Survivor Recap 04/06/22: Season 42 Episode 6 and 7

Tonight on CBS Survivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, April 13, 2021, season 42 double episodes 6 and 7 and we have your Survivor recap below. In tonight’s Survivor season, 42 episodes 6 and 7 called “You Can’t Hide on Survivor / The Devil You Do or The Devil You Don’t” as per the CBS synopsis,“Castaways drop their buffs and rearrange tribes before an intense immunity challenge.

Also, one castaway is taken to another island and has the power to change the game, on a special two-hour edition.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our Survivor recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Survivor news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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Tonight’s episode begins with night 11 on Vati, Chanelle is so happy that she came out on top. Tribal was incredible but scary. Mike is upset that Chanelle put his name down and he is not going to forget it, nor trust her ever again. On day 12 at Ika, Rocksroy is looking for fruit and is annoyed that Tori keeps following him around bugging him about when he went on the quest. He tells her that what he did is in the tribe’s best interest. Drea is listening and says it can never be chill with Tori, she doesn’t let go. She continues to do things that cause chaos in camp, Drea would like to get rid of her.

All tribes gather and Jeff tells them that they have entered the next stage of the game, where tribes or no more and the game has become individual, everyone has to drop their buffs, and it’s not exactly a merge. They are not merged, they will only be officially merged after the next tribal council. They have to earn their way into the merge. They are without buff and without a tribe. They are going to draw for colored rocks and divide into two teams. On Jeff’s go, they are going to dig up a massive boulder over a series of obstacles and collect keys along the way. When they get to the end they will climb to the top of the tower and use those keys to unlock a 75-piece survivor puzzle. The first team to finish earns their buff, the merge buff, and immunity at the first tribal council. They will still vote, but they can’t be voted out. They will also earn the biggest food reward of the season, Applebees. Losers, no buff, no food, and no immunity. And, they will have to compete in the first immunity challenge for safety at the first tribal council. There is one more twist, two will have to grey-colored rocks, they will not compete and their fate will be decided by the winning five. The draw for teams.

Orange team: Lydia, Jonathan, Maryanne, Hai, and Tori.
Blue team: Drea, Mike, Romeo, Omar, and Chanelle.

The two people who drew grey are Lindsey and Rocksroy, they will not compete.

The blue team is having a hard time, Drea can’t climb the boulder, and Romeo has to go back down and help her – they lost a lot of time. The biggest reward of the season is won by the orange team. Everyone put in a ton of effort. The big decision they have to make, one of them is going to join them and for them, it is as if they won. They get the buff, the immunity, and the food. The other one will be sent away to another island, in exile, for two days and two nights. No food, no comfort, but they will have the power to change the game. They can send one of them away, or they can give up everything they just earned and keep the power for themselves. They choose to keep Lindsey with them, they send Rocksroy away.

Jeff tells the blue team there is a prize for them, one serving of rice.

Rocksroy arrives on exile island, he gets a pot, a machete, and some rice. He starts with building a fire and it takes him over fifty tries but he doesn’t give up. He finds a hammer of sorts and an hourglass. Now he uses his time wisely, he builds himself a shelter for nightfall. Afterward, he takes a walk to the summit and enjoys the spectacular view.

Meanwhile, Hai, Drea, and Lindsey decide to work together since they all have the amulets. Maryanne feels fortunate in the game, she has safety, an idol, and an extra vote. Mike and Jonathan bond.

Jonathan is a real strong guy, he lifts huge rocks to find crabs for the team and spear fishes to get other seafood for them.

Hai and Romeo are a part of the LGBT community and the two have a candied talk, Hai who doesn’t hold himself back helps Romeo let out some frustrations that he is feeling. He is worried people back home that didn’t know about him, after seeing the show, might love him less.

Little does Chanelle know that there is a target on her back. Hai speaks to Drea and Jonathan about targetting her for eviction. Meanwhile, Rocksroy is enjoying being away from the social part of the game. He is making rice with Jeff arrives on the island. He welcomes Jeff to his pad. Jeff tells him his shelter is impressive. Rocksroy said he had a moment of zen, he is happy to be off on his own. Jeff asks him to get the hourglass. The sand on the bottom represents history. He can keep things the same, or he can change the outcome. The ones who are safe wouldn’t be and the ones who are in jeopardy would be safe. If he decides to do nothing he can leave in the morning and do nothing. If he wants to do something, change up the game, he smashes the hourglass with the mallet before he leaves. The devil you do or the devil you don’t.

Rocksroy is back, returning from two days and two nights in exile. He tells Jeff it was tiring, he had to do everything on his own. Jeff reminds the teams that Rocksroy has the power to change the game, or leave it alone. Rocksroy smashed it, he changed history. Drea, Mike, Romeo, Omar, and Chanelle are now safe, he says in his mind, that they didn’t get to eat so they deserve it. Tori can hardly look at Rocksroy, she is pissed off. Rocksroy gives them their buffs, they are guaranteed a spot in the jury and final eleven.

For today’s immunity challenge, they are going to pull on a rope, balance a wobbly table, and stack letter blocks. If at any point their stack drops, they have to start over. First-person to spell immunity, wins it.

Jonathan drops everything towards the end. Tori is reaching to place her eight back, if she doesn’t make a mistake she may win. Lindsey drops everything. Lydia places her sixth and she drops it. Maryanne is heading out with her seventh block. Tori is two stops away from winning the challenge. Tori has it, she won immunity. First individual immunity of the season, she is not going home. Tori and Chanelle were both targets, and now they are both sage. Rocksroy is safe for now, but because he was away, he knows he has to build alliances. He offers to go out fishing with Jonathan. Romeo is power-hungry, he wants Jonathan gone and goes through the tribe campaigning against him. But, Jonathan is confident in Omar keeping the tribe off his back. Now, Maryanne’s name is being floated around. Lydia tells Omar that she doesn’t know what to do, and now he thinks he should put her out. Omar goes to Maryanne and tells her that she was the first to be targeted, but he is shifting to Lydia. Maryanne’s jaw dropped, and she is crying, she doesn’t want to use her idol now, but she trusts Omar. Omar then goes to Hai and tells him the tribe is thinking of getting rid of Lydia. Not an option at all for Hai, now he has to scramble. Hai needs Maryanne to go home, but she has an idol. Lydia going home will only hurt his game.

Time for tribal council, the first time they are all there. Jonathan tells Mr. Jeff that they love him. Hai says it is a defining vote. Romeo says he goes with his gut feeling. Rocksroy came in this late and he says it is a tough one, but he knows that he can rely on the bond with his alliance, but he feels bad, it is his fault for whoever is going home. Maryanne says she wants people to know who she is, everyone has great qualities, and she is just more vocal. This massive beetle jumps on Rocksroy and stays calm, he leaves it there and he says they are in his territory.

Time to vote, Omar is first and he lost his vote. No immunity idols are played. The first vote is Jonathan, Lyndsey, Jonathan, Maryanne, Maryanne, Lydia, Lydia, Lydia, Lydia, Lydia. Lydia is voted out and will not be a part of the jury. Hai says goodbye to her, he couldn’t save her. Jeff congratulates everyone and tells them that they have now officially merged.


Dorothy Gale:
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