NCIS Recap 01/24/22: Season 19 Episode 12 “Fight Or Flight”

Tonight on CBS NCIS returns with an all-new Monday, January 24, 2022, season 19 episode 12 called, “Fight Or Flight” and we have your weekly NCIS recap below. On tonight’s NCIS season 19 episode 12, “Fight Or Flight,” as per the CBS synopsis, “When the body of a Navy lieutenant is discovered missing an eye, the NCIS investigation leads to the world of cage fighting.” 

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s NCIS Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s NCIS episode, Lt Junior Grade Kane Lantz was found at a waste management site. Some sanitation workers were dropping off their load when a body turned out to be hidden in there and it shocked the hell out them. But Lantz’s body was at least. Not many garbage dumped bodies usually are and Parker and his team were alerted to the case. They went there to investigate. Torres took longer than everyone else to travel to the site because he had a late night and he needed a coffee break. The others were commentating on it when some DIA Special Agents arrived. They took over the case and NCIS found themselves forced off the case.

Or that’s what happened at first. DIA wanted the whole case because Lantz works in Naval Intelligence by locating problems in their security and correcting it. But Lantz tripped up by bringing a classified laptop home with him. The laptop is currently missing. DIA believed it could have been taken by someone using his eye to unlock the laptop and so Parker managed to get them the murder. He and his team wouldn’t investigate where the laptop went. They would just look for the murderer and if they happen to find the laptop then they can take the win. And so they got the team got to keep their case.

It wasn’t long before they found something fishy in Lantz’s bank statements. Lantz was taking out more money than he was putting it and it was all because of Alex Russo. Russo was Lantz’s foster brother when they were kids. Lantz’s parents died when he was seven. He was bounced around several foster homes before aging out and by then he was going to college on a ROTC scholarship. Lantz had a rough as a kid. Its why he stayed close to his brother and its why he constantly tried to bail him out of trouble. He kept giving him money. He never said no. Russo began feeling guilty and he got a loan for someone else.

Russo naturally defaulted on the loan because he was a trouble with a capital “t”. Some guys with an Eastern European accent then demanded that he get his brother’s laptop or they were going to kill him. Russo agreed to it. He got them the laptop. His brother found out about it and, rather than report Russo, he tried to fix it. He tried to get the laptop back. Lantz appeared to be tortured. His eyeball was still missing and that could be because his laptop needed his eye to unlock and so the team went looking for their killer. Kasie was able to trace some untreated feathers found on the victim to a warehouse.

The warehouse was checked out. It was out of the way. It also had a cage inside that looks like it was being used for an underground fight club and so Lantz might not have been tortured. He could have just been hurt by taking part in one of the fights. But the DNA found all over the victim came back didn’t have a match with anyone in the system. Kasie had to use the touch DNA to create what the suspect possibly looked like and they had Russo confirmed it with the man that threatened him for the laptop. Knight was later able to use the photo of what he could look like to find a man in his car and he was identified as Maxim Dhoval.

The name was fake. Only the team was still able to trace him. They arrested him at his work and he told them to make it look good because he couldn’t afford for it to get out that he willing talking to cops. After his arrest, Maxim confessed that he and his wife heard about a great opportunity to come to America without going through the whole process. They took the offer. They made it to the United States and then they were forcibly separated. Maxim was made to fight in the ring. He was also told if he refuses that they would kill his wife. This illegal fight club was in fact a front for human trafficking.

Maxim said that Lantz was told that he could get back his laptop if he fought for it. Maxim was told to kill him in the ring and that’s what happened. The bad guys never planned on letting Lantz go. They needed his eye to access his laptop. So, they planned on killing him the whole time. Maxim didn’t care about what happened to him. He just wants them to find and rescue his wife. Maxim gave them information on the fight club. The team then used that to arrange for Torres and Special Agent Sawyer to fight. They wanted them to fight each other. They instead got Torres paired up with some rando. And the rando was a beast in the ring.

He almost killed Torres. Torres has been off this whole time. Its like he checked out and everybody has noticed it. Torres even said to McGee that it doesn’t matter if he dies in the ring. There was no one left to care. McGee said he cares and later Torres was able to defeat his opponent. After he did so, they were able to bring down the big boss of the human trafficking and they reunited Maxim with his wife. He doesn’t have to worry about any jail sentence. He was clearly coerced and the team was able to prove it.

They recovered the laptop. It wasn’t used to get to spy on Americans and later Palmer talked to Torres. He got to heart of why Torres has been acting out. Torres was feeling abandoned. His love interest left. His father left. He felt like he had no one and Palmer was there to remind him that he still has the team.


Kristine Francis:
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