NCIS Recap 03/21/22: Season 19 Episode 16 “The Wake”

NCIS Recap 03/21/22: Season 19 Episode 16 "The Wake"

Tonight on CBS NCIS returns with an all-new Monday, March 21, 2022, season 19 episode 16 called, “The Wake” and we have your weekly NCIS recap below. On tonight’s NCIS season 19 episode 16, “The Wake” as per the CBS synopsis, “A gruesome mishap at a Navy petty officer’s gender-reveal party leads NCIS to the case of a missing teacher that was popularized on a true crime podcast.” 

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s NCIS episode, it rained a body in Norfolk county. There was a couple having a gender reveal party and they were all outside because they hired a skywriter to reveal their baby sex. But the pilot’s air pump wasn’t working. They didn’t find out what they were having after spending all that money. They also had pieces of a dead body fall on them while outside.

The pieces weren’t enough to perform an autopsy only it was enough to get a DNA match. It was a match for Emma Radner. Radner disappeared five months ago and her husband is suspected to be involved. Radner was known for getting into fights with her husband. He liked a photo of an ex-girlfriend on Facebook and it set off a fight. Radner’s husband went to Florida for the weekend.

The husband never called or texted his wife while he was away. By the time he came back, he noticed his wife wasn’t home and he reported her missing. The cops looked. They couldn’t track her cell phone. She didn’t touch her credit cards or her car keys.

The police suspected the husband Paul. They carried out an investigation and they could never prove anything because they couldn’t find the body. No body, no case. Not that it stopped a popular podcast from being made and in the podcast the guilty party as Sam. And so once the team was able to determine that the body pieces they found were Emma – they went looking for the husband.

Sam was a popular insurance salesman before this. He was even on tv. He was fired after the podcast came out. The team went to his home and they knocked, but no one answered and so then they went across the street. Radner’s sister lived across the street.

The sister was out of town on vacation when Radner went missing. She still had a key to the house and so she gave it to Knight. Knight and Kasie had listened to the podcast. They had been sure that Sam was the killer. The body pieces only seemed to confirm it. Knight went to Sam’s home and she found him with a gun. He was going to kill himself when Knight talked him out of it.

Knight was peacefully trying to talk him into coming in as the rest of the team continued the investigation. Kasie was able to determine that what fell out of the sky was vulture’s secretions. Vultures empty their stomachs when they’re scared. They did so because of the skywriter.

Vultures are also usually tagged and so the team was able to trace the creatures back to the body because Vultures also hunt close to home. They probably just started feeding on Radner thanks to the warm weather. She went missing in winter. The winter cold would have frozen the body and made it inedible.

But the team were able to get to the body. It was mostly intact. They brought it to Palmer to get an autopsy and they also looked at the scene where she was dumped. It was off an ATV trail. The same trail that Sam was known to prefer. The team suspected Sam killed his wife.

The evidence was pointing towards him doing. His wife was killed by a fall and where she was found wasn’t where she was killed. She was most likely killed at home. Meanwhile back with Knight, Knight got to hear all the good things about the marriage. Like Radner making breakfast in bed for her husband in spite of the fact she hated to cook.

Sam did things for her as well. He did ballroom dancing to make her happy. He got her flowers all the time. Peonies! Those were her favorites and Radner would always take one to put it behind her ear. She loved wearing fresh peonies.

The last time that Sam gave her flowers was when he had them ordered while he was in Florida on that weekend she went missing. Sam soon ran out of things to mention about his wife. He moved to shoot himself and Knight was forced to knock the gun out of his hand. It was amazing that he survived with just a scratch on the head. Sam was taken to headquarters afterwards for an interrogation but he was later released when they determined he was innocent.

Sam didn’t kill his wife. The podcasts were wrong. Sam’s wife was still alive while he was in Florida and evidence on her body proves it. But what no one saw coming was that Radner had an overly friendly relationship with family friend Walt Freeman. Freeman’s wife Nance didn’t like that and so she confronted Radner. She demanded that the relationship even though there was none. And Nance later claimed she killed her accidentally.

The part that wasn’t accidental was when she hid the body on Sam’s favorite trail. Or when she participated in the podcast to blame Sam for his wife’s murder. Nance and her lawyer were going to have a hard time walking all those things back.