Little People, Big World Recap 11/22/22: Season 24 Episode 4 “Left Behind”

Little People, Big World Recap 11/22/22: Season 24 Episode 4 "Left Behind"Little People, Big World Recap 11/22/22: Season 24 Episode 4 "Left Behind"

Tonight on TLC Little People, Big World returns with an all-new Tuesday, November 22, 2022, season 24 episode 4 called, “Left Behind,” and we have your Little People, Big World recap below. In tonight’s Little People, Big World episode as per the TLC synopsis, “Matt and Caryn meet Josiah for the first time. Zach worries Jackson might lose his confidence once he realizes he’s a little person. Matt gets news that will affect his future with Caryn.

Tonight’s episode is going to be filled with drama and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to come back for Our Little People, Big World recap tonight at 9 PM ET!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, and more, HERE!

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Tonight’s LPBW episode begins with Tori, Zach, and the kids going for a walk. They are back from their vacation at the LPA convention. They had a fun time, it was great. Seeing Jackson hang out with other LPs was fun. This is the first one that Jackson participated in. He is a really confident kid and he had a lot of fun. Amy is one of the founding members of the DAAA. Chris saw LPA for the first time. Tori says there were a couple of ladies after Zach, he is a good-looking dude.

They are starting to potty train Lilah, she is more interested in it than Jackson ever was. Tori says Lilah has water behind her eardrums and they need to get her tested to see if it affects her hearing.

Tori and Zach say that Josiah looks a lot like Jackson, but he is so chill. They talk about having a campfire, and what they want to eat. They say that Lilah is a handful and they can’t imagine her camping. They have a new tent for Jackson and Zach, Tori says her idea of camping is an RV or hotel.

Elsewhere, Caryn and Matt are out having a coffee and snack, they are also back from the conference, and he enjoys it immensely. Caryn says she didn’t realize what it was going to be like to go to all the conferences and feels honored to have been there. This was her very first LPA conference, she didn’t know what to expect, but everyone was welcoming and there were other average size people there. And, she met a lot of his sassy ex-girlfriends.

They enjoyed watching Jackson playing soccer, he melded into the whole concept and it was fun seeing him interact with other LPs. Caryn is happy that she got to finally meet Josiah, and saw Lilah who she missed a lot. Zach and Tori stayed with Molly and Joel, but they were busy taking care of the kids, so Matt and Caryn didn’t see that much of them. Caryn says it is fantastic that both of their parents landed in the same zip code. Now, they are both closed.

Amy is out with her friend Lisa to a new place that they have never tried before. A try comes towards them, it is a robot and it is their waters. Next, their food arrives on the same robot. Amy tells her the conference was interesting with Chris going, he loved it. She tried to prep him, but not too much. She was very appreciative of Chris going. Lisa asks about the farm deal, and Amy says they got into a little tiff. He thinks he has owned up to all his mistakes. She thinks in order for things to be rectified, the kids should have been a part of it. Lisa says for many years Amy held it in. Amy says over steps and outmaneuvers everything. Lisa thinks Amy was passive in the past, but now tight the farm sale, she has had enough. To see the farm not go to the kids is really sad. The boys are all hurt, Lisa has had conversations with them, and their hearts are broken, it was a financial decision for Matt, not a family decision.

Elsewhere, Zach is trying to put the tent together, while Jackson sits in a chair and enjoys a pop cycle. Jackson tells Zach if he needs help call, Tori. Zach loved camping as a kid, it is one of his favorite things to do and he wants to extend that to Jackson. He is excited for Lilah and Josiah to get older and they can all do it together.

Matt and Ty go bowling, it has been ten years since Matt has gone bowing. Matt enjoys it but it is a little tricky for him because his fingers don’t fit in the holes. But he does have fun pushing the ball down. Some people have come in to see the property that is up for sale, he tells Ty that it is sad but he is happy. When I bought the farm he knew it was temporary, he is not feeling that sad, and he has more of a sense of relief. He hopes the kids can just look back and remember the good memories and be happy about it. The new house builds, there is a log jam for permits, so it is going to take longer, it will set him back at least a year. Caryn is disappointed in what is happening and he is not going to propose until there is a place they can land in.

Time for the campfire, they are keeping it simple, hotdogs, buns, and Ketchup. Zach is getting the sticks ready. Lilah is not your roughing-it kind of girl, Zach doesn’t think she is going to be an outdoor kind of girl. Zach’s friends Mikey and Jess are coming with their son who is the same age as Jackson, he tells Jackson that they are going to the beach. Zach talks to Tori and says he thinks that Jackson is starting to realize he is different. Zach worries that Jackson has so much confidence that he hopes it doesn’t break him down. Tori is not worried, she just wants to make it positive. Tori, Lilah, and Josiah go inside, and Jackson and Zach stay at the campfire. Jackson loves camping out, and he likes the one on one time with Zach. Jackson says he loves it when it is just the boys. Zach has a lot of good memories of camping as a kid. Jackson would love it if grandpa came camping.


Dorothy Gale:
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