New Amsterdam Recap 09/27/22: Season 5 Episode 2 “Hook, Line, and Sinker”

Tonight on NBC New Amsterdam airs with an all-new Tuesday, September 27, 2022, season 5 episode 2 called, “Hook, Line, and Sinker,” and we have your New Amsterdam recap below. In tonight’s New Amsterdam season 5 episode 2 as per the NBC synopsis, “Max tests a bold new cost-saving program that could help both New Amsterdam and its neediest patients.

Wilder struggles with a patient’s decision to refuse life-saving surgery. Reynolds comes to an important realization about his father’s behaviors. Iggy takes the leap into online dating.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our New Amsterdam recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our New Amsterdam news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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Tonight’s New Amsterdam episode begins with Iggy, he is trying to record a video and he is having a problem with his intro for a dating app.

It is morning and Max arrives at the hospital. Iggy is speaking to Floyd and asks him if he is crazy for going on the app, Floyd says he just doesn’t want him to marry the first guy he dates, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Floyd sees his dad Horace and introduces him to Iggy. Horace tells Floyd they are going fishing, and Floyd says he can’t, he is sorry. Horace tells him to suit himself, but don’t say he didn’t try. Horace walks away and Iggy says he can’t control how love walks into his life. Floyd changes his mind and his dad is thrilled.

Lauren is thrilled that Leela is finally moving out. Lauren sees a patient that has no money for meds, she gives what she has in her pocket and tells her to guy buy her meds.

Afterward, Lauren has no money for coffee and asks Max to spot her. She tells him that she gave her patient money for meds and there are many more out there like her.

A man comes into ER, his name is Canon and is not feeling his hands, the accident he was in crushed his shoulder. They have to put him into surgery, but they have to amputate his right arm to save him. He says no way, there must be some other way. He tells them they don’t have his permission, he doesn’t want his arm taken, and he would rather die. Elizabeth is the attending doctor and she calls in Iggy to declare the man mentally incompetent so she can give him life-saving surgery. Iggy looks at the patient and tells Elizabeth that the patient is the starting pitcher for the Brooklyn Cyclones.

Max has a plan to reduce the number of $5000, what it costs when a patient walks through the door, to $50. He wants them to fund a one-day pilot program and if he proves the savings, they can save a lot of money. He gets his approval from Karen and the board.

Max installs an ATM machine and says it is going to change lives, Karen says, “oh God.”

Iggy goes to speak to Canon and asks him some questions. Iggy tells him that it is his job to see if he is of sound mind because he is refusing life-saving surgery. Canon says his team is his family. Canon says pitching is his life, his calling. He says he knows what he is choosing, without pitching, he doesn’t want to live. Iggy goes back to Elizabeth and tells her to cancel the surgery.

A kid comes into ER, his name is John and he looks badly hurt, keeps saying he is sorry. Then, one of the medics, Mike, falls to the floor who brought him in.

Max’s machine is in use, a woman is trying to use it and the machine runs out of funds, he apologizes and says it was a pilot project.

Floyd and Horace are fishing, Floyd has something and doesn’t know what to do, his father says to run. A security officer saw the two and they were trespassing.

Mike is having difficulty breathing, Lauren says they have incubated him immediately.

Elizabeth is upset, Iggy says they have to do what Canon wants, he is of sound mind. He tells her that if she forces surgery on him she will lose her license and never practice again.

Elizabeth walks into the operating room and gives the order to prep Canon for surgery. Iggy is shocked by her decision. In the operating room, Canon tells her that he doesn’t want to live like this. She shouts at everyone to clear the OR. She tells him that he offends her. He is not special anymore so he is just going to die. Canon says he is nothing else, before baseball he was nothing. Without baseball, there is nothing left. She says if she had quit when she could see a way forward she wouldn’t be there with him now.

Horace and Floyd made it to the car, Floyd is not impressed, she was a homeland security officer and if he had gotten caught, it could have caused a problem for him. His father wants to go back, but Floyd doesn’t want to. Horace says he came to go fishing and that is what he is going to do.

Max tells the board that his pilot project was a success. They don’t like what the people are using the money for. Karen is upset that he is saying his big innovation is giving handouts and there is zero accountability. Max says they are real people with real problems. Max says this is preventative care. Karen says he wants New Amsterdam to give away free money, she tells him to shut it down.

Mike is not doing well, he is going into cardiac arrest. Mark is with Lauren, they can’t get any oxygen in. She calls his time of death, they couldn’t save him. Lauren goes and tells his paramedic partner they did everything they could, and he is done.

Floyd tells Iggy that playing hooky with his dad was a mistake, he wasn’t showing up for him, he almost got arrested and lost his whole career, and all his dad wanted to do was fish. Floyd said he took an uber home because his dad is still out fishing. Iggy says it seems like his father has bipolar disorder.

Canon went through with the surgery, his life is saved. Elizabeth thanks her team for the hard work.

Max is in his offer, Karen walks in and he says so many people need their help. Everything he did is medicine, but the board can’t say it. He comes up with “sponsor a patient,” people helping people. Karen clicks on one and helps.

Iggy arrives home, Martin is there and he says he doesn’t know how to be a single man, he is bad at it. He shows his profile and says nobody swiped. Martin says his profile was set to only matches over 90 years old.

Lauren goes to pick up her things, she says there has been a change of plans, and she may need to crash there.

Max tells Elizabeth she has been there for him when he needed her the most and he is grateful. She says they are friends.


Dorothy Gale:
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