General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) may dump Cameron Webber (William Lipton) and give Esme Prince (Avery Kristen) the chance to use the breakup for new Trina Robinson (Sydney Mikayla) trouble.
On the March 14 episode, Cameron admitted he could lose Josslyn over their latest crisis.
It’s true that Josslyn is struggling to cope with the cabin video fiasco.
What should’ve been a beautiful memory has been tainted by the scandal Esme unleashed.
Joss confessed to wishing that night never happened and then had to backtrack to clarify she didn’t mean the part with Cam.
Of course, Josslyn later shut her phone off – and as a result, she shut out Cameron for a while, too.
GH writers are clearly using the drama to create some cracks in a previously strong relationship.
The distance between Cam and Joss is already growing. There’s no undoing the damage, so all Josslyn and Cameron can do is try to move forward.
Unfortunately, Josslyn won’t be able to escape that horrible night and how it’s ruined her life for the moment.
The cruelty will continue at PCU – and even seeing Cameron’s face could serve as a reminder of everything Josslyn is dealing with.
All of that could lead to Cam’s worst fear becoming a reality.
Since Cameron worried that he could lose Josslyn, perhaps that was a hint that he truly will.
That doesn’t mean Cam and Joss’ breakup will be permanent, but it seems likely they’ll split for some period of time.
This could leave Esme quite pleased with herself – and it could give her another way to stir up trouble involving Trina.
Esme has already become obsessed with the fact that Trina and Cameron were almost a thing.
Esme also doesn’t want Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez) getting too close to Trina, so the simple solution is to nudge newly single and brokenhearted Cameron in Trina’s direction.
Esme would love to make Josslyn feel like the odd woman out – and it could stop Spencer from strengthening his bond with Trina as well.
Esme may hope that pushing Trina and Cameron together will permanently destroy this whole group of friends.
That way, Esme can focus all her attention on more important things – like carrying out the instructions of her serial killer father!
Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) indeed wants Esme to concentrate on their goals related to Ava Jerome Cassadine (Maura West) and Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma) instead.
However, that may not stop Esme from capitalizing on any other opportunities that land in her path, especially ones that could blow up these friendships she’s been targeting.
General Hospital spoilers say Esme will keep scheming, so she may resort to more manipulation after Cameron and Josslyn’s potential breakup.
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