New Amsterdam Recap 01/11/22: Season 4 Episode 12 “The Crossover”

Tonight on NBC New Amsterdam airs with an all-new Tuesday, January 11, 2022, season 4 episode 12 called, “The Crossover,” and we have your New Amsterdam recap below. On tonight’s New Amsterdam season 4 episode 12 as per the NBC synopsis, “Helen takes the reins at NHS Hampstead Hospital; Max gets creative to help a patient; Reynolds makes a decision about Malvo; Iggy and Bloom help their patients understand the underlying cause of their stress; Wilder employs unconventional techniques.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our New Amsterdam recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our New Amsterdam news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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New Amsterdam begins tonight with Dr. Max Goodwin (Ryan Eggold) having interviewed over the computer. He said he moved to London because of love and is now looking for gainful employment. He races over the house in his underwear and a suit jacket and tie. He is getting so frustrated he begins to plead for a job anywhere in the medical field; everyone says “No” to him.

Dr. Floyd Reynolds (Jocko Sims) meets Dr. Claude Baptiste (Andre Blake) at the door, concerned that Dr. Lyn Malvo (Frances Turner) is still spotting; both men joking that they are in the doghouse when it comes to Lyn being stuck on bed rest. Claude explains the layout of the house to Floyd after he admits he has never been there.

In the ED, Dr. Lauren Bloom (Janet Montgomery) speaks with the residents, informing them that Leyla (Shiva Kalaiselvan) has dropped out of the program but failed to complete paperwork and asks if one of them knows where she is. Lauren pleads with them, saying she only needs to find her to finish the paperwork. Her chat is interrupted when the EMTs arrive with a patient, Lauren sending him off immediately for the usual tests.

Dr. Wilder (Sandra Mae Frank) speaks with her partner, Dr. Ben Meyer (Conner Marx) but he feels what she is asking is highly inappropriate and jokes that maybe he will do it after their meeting. They are walking past the morgue when they bump into Dr. Mia Castries (Genevieve Angelson) who informs them that as per Dr. Veronica Fuentes’s (Michelle Forbes) request, the two will be working together in the oncology department.

Meanwhile, Dr. Iggy Frome (Tyler Labine) has a session with one of his patients. She is complaining that it is so quiet and this is only a mandated appointment. She explains that she is fatigued and doesn’t want to share her life with her wife which makes her mad. She feels it is a typical marriage. Iggy pushes for when she started all this “feeling tired” but before she can answer her time is up and she gets ready for work; Iggy is to observe her for the entire day and we see that she is an NYPD officer.

Lauren meets with her patient, letting him know he is in New Amsterdam. She wants to know how he is feeling but he is more concerned with the score of the Knicks’ game as he was there. He realizes his jersey is with his personal effects in the bag. Lauren shows him that the Knicks lost, he complains that they suck and what a waste. He begins to complain that he cannot get any air, but his oxygen levels are fine, suddenly the alarms sound, and Lauren yells for a crash cart.

Back in London, Max leaves Dr. Helen Sharpe (Freema Agyeman) a message, saying his interviews went well but he is now at the clinic and if he doesn’t see her, he will see her when she gets home. He watches and listens to the new receptionist speak to one of the patients, giving him a pamphlet as he is leaving. Max stops him and offers his help.

Helen is in her office, speaking with another doctor, impressed with his credentials. Once he leaves, she shares with one of the nurses that she thinks she may have found her number two; but her enthusiasm is met with another opportunity as she is reminded that in London they don’t usually see a female medical director and she could really change the face of the NHS. She is encouraged to hire another woman. Outside the clinic, Max informs the patient that he has osteoarthritis and if he gives him a shot and drains his knee, he could be well again. Max tells him he is going to grab some medical supplies, the patient not believing that Max was once the medical director of New York’s oldest hospital.

Max walks into the clinic, giving a coffee Priscilla. She tries to take the coffee he has brought for Helen, but he takes it to her himself. While in the clinic, he grabs various supplies he would need and sneaks back out of the clinic.

