Grey’s Anatomy Recap 05/12/22: Season 18 Episode 17 “I’ll Cover You”

Grey’s Anatomy Recap 05/12/22: Season 18 Episode 17 "I'll Cover You"Grey’s Anatomy Recap 05/12/22: Season 18 Episode 17 "I'll Cover You"

Tonight on ABC their hit drama Grey’s Anatomy returns with an all-new Thursday, May 12, 2022, season 18 episode 17 and we have your Grey’s Anatomy recap below. In tonight’s Grey’s Anatomy season 18 episode 17 called “I’ll Cover You,” as per the ABC synopsis, “A former patient of Link’s, Simon, is in the ER with his pregnant wife; and Bailey receives an offer from Nick.”

We are so excited for another season of Grey’s Anatomy so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our Grey’s Anatomy recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Grey’s Anatomy recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Grey’s Anatomy recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Grey’s Anatomy episode, Chief Bailey walks into the hospital and she is upset that there are cancelled surgeries. Webber then walks in and goes to the staff room and right to the fridge while Nick Marsh tries to say hello, he is going to be there for a couple of months. Webber is upset that there are no snacks.

Parents of a young boy come in concerned because they son told his caregiver that he was a girl. Meanwhile, Lincoln is called to a patient of his who is in emergency, Simon Clark, his wife found him in the nursery and he couldn’t breathe. Lincoln says he will get some scans and check him out while he admits him.
Grey is examining Webber who is stoned, unbeknownst to him, he drank a juice that had cannabis in it. She is trying to keep him clam. Schmitt knocks on the door, Grey tells him that Marsh is handling her cases and he didn’t see her in there.

Lincoln is with Jo, his patient is worse, the cancer is spreading.

Marsh asks Bailey why she is being so hostile with him. She says she needs more than surgeons, she needs surgeons that can teach. He says he wants to help.

Lincoln goes in to see his patient, he says they found a new met. It is in the small intentestine. His wife Kris is upset, Lincoln tells her they have to take it on step at a time.

Marsh is speaking to Schmitt who says that Grey put him on his service, she is busy with something and he is not supposed to tell him.

Margot is in getting tests, they have to take her up to surgery. She lied about when the pain started and doesn’t want them to call her wife. Ndugu asks her what happens if she dies and she says if she does, she won’t have to tell her.

Webber is still stoned, Grey is going crazy watching him. They talk about Seattle and he says it is haunted. Then he says they have to start teaching, they said they would shut down the program. She tells him that if he leaves the room they will shut him down for being stoned. She leaves the room to get snacks and he sneaks out.

In surgery, Schmitt is terrified of making a mistake, but Marsh guides him and he is fine.

Lincoln’s patient, Simon, is going into surgery and he asks him to make sure that his wife doesn’t call the baby after him if he dies. Margot is also in surgery, her pressure is going down and they need to move quickly.

Grey got Webber back to the room and he has an idea to improve the program, and he knows it can’t be done over night, but it is like planting a tree. Shepherd has taken over for Grey to give her a break.

Grey goes to see Bailey and tells her she stayed and she tortures a doctor who volunteered to help. Bailey says it is the pandemic, it wiped out everything and how is she supposed to handle that. Grey tells her that Webber got stone accidentally. And, she admits that Marsh is a wonderful teacher.

Kris is told that her husband has about a month, she says that wants the baby taken out then, she wants her husband to meet his son. Jo tries to give advice to Kris and Lincoln reminds her that she is a first year resident. They go into a supply room and get into an argument. He tells her that she used him for sex, she says she wasn’t using him, she fell in love with him and she thought he didn’t have feelings so she asked him to move out. Then she says she has enough knowledge to know that if they take that baby out at 32 weeks it is not good, the baby has not had time for the lungs to develop.

Kris is with her husband, he is out of surgery, she tells him that he has to hang around to meet their son and if he does’nt she is going to call him Simon Simon.

Schmitt tells Bailey thank you for letting him come back.

Webber’s wife tells him that she had the cannabis in the house because her cancer is back, it helps with the pain.


Dorothy Gale:
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