S.W.A.T. Recap 04/17/22: Season 5 Episode 17 “Cry Foul”

Tonight on CBS their new show S.W.A.T. inspired by the television series and feature film airs with an all-new Sunday, April 17, 2022, episode, and we have your S.W.A.T. recap below. On tonight’s S.W.A.T. season 5 episode 17 called “Cry Foul,” as per the CBS synopsis, “”Cry Foul” – When a series of deadly explosions hits oil derricks across Los Angeles, SWAT teams up to hunt down an activist-turned-terrorist. Also, Deacon and his wife, Annie (Bre Blair), work to free a reformed drug dealer who they believe was sent away for a murder he didn’t commit.

So make sure to stop by tonight between 10 PM and 11 PM ET for our S.W.A.T. recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, videos, recaps, spoilers, and more, here!

Tonight’s SWAT recap starts now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s SWAT episode, the team is going through training when something in the distance explodes. They rush there and find infrastructure all over the place with fires. It appears a large oil tank exploded. A new trainee Nina helps a woman escape danger. Street and the others watch from below.

Deacon and his wife meet with a prisoner by the last name of Ortiz who they believe is innocent of murdering a woman named Maria. After, they meet with the victim Maria’s old employer. Deacon gets called to the explosion.

Deacon and Street find what looks like a bomb at the site of the oil explosion. They speak with Hondo and Hicks. The team meets after. This was headed off by a group that believes oil drilling and more is wrong. Deacon is interrupted. It’s a detective named Ed who has come to ask Deacon to drop his look into the Ortiz case. Deacon thinks the case deserves another look at.

The team tracks down a few suspects who may be responding to the explosion. Hondo and Deacon talk about the attack. A councilwoman comes in. She is mad that her neighborhoods aren’t getting the proper protection. Hondo assures them SWAT has a good strategy. Later, Hicks speaks with Nina. She shouldn’t have gone running off to save that woman. It was dangerous. Nina gives him an attitude. He tells her to watch herself. Street hears the whole thing but stays out of sight.

The team heads out to grab their suspects. They all run. The team is forced to chase them on foot through restaurants and streets. They manage to get them. One man tells them he is innocent. He is making a documentary. He is advocating for the oil wells and drilling to come to an end but he isn’t responding to this. He knows a few guys who crashed one of their meetings who were mad his group was not being aggressive enough.

Deacon wife’s discovers Maria was having an affair with a coworker named Scott whose wife filed for divorce and then got a restraining order.

Hondo and Hicks let the councilwoman know they are making progress. Hondo talks to her on the side about the safety measures and how they are lacking in her district. Maybe she needs to try and change that as they try to stop these guys who are bombing these areas.

Tan and Chris track down a license plate in the videos from the guy who was making his documentary. Meanwhile, Street talks to Deacon and Dom about Nina. He thinks she has potential and just needs someone to help get her in line and to want to follow procedures.

Chris and Tan tell Hicks about what they have learned. They track down an address from the plate and get the team together to go to the suspect’s address. They use a drone to see if anyone is inside. Meanwhile, Deacon’s wife meets with Scott’s ex-wife, Cora.

Cora reveals information about Maria’s murder that wasn’t public. When Deacon’s wife pushes for more from her she ends their interview. Deacon’s wife runs to find Deacon to tell him.

Hondo and the team rip the door off the house after seeing no one is home. After they get in the raid the place and secure more information about their suspects who plan to take matters into their own hands with several oil businessmen. SWAT learns about a meeting about to go down that their suspects plan to interrupt. They head to the meeting spot and intervene when the suspects attempt to grab the businessmen. They announce their presence. The leader has one of the men by gunpoint. He also reveals they have a bomb. Deacon deactivates the device while Hondo shoots the leader.

Deacon and his wife talk with the Detective. He thinks even with what they have learned it’s a high bar to reopen the case. Street seeks out Nina and tells her how he was once rebellious and how it took a while to trust SWAT. She mentions she could use help shooting. He offers to hang with her.

Hondo runs into the councilwoman. He tells her he looked her up. She is paying him lip service. She needs to do something.

Deacon and his wife meet with Ortiz. They tell him they believe him and plan to push for his case to be reopened. Deacon is so proud of her. He wants her to go back to school and be a lawyer.

Hondo has a heart-to-heart with Hicks. He is upset about the councilwoman, they come from the same place and she isn’t doing anything to help her people.


Sarah Luoma:
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