My 600-lb Life Finale LIVE Recap 02/09/22: Season 10 Episode 15 “David’s Journey”

Tonight on TLC their fan-favorite series My 600-lb Life airs with an all-new Wednesday, February 9, 2022, Season 10 Episode 15 finale and we have your My 600-lb Life recap below. On tonight’s My 600-lb Life season, 10 episodes 15 called “David’s Journey,” as per the TLC synopsis,“Growing up in foster care, David suffered from a lack of attention and didn’t develop a sense of self-worth. Now he weighs 800 pounds, and he’s relying on his favorite foster mom to support him as he finds the motivation to change and save his own life.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our My 600-lb Life recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s My 600-lb life episode, David Nelson was thirty years old at the start of his weight loss journey. His weight was unknown. His mobility was limited. He injured his back years ago and he was in near constant pain. He was on a lot of medications for it. He was also having breathing issues and he had to sleep with a breathing machine at night.

But David needed help with a lot. He got that help from Robin. She was his favorite foster mother and she treated him like family. David didn’t have much family. His birth mother was thirteen when he was born and she was high on cocaine most of the time. David instantly entered foster care. He bounced around for a few years when he got adopted by a physically abusive couple when he was six years old.

David was abused. He was slapped. He was beaten. He therefore acted out as a teenager and once his parents went out of town for a few weeks because one of his grandmas had died – David threw a party with the other teenagers in the house. The party lasted ten days. Their neighbor took video and photo evidence of it because he was an ex-cop and so his “parents” found out about it.

Their decision to kick everyone out was once more a low point in David’s life. He felt like no one wanted him and he didn’t take it well that he had to go back to foster care. David lashed out. He also kept eating and eventually he made it to Robin’s house.

Robin was warned when she took him in that he acts out. Only, she didn’t care. She claimed David as her son and she’s been his mother ever since. David finally got the love he always wanted but his eating habits didn’t change.

He remembers what its like to grow up poor and not have anything to eat. The food insecurity from his past has ensured that nowadays he eats until he’s full to make himself feel better. David was doing fine on his own until he hurt his back. It slowed down his mobility.

It in turn made him gain weight faster and he eventually had to go on disability. He tried moving into a care home. And he needed some place to stay while he waited so he moved back in with Robin.

Robin does everything she can to encourage him to go outside. She also tries to get him to eat healthier and at the same time she doesn’t push him when he choses not to. David isn’t a little kid anymore. He’s a grown man. Its up to him to decide how he wants to live his life and unfortunately he chose to kill himself with food. Even as he agreed to see Dr. Now, he was still ordering junk food. He didn’t just order one or two things. He would order everything in excess and he considered fried jalapenos poppers to be healthy. There was also the drive to Houston to contend with. David did most of the driving and towards the end he was in so much pain.

David also got stuck for a minute. His mom had gone inside of the hotel because she thought he would be right behind her and instead it took him a while because he got stuck behind the wheel. He was able to get out later on. It just took him so time to do so. David and his mother got to Houston after driving for five days. It could have been a two day trip and it turned into five days because David was in so much pain. After he made it to the appointment, David was weighed. It was the first time he had been weighed in years and he found out that he was seven hundred and sixty-three pounds.

David didn’t think that was too bad. Dr. Now however thought differently. The doctor quizzed David on his eating habits as well as why he was eating so much and he mentioned his difficulties in foster care. Dr. Now thought he needed therapy on top of being told what to eat. Dr. Now gave David a copy of his book. It has some exercises in there as well so that David could do so given limited mobility. All David has to do is follow the book to lose weight. But will he did so? David started out strong and that was in large part due to his mom. She read the book. She took meal plans directly from the book and she encouraged David to work out with her.

The only downside is that Robin has to work. She leaves David alone for hours at a time by himself and that’s when he used to do his secret eating. Its when he used to order pizza or whatever else that took his mood. If David is doing what he’s supposed to do, he will have lost eighty pounds in two months. It was later revealed he lost sixty-seven pounds and so David was asked about his progress. He ended up admitting that he was still doing the snacking up until five weeks before. He explained to the doctor about how his state of mind hadn’t been there in the past. He knows now what he was doing wrong and he promised to change it.

Dr. Now gave him a new target. He gave him an additional two months to fully commit to the diet and he asked him to move to Houston. David had flown down for his second appointment. It was a step up from driving down because he was in less pain by the end of it and so moving will also help him in the long run because less hassle. Its just that Robin couldn’t go with him right away. She had to stay at their old house. David later had to move down to Houston by himself and he was hoping for Robin to join him later and the delay brought up a lot of his old anxieties. David had been worried about moving down there by himself. He didn’t know how to hold himself accountable.

David wanted the surgery or so he claimed… at first. But then he went down there on his own and he gained over thirty pounds. His surgery had to be postponed because of it. Dr. Now also didn’t hide his disappointment. He took David to task for gaining weight. He told him now he has to lose the original goal along with the weight he gained and that he couldn’t gain anymore. It helped that Robin got some time off work to spend with him. It just wasn’t enough because David only lost fourteen pounds and so he once again missed the opportunity to qualify for weight loss surgery. And it convinced Dr. Now that the problem goes much deeper than mere weight loss.

David needed therapy. Dr. Now had say so at the beginning of this journey and David had ignored him. Only he couldn’t ignore him now. David finally booked a session with a therapist and he talked to him about his childhood. He mentioned what happened when his adoptive parents kicked him out. The adoptive parents had four children that were all adopted and they kicked out the three teenagers involved in the party. David spoke about it without emotion. He also mentioned how he started up a foster care support group for foster kids and that’s how he met Robin and he was quickly able to win her over. And moved in with her after knowing her for about three days.

David is a leader. He is charismatic. But he thinks his success in based on his relationship with other people and so Dr. Paradise wanted him to try being on his own. David has never been on his own for long. He had to do so now. Robin went back home and David tried to do what he could to keep losing weight and by his next appointment he had lost forty-eight pounds. He was back on track. He was also learning to be independent. And so therapy was helping him.

David just has to keep up the good work and soon he’ll qualify for surgery again.


Kristine Francis:
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