My 600-lb Life Recap 01/19/22: Season 10 Episode 12 “Dolly’s Journey”

Tonight on TLC their fan-favorite series My 600-lb Life airs with an all-new Wednesday, January 19, 2022, Season 10 Episode 12 and we have your My 600-lb Life recap below. On tonight’s My 600-lb Life season, 10 episodes 12 called “Dolly’s Journey,” as per the TLC synopsis, “Dolly has gotten too comfortable at 600 pounds. There’s physical pain all over, and the skin apron pulling on her abdomen is miserable, but with her mom and others waiting on her hand and foot, she manages to avoid ever taking responsibility for her life.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our My 600-lb Life recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s My 600-lb Life episode at the start of the journey, Dolly Martinez was twenty-five years old. Her weight was unknown. She lived with her mother. She needed help with getting into the shower as well as washing herself and that’s when she does shower. She doesn’t do it too frequently. She hates how much she has to rely on her mother and her best friend Cheyenne.

Cheyenne was also a big girl. She just wasn’t as big as Dolly. Dolly has a dependency on overeating. It’s her addiction. She uses food to cure whatever ails or hurts her. Dolly had it tough growing up. Her father was addicted to drugs and her mother Staci had to issue him an ultimatum. It was either them or the drugs. He chose drugs. He literally chose to be homeless and have no relationship with his daughter because he chose drugs.

It hurt Dolly. She was diagnosed with several conditions including bipolar disorder and ADHD. Her teachers didn’t know how to handle her. They made her feel like she was wrong instead of helping her to learn in spite of her conditions, but what made everything worse was the bullying. Dolly was bullied quite severely by the other kids. She weighed over a hundred pounds when she was seven. It also didn’t help when her mother came out as a lesbian because they would call Dolly a fat lesbian. It got so bad that her mother had to pull her out of school. Dolly later got her GED. She got a job where she didn’t have to stand up for long.

Then her dad died. Dolly fell into a depression after his death because they had been working on their relationship when he ended up dying and so she was suffering from emotional turmoil when she met a guy online. His name is Ricky. Ricky convinced her to move in with him and his mother pretty fast into the relationship. She took him up on the offer because she wanted someone to take care of her. Only Ricky was abusive. He ruined whatever was left of her self-esteem with his words and actions. Dolly was wreck after him. She really began killing herself with food. She even knows that she’s doing it. And so she wanted Dr. Now to help her.

Dolly’s weight has caused several health problems. Her lungs are being damaged now and she has to walk around with oxygen. That is when she does walk. Dolly doesn’t really like exercise and she has to take sitting breaks very often. She also doesn’t eat right. She makes or buys junk food. She eats in large quantities. Something she doesn’t need to do. She just does it because food is her drug and she’s inherited an addictive personality from her father. But Dolly does want to lose the weight or so she claimed at first. She visited Dr. Now’s office. She was weighed. She weighed at the time five hundred and ninety-three pounds. And that was more than she thought.

Dolly is fortunate in the sense that she can still walk. She can get around on her own. She just needs to work out on top of just the mobility. She and her mother later met with the doctor. Dr. Now found out that Dolly’s mother Staci had lost two hundred pounds over the last couple of years and that she hasn’t helped Dolly with losing the weight. She thought she did by cooking the meals and serving out portions that she herself would eat except it wasn’t the same as not buying the junk food that Dolly would snack on and so she was enabling her daughter. The doctor told her that she had to stop. He also told Dolly that she has to lose sixty pounds in two months.

If Dolly does that, she would meet the requirements for surgery. Dolly went home with her family and she tried to stick to he rules that Dr. Now put in his book he gave to her. She worked out. Her mom also went on a bender with throwing stuff out. She got rid of all the junk food at the house. Dolly had originally wanted to ease herself off the junk food and she was already talking about doing the diet for short-term. She said she wouldn’t be able to eat like this everyday. Nevermind that if she continued to eat the way she used to eat that she would quickly gain back the weight. Surgery or no surgery.

Dolly also struggles with portion control. Her mother would make something healthy and then Dolly would go back for seconds, thirds, fourths, and fifths. She said her cravings were too much. Her next appointment with Dr. Now didn’t go well. She had only lost about twenty pounds. The doctor asked what went wrong and they told the truth. They mentioned portion control. Dolly even asked if there’s a place she could go that would help her eat less and Dr. Now asked her why she just couldn’t do that for herself. There’s nothing stopping Dolly from overeating. She does it know more out of habit than pain and so the doctor was very honest in telling her that she could do it on her own. She was just refusing to do so.

Dolly went back home with the same goal as before to lose weight. But her mother had gotten on her case to lose the weight and so Dolly used that as another excuse to overeat. Dolly also stopped eating right. She would make vegetables and then covered it in process cheese. Dolly hated being treated like a child. It didn’t matter that she was acting childish. Dolly was so set on acting out against her mother that she moved back in with her ex-husband Ricky. The same man that she called abusive. She told Dr. Now that Ricky was perhaps her biggest enabler and so nothing good came out of living together again.

Dolly was so desperate to be loved that she thought it was her mother that was the problem. Her mother had merely stopped enabling her. Dolly later came to see the abusive side of Ricky again and she left him after a couple of weeks. She ended up moving in with a new guy named Phillip. She met Phillip at a homeless shelter. They moved together to Houston where they lived mostly out of a hotel. Phillip is almost entirely deaf. He has a hearing device that allows him to hear Dolly. Their lives together was tough because of the overall poverty of the couple and so Dolly should have lost weight. She did lose enough to no longer need oxygen.

But it wasn’t enough. She lost ten pounds in three pounds. It was less than before. Dolly also more or less abandoned her daughter who lives with her mother now and so it’s good that her mother has full custody of the little girl because Dolly truly was a hot mess. When Dr. Now found out everything that’s been happening, he told her that she has to go to therapy. He believed she wasn’t in the right frame to be make decisions. She’s living with a guy in a hotel and they were using his disability checks to keep them afloat. That along with SNAP. Dolly barely knows this man. She was with him because she doesn’t know how to be alone and that was literally something that came up in therapy.

Dr. Paradise called it when he said she had little self-worth. He even asked her if she’s ever spent time on her own and she hasn’t. She goes from her mother’s to her ex husband’s and from there she went to the hotel with Phillip. She never just spent time on her own. She never taken care of herself. She expects others to take care of her. Dolly tried to do something on her own. She tried to her own laundry and even that she needed her best friend’s help. Dolly’s next appointment with Dr. Now didn’t go well. She lost a further thirteen pounds. Her mother went with her to the appointment and she admitted that the problem is Dolly. Dolly doesn’t want to lose the weight. And her mother isn’t taking her back.

Dolly moves in and out. She doesn’t take life seriously. Staci warned her daughter that if she did that again on her daughter that she wouldn’t be allowed back and so now Dolly is out of options. She has to stay with Phillip because no one else can provide for her. Staci hasn’t disowned her daughter. She still loves her, but it s about time that Dolly grow up and until she does she won’t be getting surgery.


Kristine Francis:
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