New Amsterdam Fall Finale Recap 11/22/22: Season 5 Episode 10 “Don’t Do This for Me”

Tonight on NBC New Amsterdam airs with an all-new Tuesday, November 22, 2022, season 5 episode 10 called, “Don’t Do This for Me,” and we have your New Amsterdam recap below. In tonight’s New Amsterdam season 5 episode 10 as per the NBC synopsis, “Reynolds finds himself caught between a chance for love and an opportunity to spend precious time with his father. Realizing the consequences of her actions, Bloom makes an unexpected move forward with her sister.

Max helps an ICU intern struggling with the loss of a patient. Dr. Wilder receives an offer that forces her to choose between her community and her career.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our New Amsterdam recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our New Amsterdam news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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Tonight’s New Amsterdam episode begins with Floyd and his dad who wants to go on a fishing expedition and wants Floyd to go with him, after work.

Iggy is in bed, he is back home and the kids are thrilled. Max is in the hospital, he is practicing his signing and doing very well. Elizabeth walks in, he introduces her to his ASL teacher. Elizabeth tells him not to do this for her, it won’t work.

Max decides to take over for Dr. Slavin who broke her ankle. There is a man outside the hospital who is shouting at people not to go into the hospital. Iggy goes outside to talk to him, he looks homeless but tells Iggy that he lives in a penthouse.

Elizabeth has a visitor, a friend who has stage four cancer but doesn’t want treatment because she is working on starting the first medical school for the deaf. The school will be owned and operated by the deaf. She just needs one thing, Elizabeth. She wants her to run it and tells her it is time to leave New Amsterdam and give back.

In the ER, Vanessa comes in unresponsive, and Lauren and Floyd try to bring her back. Elsewhere, Max is working with some doctors when a patient starts to have breathing issues, they go in to help him and Mika has a hard Tim after saving him.

Elizabeth is still with her friend, who says when she dies there will be an ad in the times, when Elizabeth dies they will build a statue.

Iggy is in the penthouse, he finds out that the man, Harlan, is a coder for bitcoin. Iggy asks why he started hanging out outside the hospital. The man says they experiment on children, they zap their brains, tie them up with rubber, and hurt them. He is saving those kids. When he was a kid he was a patient at New Amsterdam.

Vanessa is alive, and Lauren tells her she is going through withdrawal from heroin. Lauren tells her that she tried to kill herself to which Vanessa says that even though she is nice to her now, their mother died hating her. They both start screaming and Vanessa falls to the floor and has a seizure. Floyd enters the room and rushes Vanessa to surgery.

Max goes to speak to Mika, to see what happened to her earlier, she looked like she was having a panic attack. She mistakingly calls the patient Elliott, his name is Duane. Max asks about Elliott, he died. Max says he has been watching her on the floor she is a really good doctor. She says she is an excellent doctor, she worked on Elliot flawlessly, she went home that night and he died, she could have saved him. He was her patient and she left him to die.

Harlan tells Iggy that he was experimented on when he was a child with electroshock, the guy says it is like being in a cage, a cage you can’t see. Iggy says they don’t do that anymore. Iggy promises that if he goes to his office, he will get better. Harlan starts to freak out, tells him no, and says get out.

Elizabeth says no to her friend.

Vanessa is stable, and Lauren is sitting with her when Floyd walks in. Lauren tells him that Vanessa overdosed right across the street from the hospital, she choose the place so she would see her like this, that is how much she hates her. Lauren starts crying why didn’t she try to help her, Floyd tells her that an addict has to help themselves.

Iggy is leaving the penthouse, Harlan is throwing out some trash, all empty protein shake bottles and Iggy looks curious.

Max tells Mika that she can’t see patients until they talk. She says she could have stayed, but she choose to leave. The last night she had a full night’s sleep in her own bed was the night Elliott died. He tells her she has to go home and she reminds him that he can’t order her to do that.

Elizabeth tells Max that she wants to take the job. He asks her if they can talk alone. She admits that all she wants to be is a surgeon, she is not a teacher.

Iggy has determined that Harlan was only drinking protein shakes, he was missing vitamins, Iggy helped him.

Floyd finds Lauren, Vanesa is awake and is asking for her. Floyd tells her that she doesn’t have to do this. And she doesn’t.

Floyd gets home and his father is moving out, he tells him the first time he left he was selfish, this time he is doing it for him.

Iggy arrives home with a bottle of wine, Martin looks troubled, and Iggy tells him that he is in love with him, Martin says he loves him so much but they aren’t the same people anymore. Martin tells him that it is time to finalize the divorce.

Elizabeth’s friend returns to the hospital, she tells her that she has changed her mind and wants to stay. Her friend tells her that she is going to go to chemo. And, she tells Elizabeth that whoever has been seeing and hearing her, she should tell them to do it more. Elizabeth runs to Max’s office, but he is not there. She finds him leaving and she tells him that she is staying, and she tells him to take her home. They look over at the TV and Helen is on in an interview, she is in New York.


Dorothy Gale:
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