I Am Jazz Finale Recap 02/01/22: Season 7 Episode 10 “Not the Same Jazz”

Tonight on TLC, I am Jazz returns with an all-new Tuesday, February 1, 2022, episode and we have your I am Jazz recap below. On tonight’s I am Jazz Season 7 Episode 10 called, “Not the Same Jazz,” as per the TLC synopsis, “Jazz is going off to Harvard, but before she leaves, she gets to observe a surgical procedure. Jazz and Sander throw Neasa and Noah an engagement party. Jazz’s family worries about the last time she was leaving for college and hope this will be different.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our I am Jazz recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s I am Jazz episode, Jazz is a week away from going to Harvard. She takes a walk with her dad and discusses how this is all going to go. She plans to stay on her workload. She also needs to deal with her issues with food. She tells her dad she will call home when she needs them.

Jazz and Sander discuss the engaging party they are throwing for their friends, Noah and Nassa. They talk to Noah’s mom. She is proud of him and excited but due to health issues she cannot go. She need to make it special.

Jazz arrives to witness Aaron’s top surgery. He is happy and excited. His mom is thrilled. He will finally be free. Its like a rebirth. Jazz goes into the OR to watch. She cannot look away. She is impressed by the surgeons. Aaron comes out of surgery in stable condition.

Jeanette goes to a tea party thrown by her friends as she takes Jazz to school soon. They think she wont come back. She tells them she is going to set Jazz up and then come home.

Jazz goes out boating with her family and grandparents. She discuss school. She feels ready. They hope it goes well. They encourage her and keep positive. Later, she sets up for her friends’ engagement party. Everyone arrives. They invite their own friends too to fill out the party.

Noah asks Sander to be his best man. They get emotional. Sander is beyond thrilled. He knows how much support Noah needs. Just then, his mom comes through the door. Noah cries. He is so thrilled. His mom is his hero. He finally gets to met Noah’s girlfriend. They all toast.

Jazz finishes up her internship. She is there for Aaron’s top surgery reveal as he heals. They look at his incisions. The medical field seems like a possibility for Jazz in her future. After, she thanks them all for the opportunity.

The next morning, the whole family wakes to take Jazz and Jeanette to the airport. She knows she can do this even if she isn’t thrilled with her body. Her dad sees all that she has gone through and can see her excelling in this next journey. The grandparents show up to hug her goodbye. They all get emotional. She says goodbye tp them.


Sarah Luoma:
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