NCIS Recap 05/16/22: Season 19 Episode 20 “All or Nothing”

Tonight on CBS NCIS returns with an all-new Monday, May 16, 2022, season 19 episode 20 called, “All or Nothing” and we have your weekly NCIS recap below. In tonight’s NCIS season 19 episode 20, “All or Nothing” as per the CBS synopsis, “NCIS investigates the unexpected death of a Navy reservist who was an investigative journalist.

Also, Knight and Jimmy’s budding romance is put on hold when a vital organ transfer goes fatally wrong.” 

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s NCIS Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Someone was killed while going through a car wash. The victim’s name was Navy Reservist John Murphy. Murphy had been in uniform and driving around a van filled with slot machines. NCIS was called in to investigate. The first thing they learned about the case was that Murphy was neither shot nor stabbed. He was covered in blood because he vomited blood. He had been poisoned. The team looked into Murphy and they found out that he was heavily in debt. His wife died. He was a widow. He also got fired from his stateside job as a journalist. His job as a reservist was the only thing on record bringing in cash and so the team thought Murphy could have been killed for something to do with the slot machines.

It was weird that Murphy had a bunch of them in the back of his van. He didn’t work for a casino. He didn’t know anyone who worked for a casino and so the team looked into the slot machines. Those machines were reported as being stolen. It turns out Murphy stole the machines from the Navy. The Navy allows casinos on their base as a part of recreation for the soldiers. The team was trying to figure out why Murphy would steal the machines when Kasie came up with the answer. Kasie looked into the machines that were in Murphy’s possession and it seems he altered them. Murphy altered them so that a portion of the money put into them would get siphoned.

Murphy wanted a small part of the money to go into a secret bank account that was offshore. He was only asking for a penny out of each dollar put in the machine. But people put millions into those machines every day. Murphy would have become rich if he had been able to put the machines back as he planned and so his death wasn’t a factor in the greater plan. A plan that must involve one other person. Murphy wasn’t smart enough to hack the slot machines by himself. He had to have had a partner. Someone who could hack the machines. And so the team was looking into it while also being short-staffed.

Knight volunteered to go with Palmer. Palmer volunteered to drive new organs from one hospital to another. This was a two-person job and so Knight volunteered. She owed it to him after she misconstrued him asking out for coffee as being a group thing. When it wasn’t. Palmer asked her out for coffee as just the two of them. He later said he just wanted time to catch up only who knows if he was telling the truth. Then this thing with the transplanted organ came up. Knight agreed to do it because she thought they could talk in the car and unfortunately for the both of them they never got a chance to talk one on one.

First, they had a very annoying third person. Someone from the hospital had to go with them and unfortunately it was a very loud and very annoying person who just wouldn’t stop talking. This guy would have talked the whole way to the transplant recipient if they hadn’t been driven off the road. Someone put spikes in the road. It forced the car off into a crash. They barely had enough time to check on each after the crash when someone started shooting at them and so Dr. Scott was killed when he tried to leave the car. Knight and Palmer on the other hand were smarter about their movements.

They shot back at the shooter. Which gave them coverage to get inside a tunnel. It was from the safe place that they noticed armed men coming to check out the car. Knight and Palmer didn’t know who was after them. They just knew staying in one place wasn’t safe. So, they went into the forest. They started walking. They stopped for a lunch break when one of the men after them found their tracks and so Knight knocked the guy. She stole his gun as well and sadly it happened after Palmer was shot in his leg. Knight had to practically carry Jimmy to a nearby cabin. Once they made it, Knight had to go digging through his leg to get out the bullet.

Palmer used that time to talk. He was asking what happened and that she was avoiding him. The two of them were good friends. They might have even become something more after she took him to a cousin’s wedding and they ended up having a great time. Then it all stopped. Knight started to avoid him after the wedding. She tried to turn a one-on-one coffee date into a group thing and so Palmer had to ask what happened. He cares for her. Possibly more than a friend. He admitted as much in the cabin and Knight’s only answer was that he was a great friend. She didn’t want to lose that by pursuing anything else.

Knight had stolen one of the bad guy’s walkie-talkies. She overheard them when they said there was a cabin in the nearby region and so Knight left Palmer at the cabin while she drew out the people with a gun. This was happening as the rest of the team started looking for them. It turns out the team’s suspect was Ana Brooks. They figured out she tampered with the slot machines, but it wasn’t because of Murphy. Murphy was in fact just reporting the story. probably in the hopes of getting hired as a journalist again. Murphy was reporting the story because Brooks was a whistleblower. She was turning state’s evidence against a company called Vega Gaming.

Only Brooks was sick. She needed a liver transplant. The man she was testifying against her had tried to stop her from getting a new liver and he couldn’t kill Brooks directly because she was in protective custody. The only thing they could do was go after the liver itself. Destroy it and it kills Brooks. And so the team went looking for Knight and Palmer after they failed to show up at the hospital.

They found them after the two saved themselves. Palmer refused to let Knight die to save himself. He went back for her. He helped save her. They killed off the bad guys. They also saved the liver and so the liver was sent to Brooks. And she’ll live long enough to make it to trial.

But after everything, Knight went out on that coffee date with Palmer.


Kristine Francis:
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