General Hospital Spoilers: Wednesday, September 21 Recap – Brando’s Cause of Death Revealed – Weapon Laced with Toxin

General Hospital (GH) spoilers recap for Wednesday, September 21, teases that Brando Corbin’s (Johnny Wactor) cause of death was revealed when test results showed the weapon was laced with a toxin. The hook story took an even more sinister turn, so let’s talk about all the action.

At Deception, Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) daydreamed about Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) before Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) and Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) snapped her out of it.

Lucy was upset since Brook Lynn hadn’t sent out a statement on Brando’s death yet, and timeliness was important in a situation like this.

Although Lucy hinted about firing Brook Lynn since her love life was such a distraction, Maxie pushed to give Brook Lynn another chance.

However, Lucy was annoyed when Brook Lynn got a reminder on her phone about Chase’s audition and had to take off.

At the hospital, Chase pulled Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) aside to ask what happened with Brando, who was fine one minute and dead the next.

Finn said they were still trying to find the cause of death, but Chase wanted to help Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattson) by investigating on his own.

After Finn reminded Chase that he was no longer a cop, he urged him to spend time with someone he cared about and channel his frustration into a cause that could make a difference.

Over the phone, Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) told Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) there was still no word on Brando’s cause of death and got reassurance that they’d talk about what happened with Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper) later.

At The Savoy, Selina Wu (Lydia Look) showed up and acknowledged that things were getting dangerous in Port Charles, but Curtis wanted to know why she was there.

After Selina flashed back to her conversation with Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) about Chase, she said she wanted an apology.

It turns out Selina thought Curtis should’ve told her about his engagement intentions beforehand.

That way, Selina could’ve hooked Curtis up with a jeweler as a courtesy since they were partners.

Curtis didn’t feel like an equal, so Selina said she was open to expanding his role.

After Curtis declined, Selina suggested he should accept her gift instead – and moments later, Brook Lynn arrived with Chase for his audition.

This was the first Curtis had heard about it, but he let Chase perform and agreed to book him at The Savoy.

Selina wanted Chase for a private party, so Curtis said the place was hers for $50,000 – and cash was king.

Outside Charlie’s Pub, Sonny talked to Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) since she failed to give him a heads-up on her news coverage of the hook crimes.

Sonny pointed out that Sasha was going through a rough time and just wanted Alexis to keep that in mind.

Once Sonny and Alexis entered, they found Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) getting too chummy with Kristina Corinthos-Davis (Lexi Ainsworth) as they laughed together.

Sonny pulled Victor aside to remind him to stay away from his family, but Victor pointed out that Kristina was his family as well.

Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) later warned Victor that it was a mistake to provoke Sonny and wanted a date for when he could visit Charlotte Cassadine (Amelia McLain).

Victor said he’d give Valentin one, but right now he had a more pressing issue to attend to.

Down by the docks, someone with a hook lurked as Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) spoke to Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) on the phone.

It turned out to just be Jordan, who apologized for startling Anna and revealed that she’d obtained a hook just like the one used in the attack.

Anna opened up about some of her Curtis issues before Valentin appeared and seemed uneasy over the hook.

Jordan urged Valentin and Anna to be careful since it was hard to know who the next target would be.

Next, Valentin told Anna how frightened he was due to the situation with Charlotte, so she suggested that was good since it’d help him be brave.

Anna revealed that one of Robert’s contacts was put in charge of surveilling Charlotte’s school, but the operative wanted off the job after less than 24 hours.

Since Victor’s name stirred up such fear, Anna worried that they’d be on their own.

Valentin and Anna also hinted that they should probably cut Lucy out of the plan for safety’s sake.

At the hospital, Jordan overheard Finn and Portia talking about the anonymous GH source who spoke to The Invader.

It sounded like it was one or both of them who leaked, so Jordan offered a lecture since she wanted to keep this baddie guessing – and now he had an edge to exploit.

Once Portia received Brando’s test results, she opened them to find his cause of death.

Portia then revealed that the weapon had been laced with a toxin – that Brando had been poisoned.

Back at Charlie’s Pub, Alexis and Kristina were concerned for Kristina’s safety since she witnessed Brando’s attack.

Kristina refused to come stay with one of them or take a break from work, so Alexis blew up at her.

When Alexis asked if Kristina really wanted to risk her life for minimum wage slinging beer at a dead-end job, Kristina said that escalated quickly.

Sonny felt they weren’t there to discuss Kristina’s career, but Kristina called her mom out for wishing she’d have done something more reputable and less “dead end-y.”

Kristina asked if she embarrassed Alexis, who denied it and just wanted her daughter to live up to her full potential.

Although Kristina didn’t plan to work at Charlie’s until the day she died, she was happy there for now.

Kristina declared that she didn’t intend on dying anytime soon – by hook or by crook!

After Victor sauntered in Deception, Lucy tried to make up a fake meeting to wiggle out of lunch plans.

Maxie wouldn’t play along, so Lucy switched tactics and implied she wouldn’t feel right about having fun while Sasha was mourning.

Victor was relentless, so Lucy eventually caved in on his lunch idea.

When Anna and Valentin got updates from Maxie later, they seemed concerned about Lucy leaving with Victor.

General Hospital spoilers say Victor could indeed tighten his grip and cause more problems, so stay tuned!

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Heather Hughes:
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