New Amsterdam Recap 01/25/22: Season 4 Episode 14 “…Unto The Breach”

Tonight on NBC New Amsterdam airs with an all-new Tuesday, January 25, 2022, season 4 episode 14 called, “…Unto The Breach,” and we have your New Amsterdam recap below. On tonight’s New Amsterdam season 4 episode 13 as per the NBC synopsis, “As the team gathers to mourn the loss of someone dear, Max and Helen realize the extent to which New Amsterdam has changed since they left.

Bloom struggles with a big decision while Reynolds decides to take his concerns for his patients to a new level. Dr. Fuentes once again reminds the New Amsterdam team who is in control.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our New Amsterdam recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our New Amsterdam news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s New Amsterdam episode, the doctors came together to mourn the passing of Dr. Vijay Kapoor. He was a friend. He was a mentor. He was even the worst softball player in the league and so his friends held a memorial at the hospital. It was their way of saying goodbye to him. It was heartfelt. It was filled with stories about him and everyone managed to laugh at least once. However, Kapoor’s son came to the hospital not long after the memorial. Rohan had overdosed on something and Bloom was treating him. She was so shocked seeing Rohan like that she tried hiding. Bloom had told her ex-girlfriend that she was leaving the hospital. And she wanted to stand by it.

Her ex doesn’t want her leaving. She thought that Bloom was too valuable to the hospital to go and funnily enough Max agreed with her. Max brought a new patient to the hospital. It was the hospital’s chaplain and so he brought him to the hospital. He was surprised to see that the hospital had reinstalled a waiting room. Max had eliminated it when he ran the hospital, but most of the changes he put into effect have since gone away and the hospital is worst off for it. Helen even learned about the changes to her department. She went to the oncology floor and she found it gutted of everything she instilled. She went to Dr. Wilder to complain about it and Wilder told her that nothing was lost. It was simply moved.

Wilder also welcomed Helen to the resistance. She has been trying to save programs at the hospital like they all were and unfortunately it’s a losing battle. She therefore started a shadow hospital. They were still doing everything they could to save patients. They were just now doing it in the morgue. After Max found out that Reynolds couldn’t give the chaplain the surgery he needs because they no longer do those at the hospital, Max texted Helen and she texted him back to meet her in the morgue. They were going to give the chaplain his surgery. They just had to hide it and sadly that was going to be a problem. The bosses had heard about the resistance. They were using underhanded tactics to get knowledge on it.

The resistance was about to break. Bloom was leaving the hospital. Reynolds was acting defeated. Max and Helen normally weren’t there. The hospital has gone downhill since the change and the only one that seems to be doing well is Iggy. Iggy still treats his patients. His latest patient is a nine a year old boy who wants to be emancipated. The little boy doesn’t want to move away. He still wants his mom to do his laundry and his dad to cook his meals. He was ambitious. Not dumb. He just wants the power to make decisions for himself and, because he was very smart, it was up to Iggy to convince him why that would be a bad idea.

Reynolds thought the resistance was a bad idea. He didn’t think they should perform a side operation and he said as much during an official operation. His team heard it. It got back to the woman now running the hospital. She interrupted the resistance-led surgery on the chaplain. She stopped it from happening and ignored how it would save someone’s life. Max later apologized to the chaplain. He also told him about a fund started for healthcare workers who couldn’t afford to get treatment done at their own hospital and so hopefully the guy will get the surgery he needs. But Helen couldn’t be there for him because she had to be there for Bloom.

Bloom tried to hide the fact that Rohan took drugs. It was when it came to his health that she made a “lucky” call that had him treated as an overdose and he was later able to wake up, but seeing Rohan made Bloom feel that moving away was the right decision. She felt she was compromising her sobriety and her own health by staying on in spite of her trauma these past few weeks. Speaking with Helen was in fact great for Bloom. It made her reconsider. She thought about staying and unfortunately that was no longer an option. She was fired after the whole resistance thing came out.

Reynolds’s slip up in the OR had been followed by him actually reporting the illegal surgery. He turned on all of his friends and now they all know. They know he’s the reason why Wilder’s resignation wasn’t accepted. Why Bloom was fired. Why Iggy was removed as head of his department. And in exchange for being a Judas, Reynolds got a restoration of all the surgeries he was willing to perform. He no longer needed to worry about budget or staffing issues. He got everything he ever wanted and all he had to do was betray his friends.

Helen watched it all happen and she finally had enough. She told Max that his place was there. He needed to go back to the hospital to help them fight the tide.


Kristine Francis:
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