NCIS Hawai’i Recap 04/18/22: Season 1 Episode 19 “Nurture”

Tonight on CBS NCIS Hawaiʻi returns with an all-new Monday, April 18, 2022, season 1 episode 19 called, “Nurture,” and we have your weekly NCIS Hawaiʻi recap below. In tonight’s NCIS Hawaiʻi season 1 episode 19, “Nurture,” as per the CBS synopsis,“The NCIS team investigates a shipwreck carrying exotic animals that now threaten the native wildlife on Oahu.

Also, Alex sustains a career-ending injury and Kai asks Melanie, a fish, and wildlife agent, out on a date.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10:00 PM – 11:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s NCIS Hawaiʻi Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s NCIS Hawaii episode, a Naval Environmental Officer was mauled. He was mauled by an Apex predator. However, such predators weren’t indigenous to Hawaii or in the other words the island wasn’t known for such predators. There also hadn’t been any word of an escaped lion from the zoo and so this predator was most likely brought onto the island thanks to a smuggler.

The case was assigned to Tennant’s team. They were looking for the smuggler and they even got help from the Fish and Wildlife department. They were hoping to find the big cat on the island. To tranquilize it and return it to its natural habitat. Kai was a part of the search party for the animal. He had to go out into the forest with the team in charge. He met someone was who pretty, smart, and who loved animals. And if it wasn’t so dangerous being out there, he might have made a move on her.

The rest of the team meanwhile was hunting down the smuggler’s lead. Whoever brought that predator to the island had to go to jail. It was their actions that killed one person and so they would be found at fault by any jury the ADA puts together.

But while one part of the team looks for the smuggler, the other part looks for the predator. Kai and the others had tracked the big cat to a cliff. They also found tranquilizer dots littering the area. It seems someone else was in the woods looking for the tiger. Kai and the woman with him ended up finding a guy wandering the forest with a gun. The guy seemed to be the one who ordered the tiger.

The tiger was supposed to be delivered on the island. Only something got in the way. The boat had to dock far away and none of the smugglers got into contact with the buyer. The buyer tried calling them. He even went looking for them. He found nothing. That he found nothing until he noticed the tiger paw print. He followed the tracks. He tried to tranquilize it on his own. It didn’t work as planned. NCIS then stepped in. they said they would take things over from her and they continued to look for the predator. While they were searching the area for any signs of the tiger, they came across a hut. The hut had a dead deer. Everyone thought that was odd because why would a smuggler smuggle in a dead deer.

It wasn’t until they saw signs of anthrax that the team became concerned. The deer had been a carrier. Someone killed it and stuffed it with anthrax and they were probably hoping to commit an act of terrorism on the island. This became about so much more than a mere tiger. The tiger was a sideshow. The staged deer was a terrorist attack and Tennant’s team was leading the charge. They were able to determine that the attack would happen in a high-traffic area. It couldn’t be outside because Anthrax wouldn’t spread that way. It had to be indoor. Someplace like the indoor tourism conference had people traveling all across the country to attend. And so the team staked out the place.

They later watched as several suspicious men went to the building. They managed to arrest some of them before one did a runner. He ran off inside with his detonator. Tennant pursued him. She was able to fight and subdued him, but Jesse was the one who got a hold of the anthrax detonator. He stopped it from going off. The whole team helped save the day. Afterward, Kai worked up the courage to ask out Melanie from Fish and Wildlife. She agreed to it. She seems interested in him too and so a new romance might blossom. As for the tiger, the tiger was eventually taken care of. It was no longer a danger to the island and that’s the important part.

Tennant was having some family issues during all of this. She had been supporting her son from the sidelines when she saw him get into an accident on the baseball field and so Kai had to be rushed into surgery. He’s going to need brutal physical therapy. But it’s going to be worth it if the doctor can preserve his baseball career.


Kristine Francis:
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