I Am Jazz Recap 01/18/22: Season 7 Episode 8 “A Long Time in the Making”

Tonight on TLC, I am Jazz returns with an all-new Tuesday, January 18, 2022, episode and we have your I am Jazz recap below. On tonight’s I am Jazz Season 7 Episode 8 called, “A Long Time in the Making,” as per the TLC synopsis, “Jazz receives an answer from Harvard regarding her reacceptance; the Jennings head to DC and convince Jeanette to go zip-lining, and visit the Smithsonian exhibit that features Jazz herself; Sander reunites with Hope for a heart-to-heart.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our I am Jazz recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s I am Jazz episode, Jeanette and the rest of the family have a trip planned to Washington DC. There’s a new exhibit about girlhood and Jazz is included. Everyone wanted to visit the exhibit to celebrate her inclusion. But Sander didn’t really feel like going. He was still hurt by what happened during the tie-dye session with Jazz. She pretty much got annoyed with him for filming everything and, while it isn’t always her that takes issue with him filming, Sander is starting to feel like his whole family doesn’t support him. He got his Masters in Digital Strategy. He knows how to market items and his family doesn’t understand nor have they ever tried to. Sander tends to feel like his career is a joke to them and its hard to shake that idea when everyone gets annoy at the mere idea of him filming.

Sander told his mother about his worries. He wanted someone to confide in and even she said it could be annoying when he grabs his cell phone all the time. His mother doesn’t get it. The rest of his family doesn’t get it and still Sander planned on going on the trip with them because he at least wanted to be supportive of his sister. As for Jazz, she didn’t know how her brother felt. She was more focused on Harvard. Jazz has been waiting on a decision for a while now. She finally got an update that they were discussing her petition. She stayed glued to her phone the next day in hopes of hearing good news and she later did.

Jazz got into Harvard. She found out and the whole celebrated the news. They went on to do something fun like ziplining and it was great. Her mother got stuck, but Jazz was there to help her and after that they went on to DC. Sander once again tried to express his frustration with his family. He tried to tell them how he felt and they were pretty dismissive. His brother at least said that they don’t understand it because it wasn’t a path either he or Jazz have chosen. They’ve chosen a more rigid style of learning. They have set schedules. They have set classes. They didn’t have to prove the worth of their chosen careers to the family like Sander did.

Sander’s dad also made a snide comment about being on the phone all the time. So, they don’t get it. They don’t get the work that Sander puts in or that social media has changed the way the media itself is handled. Sander wasn’t on his phone with the tie-dye thing because he was bored. He was on his phone trying to help them sell the shirts and dresses. Sander’s career isn’t less than in any way. Greg and Jeanette needed to go to bat for him as much as they do Jazz. Yes, Jazz has had more struggles and she needed their support every step of the way but so does Sander. He was feeling isolated and alone and no child of two living parents should ever feel that way.

The family later visited the exhibit in the Smithsonian. Jazz’s mermaid fin was included. She’s always been drawn to mermaids and she had the dolls and she made various fins to wear under water. The fin included in the exhibit was something she made. The woman organizing the visit had asked Jazz how she could wear something so heavy and Jazz said it doesn’t feel heavy in the water. Jazz loved seeing the exhibit. Her whole family did as well. They saw how Jazz was honored and Jeanette even broke into tears. The family also took photos. They were all mesmerized that Jazz’s mermaid fin was now a part of history. And Sander celebrated with them.

But Sander was still hurting. He hates how the work he does isn’t appreciated or in any way respected. After the trip, Sander spoke with Hope. The two are dating and they are very close because Hope sees the work he does. She knows its important. She knows it has value. She told him that as long as he knows how hard he works then that’s all that matters. Sander ended up feeling better after speaking to Hope. He let his family get to him because sometimes he himself doesn’t feel like he does enough for his career and that’s not the case. He is putting the work. He hopes they will one day see that.

Jeanette and Greg meanwhile went to lunch. They discussed how things will be once they’re empty-nesters and Greg was looking forward to it. Jeanette not so much. She wanted to travel to see the kids all the time and Greg was telling her that’s not how empty nests work. He couldn’t wait for it to be just the two of them alone in the house. His wife on the other handed dreaded not having Jazz right next door. She said once Jazz leaves that she wouldn’t be able to go back into the room because it would make her too sad. And so they’ll have to agree to disagree.

Sander later met up with his family and he told them how he’s been seeking validation from them, but this time they got where he was coming from and they told him that when they snap at him for doing stuff with his cell phone its because they feel like he hides behind his phone and they just wanted his undivided attention. Because even when he’s not working or promoting, he’s still too heaving invested in what’s going on with his phone that it cuts into intimacy his family is seeking to have with him.

And so the family had one last family TikTok before Jazz goes off to college.


Kristine Francis:
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