Lauren’s patient wakes up again, learning that he had a heart attack. He brags about how his dad still runs marathons and his grandfather is kicking it at 83. Lauren tells him he has an aneurism that could blow at any minute and the cardiologist will come for a consult, but she thinks he is going to need surgery. She shows him his scans, revealing he has the heart of an 80-year-old and this is stress-induced, saying that the Knicks are literally killing him. He scoffs at her.

Dr. Wilder meets with one of her cancer patients, Willow, who has lost several pounds since their last visit. Willow doesn’t want to talk about food or anything as it makes her nauseous. She knows that being in remission and having a recurrence makes them anxious. Wilder is concerned about the side effects of the medication she needs as Willow informs her that she is stopping all treatment and is giving up.

Iggy observes from the car as his patient gets rather angry with a homeless woman on the street and forcibly moves her on. Iggy tells Iya he thinks he knows why she is tired all the time, explaining that he believes she has PTSD.

Helen meets with more candidates, particularly liking Dr. Stewart. She tells one of the staff that she thinks she found her number two but she is told that maybe she should find someone who looks more like their patients. Helen reminds her that she comes from Hampstead herself. She knows that Helen will make the right decision as she always does.

Max is inside the gentleman’s cab, draining the knee of the excess fluid. He explains how he knew he always wanted to be a cab driver and could not imagine never being able to drive again. Max explains that the burning pain is not from the osteoarthritis and excuses himself to take more supplies from the clinic, again telling the receptionist that he is there to bring Helen sweets.

Lauren meets with Nico, her patient, saying she has found a slot for his heart surgery; something he says he will have to wait for since the game is on. He feels his guys need him as she explains he is going to die and questions how the Knicks losing again is more important than his life. Nico says he doesn’t have a lot, but he has two die-hard fans like him, and they are his everything. Lauren thinks she has a solution, one she hates.

Floyd is looking through photo albums at Claude and Lyn’s home when Lyn walks into the hallway. He explains that Claude had some appointments he couldn’t avoid and asked Floyd to come over. Lyn likes that they are tag-teaming and he offers to make her some soup. Lyn sees the pictures, as they both acknowledge that Lyn and Claude were young and happy in them; the awkward silence is interrupted by a page from the hospital. Lyn insists she will be fine by herself and he leaves, believing her.

Dr. Wilder finds Willow, saying she could apply for compassionate use for experimental surgery. Willow is not excited about it at all as Wilder gives her some information to review. Willow doesn’t take them, saying her answer is still no. She doesn’t want to talk to Dr. Wilder, she wants to talk to Dr. Sharpe. She doesn’t know Wilder and doesn’t trust her, asking to be excused.

Iggy speaks to Iya, saying she is not remembering the trauma, she is re-experiencing it. Today on the streets with the homeless woman, she was responding to something that was not there. She raised her voice at a woman who was screaming at the voices in her head, not her. Iggy says she got aggressive with someone who wasn’t displaying any violence. She snaps at Iggy saying she is doing what she is trained to do and what he saw was not intense, this is a normal day. Iggy confronts her about sweating and the towel, saying she is not drinking to relax, she is drinking to oppress. He says in her line of work people can get killed with her mentality. She gets a call for a crime in progress and tells Iggy to get in if he wants to see her work.

Helen meets with more candidates, she is very impressed with her credentials, saying she is at a complete loss as there are so many people who are perfect for the position. She apologizes for venting to her as security walks in the door, revealing he caught Max stealing medical supplies. Max simply smiles and waves, saying “Hi Babe!”

Floyd is scrubbing in for Nico’s surgery when Lauren walks in. He vents that he was just at his girlfriend’s house at the request of her husband. He complains that there is nothing in the house that is him, she tells him to stop playing so passively. She puts on Nico’s jersey, which stinks, but tells Floyd if he tells anyone about this, she will kill him with her bare hands.

Willow is being pushed in a wheelchair, upset that Dr. Wilder kidnapped her. They have brought her to meet with Mia. Dr. Wilder tells Willow that she doesn’t trust Dr. Castries because she doesn’t know her; asking Willow if she finds that familiar? She is willing to put all that aside if Mia can help Willow; Willow nods that they can try. Mia warms her hands and informs Willow of everything she is doing. Mia wants her to try saying that she accepts the healing touch, repeatedly. Willow is able to say it easier each time but begins to cry. Willow is able to explain that she feels extremely self-conscious and she feels hunger; smiling at Mia and Dr. Wilder.

