My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? Recap 12/14/22: Season 6 Episode 12 “John & Lonnie’s Story”

My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? Recap 12/14/22: Season 6 Episode 12 "John & Lonnie's Story"

Tonight on TLC their fan-favorite series My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? airs with an all-new Wednesday, December 14, 2022, season 6 episode 12  and we have your My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? recap below. On tonight’s My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? season 6 episode 12 called “John & Lonnie’s Story,” as per the TLC synopsis, “After a year of forced isolation due to COVID-19, brothers John and Lonnie return to see Dr. Now with a staggering collective weight loss that puts them in rare company as some of his most successful patients ever.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our My 600-lb Life recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s My 600-lb Life: Where are they now: the brother’s edition. Remember Johnny and Lonnie. Johnny was miserable when he first appeared on the show. He hated how his weight affected his relationship with his son and how much he could, or in his case couldn’t be there for the little boy. He also suffered from these mood swings that translated into eating more the more he felt hurt. His brother Lonnie was similar in that sense. Lonnie also struggled with his weight. He didn’t have the family life that Johnny did only Lonnie was happier about following the rules. Johnny would get depressed if he couldn’t find the right swim shorts. Letting that situation slow down his overall process. The only reason he followed the rules at all was that Lonnie was pushing him to do so.

Lonnie pushed Johnny every step of the way. Both men continued to lose weight thanks to the strict diet as well as the exercise plan that Dr. Now gave them. They both qualified for surgery around the same time. They both dealt with saboteurs. Take their mother for instance. The woman would come over for dinner and she would call what they were eating “disgusting”. But they still made her a plate. You know to be nice in spite of her rude behavior and she would still complain about it. She also didn’t stop there. Her big push was about butter of all things. She asks for butter to eat their food when she knows that they can’t eat real butter anymore.

It’s not healthy. For them or for anyone, really. They have to eat substitutes. The least the mother could have done in support was not encourage them to buy butter which she claimed was supposedly for their guests. Yet, this is the type of thing people losing weight have to deal with on a daily basis. They have to deal with people who undermine them, but it’s up to them to seek out those who only encourage them to make healthy choices. The brothers had that in each other. Johnny also had that in his wife and son. Johnny’s family was eating the same healthy things he was eating and they weren’t complaining about it.

His son was just so happy that they could play ball sometimes or go to the park. Johnny couldn’t do it for long because he still needed his wheelchair, but it’s the thought that counts and he didn’t have this back when he was pushing almost seven hundred pounds. He lost half of his body weight by his year check mark. The same went for Lonnie. There was an issue however with just how much Johnny lost. Johnny has had to slow down some in the past year. He was pushing himself too hard and it was getting to him. Which was why Johnny suspected he had gained weight before his next weigh-in.

Not that he needed to worry. At his year and two months check mark, he still lost nineteen pounds. He just didn’t do as well as Lonnie. Lonnie lost more than his target weight. Lonnie was even hoping to qualify for skin removal surgery at the same as his brother only he remained encouraging of his brother in spite of the setback. Lonnie was Johnny’s font of never-ending support. He eventually got Johnny back on track and then the pandemic happened. Some would have taken that as an excuse to let depression or fear get in the way of their goals and these two men didn’t give that lethal condition an opening. And that was in spite of not seeing Dr. Now in person for a year.

At their next appointment, they didn’t look anything like before. They had lost so much weight and were so skinny that Dr. Now encourage one of them actually put on some weight. It was Lonnie. Lonnie was now too skinny. Lonnie was advised to put on some muscle tone. Dr. Now told him that he wanted him to get in shape before he could do anymore skin removal. He said that once he does further surgery that the extra muscle would help him through the healing process. Dr. Now also encouraged Johnny to lose more weight. Johnny has always weighed more than Lonnie. And so Johnny had to play catch up.

Which was okay for the brothers. They’d hit the gym together. This whole weight-loss journey has brought them so much closer as brothers that they didn’t want to go back to way things were before. They didn’t have that much of a relationship before. They were too depressed at the time. They didn’t feel comfortable until they hid themselves behind a mountain of food. Now, things were different. They have a better relationship and they were making healthy life choices. Lonnie spoke about still missing carbs or food he knows he can longer have. This whole process hasn’t been easy on him. He does it because he knows he can’t go back to way things used to be.

Lonnie put on back some weight like Dr. Now asked him to do. He put on the weight and he qualified for skin removal. He had his first surgery before his brother did. But losing weight on his own had been difficult for Johnny. Johnny lost eight pounds in two months. He knew he should have lost forty. He knew he should have done better than that and so the most Dr. Now was willing to give him was a removal excess skin on his arms. The arms were like wings. Johnny did like that he was getting them removed yet it wasn’t the arms that was the most troublesome. It was the excess skin around his stomach region that was the problem.

Johnny wanted the same surgery that Lonnie did. Lonnie removed the excess skin around his stomach. He also met someone while he was healing, began dating, and moved in together. His boyfriend’s name is Richard. Richard and Lonnie are very happy together. Johnny and his family were happy for Lonnie, but Johnny was also a little sad because he and Lonnie weren’t hanging out as much as before Richard entered the picture. Richard even went with them at their next appointment with Dr. Now. At this appointment, Johnny was told he hadn’t lost enough weight to qualify for any more skin removal. So he still needs to lose some.

Lonnie was asked to continue build up muscle tone. As he kept doing so, he got more surgeries. He’s had several surgeries to correct his arms, his stomach, and now his legs. It was his final surgery and yet Johnny still can’t qualify for another surgery. Johnny isn’t losing as much as he’s been told to do. And while he’s stagnating a bit, Lonnie was adjusting to his new life. Lonnie began hit the gyms to gain more muscle tone. He and Richard now work out as much as they can and that left Lonnie little time to be his brother’s cheerleader. Johnny struggled with losing weight without a partner. It took a full twenty-two months before Johnny qualified for the excess skin removal.

And he wasn’t done just yet. He did his stomach next and now that’s out of the way it was the legs next. Lonnie has done all of his surgeries. He was officially done with the program. He didn’t need to check his weight or go on anymore diets plans. Now, it’s just about maintaining everything. Lonnie was still going to work out but nowadays he also has time for picnics and for travel. Both of which he wanted to do for the longest time.

And Johnny started to rely on his wife Amber again. She can be his person as he continues in the program and she keep him on the right path.