NCIS: Los Angeles Recap 04/10/22: Season 13 Episode 15 “Perception”

Tonight on CBS NCIS: Los Angeles returns with an all-new Sunday, April 10, 2022, season 13 episode 15 called, “Perception” and we have your weekly NCIS: Los Angeles recap below. On tonight’s NCIS Los Angeles season 13 episode 15, as per the CBS synopsis, “Rountree and his younger sister are pulled over by police and treated harshly in a clear case of racial profiling.

Also, NCIS investigates the death of a Navy photographer who was assigned to document the building of a new weapons station.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our NCIS Los Angeles recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS: Los Angeles recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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NCIS Special Agent Roundtree was driving his sister back to school when they got pulled over. They got pulled over by two white cops. The cops barely waited a minute before they went there. They dragged Roundtree out of his car in spite of him complying with everything and they even maced him. But here’s the thing, Roundtree did identify himself as a federal agent at the start. One of the white cops hadn’t wanted to believe him. Hence the aggression. The uncalled-for aggression is simply because Roundtree was carrying out around his badge as he drops off his sister. He didn’t think he needed to.

Yet, these cops didn’t just stop at the aggression towards Roundtree. They also turned on his sister for getting out of the car. That was it. That’s all she did and she got arrested too. The two of them were just fortunate that got pulled over in an area with pedestrians because who knows what else would have happened to them. The cops were later able to prove Roundtree was in fact a federal agent. They released him and his sister. They asked why they were stopped and the cops said that there was an armed burglary in the area. The truth was Roundtree was black somewhere near a crime.

Things weren’t illegal until white cops began believing all black men look alike. Also, that black man couldn’t drive nice cars. Roundtree was supposed to interview someone connected to the latest case only he never showed up because of what happened with the cops and so his team began worrying about him. They even tried to locate him. Fatima was looking for him while at the same time assisting the rest of the team in hunting the murderer of Naval Communications Officer Andrea Bishop. Andrea was murdered in her apartment. She worked as a photographer and journalist in her off times.

Andrea’s laptop and camera were missing. They were most likely stolen by her killer who wanted something she photographed and so the team went asking around the people Andrea worked with. It turns out Andrea was photographing a weapons artillery of the Navy. Someone could have killed her to get their hands on what the weapons were. Only, the team learned that there was a missing cache of weapons. The resident NCIS Agent opened a file on it and the team later found out that Andrea left behind a USB drive that could be connected to the missing items. Andrea had apparently caught a mysterious van leaving the base at the same time that the weapons went missing.

The team figured she might have caught the culprit. The guy knew she caught him and he returned to finish her off. But the team was still putting the pieces together when Roundtree showed up. He hadn’t even needed to tell them what happened because by then they had already seen the video. Some pedestrian had caught the whole thing on tape. It angered the team watching that video and Sam asked when will be enough. Roundtree on the other hand got the answer to that question. He spoke to a detective from Internal Affairs and he demanded real change after what happened to him. And the detective basically told him that was too big of an ask.

So, the answer is never. The LAPD claims to be making strides and somehow that never resulted in any real punishment. Roundtree also refused to sit down with the men that attacked him. He didn’t think a talk was going to be enough. Roundtree went to help Fatima after that and he chose to focus on the case. The team tracked down the man driving the getaway car during the naval theft. He told them where he took his partner, but he didn’t know the guy’s name and he only suspected the man he was helping was somehow employed at the base because they let him through at security. The team went to the drop-off place.

They found out what was stolen. The guy that stole a war dog. There were electric dogs that were much more dangerous than real dogs because of their other capabilities. But the warehouse and the legitimate business that runs within was being carried out by someone Andrea worked with at the base. It was the second-in-command. She probably went to him with photos of the van she saw leaving the day of the theft and he used that information to instead kill her and attempt to steal the footage. Although once he was captured, he tried to claim he was only trying to steal from her when she walked in.

But the truth is that he intentionally went to her apartment with a gun.

On the Roundtree thing though, there was apparently no description of the burglary suspect. The cops just picked on Roundtree because was black and so Roundtree found out the truth from Sam who got it from his contact. Sam knew it didn’t make it better. He tried suggesting going through the proper channels as IA and Roundtree shot it down. Roundtree thought he would make more of a difference from a podium than from being in the field.


Kristine Francis:
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