Iya arrives at the next scene, Iggy observing as she attempts to deal with a mentally ill civilian. Iya senses he is reaching for a knife on the restaurant table and pulls out her gun. Iggy jumps out of the cruiser and is able to speak to the distraught man named Iman. Iya keeps her gun trained on him as Iggy explains to Iman that no one likes raised voices, to which he agrees. He says he comes there because of the heat lamps. Iggy asks the owner for a hot cup of coffee, saying he will pay for it. Iman says thins are confusing as Iggy suggests there is a church up the street that has heat and better coffee than here. He promises Iman that things will get better, watching carefully as Iya has her gun still trained on them. She lowers her weapon, pondering over the words Iggy used.

Iya and Iggy sit outside the back of the church, where Iman has settled. He knows that Iman is not okay but at least he is not in danger anymore. She is relieved and begins talking about a terrible call she got last year. A kid had been beaten, she knows they are supposed to compartmentalize and the next call was a usual one, someone is causing a scene on the street and Iya put her in a hold like she was taught; but it cracked this woman’s shoulder and she started screaming. Iya says the worst part was she didn’t feel sorry for this woman, even though she fractured the woman’s shoulder in three places and all she felt was angry.

Iggy says people with PTSD often freeze out the people they love, explaining she is doing this to her wife because she doesn’t want her to see Iya as a bad person. Iggy reminds her that officers are not equipped to deal with the mentally ill, that is a social worker’s job. He explains that he teaches doctors and nurses all the time how to deescalate a situation and he’d be more than happy to teach her. She frets that everything has to be sanctioned through the NYPD. Iggy says then they will have to make it official as he will teach the entire NYPD. She says that is “crazy” and he suggests they use the term “bananas” instead.

Back in London, Max was able to help his patient, who is grateful that Max helped him. Max learns his name is Sid, as he leaves he tells Max to be good. Helen walks around the corner, telling Max this is not New Amsterdam but at least it is outdoors. Max admits that no one will hire him and he wanted to feel useful. He confesses that he lied about the interviews going well. She is certain he will find something, admitting that her day was the same. She is confused that no matter who she hires she is letting down someone. Max jokes that it is too bad she can’t hire another her. She kisses him, smiling saying that is brilliant, and runs off.

Nico wakes up to Dr. Bloom explaining there were complications with his procedure but he only wants to know about the game. She tells him Knicks got slaughtered, total blowout. She questions why when she tells him he almost died, he asks about his jersey. She confronts him, saying he is an addict and his engagement with the Knicks is not healthy and his body is screaming at him. Nico begins to explain things and says he will no longer obsess over the Knicks, but then starts saying he will root for the Mets; Lauren hopes he is joking.

Mia walks with Dr Wilder and Ben, all talking about how amazing things went with Willow. Mia says she can help her nausea and pain as well in future sessions. Wilder says this would be wonderful but anything happening from there on out cannot be told to Veronica. Mia sarcastically asks if she is asking her to deal with something mysterious. Wilder welcomes her to the resistance! They all walk into the room called “Morgue Pathology”, Mia is intrigued.

Lyn opens the door, greeted by flowers and food as she wonders who sent all of this. Floyd calls Claude, telling him when he gets home, just take the thanks from Lyn; reminding him that he has a beautiful home and life, only telling Claude to say, “You’re welcome.”

Lauren is in her office when one of the residents comes to see her, promising that she is safe from retribution. Lauren is given Leyla’s information at an insurance company, but before Lauren could thank her, the student is gone.

Helen meets with Raul, Charmaine, and another candidate, Lorainne, saying she needs to represent the community with whomever she hires and informs them that she is hiring all three of them. All smiling and celebrating, Helen suggests they all get to work.

Max walks down the street, where he runs into Sid. Sid explains that he told a few mates about him. There is a huge lineup of cabs, no one caring where he works or doesn’t work; they don’t care that he is working out of the alley, they just need help, something Max says he can do. He is introduced to several of the men, shaking hands with Max smiling.


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