says this is no place for kids. Back in the tent, Morgan radios again, this time to Grace, and says he really needs her. Morgan hears someone saying they need some help, Morgan opens the flap to the tent only to be ambushed. When Morgan wakes up, there are about six people who have hoods over their heads. They have dug a grave and throw Morgan inside, while they take baby Mo. All of a sudden, Morgan hears gunshots, someone shot them all and saved his life. The person who saved him is Madison, she takes baby Mo and tells him that she will kill him if he follows them.

Madison radios Oriole and says she is approaching the drop. She heads down to a boat house on the water, she tells the man he is late. Madison has food, she feeds Mo. Ava is still calling for Jim over the radio saying that she and the baby need him. Madison tells Mo she will miss her daddy but will be better off with her. Madison walks away from Mo, she heads to a building and kills a bunch of walkers with a sledgehammer. She goes inside and is surprised to see Morgan behind her and he threatens her. He asks for Mo and she says somewhere he will never find. She tells him that her people will kill him in ways that he couldn’t imagine. He tells her that she abducted Mo and she says she rescues kids.

They arrive back at the boathouse and Mo is gone, she says they came faster than she expected. He finds a book with the name P.A.D.R.E and he asks if she is with padre? They leave the boathouse and get into a scuffle, Morgan sees the names Nick and Alicia, she is their mother. Morgan offers to trade Ava for Mo, he knows where she is and she is pregnant. Madison thinks back to when she was forced to join padre, they kept her alive by giving her oxygen that she needed in return for her stealing the kids.

The two arrive back at Sanderson, and Madison flashes back to stealing a child and it wasn’t enough for padre, they told her more. Inside Sanderson, Morgan, and Madison meet with Ava, Madison tells her that she can help her and her baby, her place is great and even Morgan’s child is there. Madison says the place is called padre. Ava says she will get her things. Morgan wants to know from Madison what happens when the baby is born, she says they get split up. No attachments, no connections. Morgan says he won’t do it, Madison tells him if he doesn’t he will never see his daughter again. Bounty hunters arrive who are after Madison and three make a run for it. Running to the beach, Ava falls down and is hurt. Morgan sees a crypt and says they should go hide inside. Ava sits on a bench while Madison and Morgan barricade the door. Madison has a device with her to check the baby’s heartbeat but she can’t hear anything. Madison says she is not pregnant, she never was, she was tricking them. Madison tells Morgan to tie her up and leave her some water she will only slow them down. Ava says they took her daughter, she was six and her name was Odessa. Morgan turns to Madison and asks how they are going to get Mo back, she says they are not. Morgan takes a weapon and puts it to Madison’s throat. He tells her that he will not tell her where her kids are unless he gets baby Mo, she says she doesn’t want to see her kids ever again. Ava is shocked that Madison has kids when she is the one stealing other people’s kids. Ava gets control of the weapon, she breaks one of the tombs and there is a rifle inside, her grandfather wanted to be buried with it. Ava wants to know where Madison’s kids are, Morgan says they are dead. He says Nick got shot, he helped bury him. Alicia got an infection and is probably already gone. Madison drops to her knees saying no, Morgan says he is sorry.

Outside the tomb there are walkers who are trying to get in, Morgan thinks maybe thirty. Morgan says they have to fight their way through before somebody finds them. Morgan tells Madison again that he is sorry, but he didn’t tell her because he thought he did what he had to. He says Nick and Alicia were going through a bad patch when he met them, they thought she was gone. Nick was doing his best to move ahead. Alicia was a hero, she helped a lot of people before she got bit. Madison thinks back to the padre again and them offering to find her children after she rescued so many, she said no, she didn’t want her children seeing what she was doing. All of a sudden they hear gunfire outside, Ava wants to give up Madison to save themselves. Madison tells Morgan to let the bounty hunters in, don’t sacrifice himself for her. Morgan shouts that they are going to open the door and hand her over to them. Madison tells him it is the only way for him to keep living and search for his daughter. Once inside, one of the men takes off his mask and asks Madison if she remembers him, she took his boy.

The bounty hunters want Ava and Morgan to join them because their kids were taken too but Morgan doesn’t want to. Ava is going, she says she has to do something to get her kid. Madison has been buried in the sand with only her head sticking out so when the tide comes in she will drown, but then, some walkers come from the beach towards her and she might find another demise. The walkers are the bounty hunters and Ava. Morgan shows up and he takes care of the walkers, he saves Madison because Alicia saved him, and he tells her that he owes her. More walkers are coming and Morgan is distracted when he sees that one is Ava, he falls down and drops his weapon, and Madison is able to retrieve it and saves his life. He says Ava is dead because of padre, not because of him. She tells him that she will help him get to his daughter, but the only way to get there is to bring him another child, there is no other way. He says there has to be another way, they cannot fail. She arranges a meeting at the boathouse, Madison says he is a collector who knows about people on rafts and they have children and someone is pregnant. They get in a boat and Morgan asks Madison where the hell they are going, where is padre, she says she doesn’t know.