Survivor Recap 05/18/22: Season 42 Episode 12 “Caterpillar to a Butterfly”

Tonight on CBS Survivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, May 18, 2022, season 42 episode 12 and we have your Survivor recap below. In tonight’s Survivor season, 42 episode 12 called “Caterpillar to a Butterfly” as per the CBS synopsis, “Only six castaways remain, and one will be on the wrong side of the vote.

Also, one castaway climbs the stairway to victory and wins immunity at tribal council, on this season’s penultimate episode.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Survivor recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Survivor news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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Tonight’s episode begins with the end of Tribal Council, Lindsay says it was the best ever, she can’t believe she picked the right box. Great day for her. Omar says the night went perfectly, he wanted to unleash his evil laugh. His relationship with Mike is right where he wants it to be. Now he wants to pull Mike and Jonathan apart, clean swipe, one of them is going next. Meanwhile, Mike plans on cutting Omar loose. Mike goes to speak to Maryanne and tells her what he wants to do. He needs to prove to her that Omar is playing against her. Maryanne thinks Mike is right. Maryanne tells him that she has an extra vote. She knows she is going to backstab one of her alliances, but if she doesn’t, she knows she won’t win.

The next day, Maryanne says Jonathan cannot win. Lindsey agrees, she wants Jonathan gone and wants to do everything she can so he doesn’t win immunity. Jonathan and Mike are talking and Omar walks up, Jonathan knows what Omar is going but he is not going to do anything.

Time for the reward challenge, they are going to spin to unspool a coil of rope. They are then going to go through a series of obstacles and collect a key. Take that key to unlock puzzle pieces and then solve the puzzle. The winner will have a choice, grilled chicken and vegetables or chocolate cake and cookies. Omar wins and gets to choose. The invitation for chicken and veggies includes two players. The chocolate cake and cookies include three people. He picks Romeo who hasn’t won any food challenges. Then he chooses Maryanne who he thinks needs it. And, last, he chooses Mike for a decadent afternoon.

Lindsey and Jonathan are alone, and he wants to blindside Mike, but he thinks Lindsey wants to get him out.

Mike is not feeling safe, he thinks Omar is going for him, and he knows Lindsey is playing the game with Omar. Mike thinks his best move is to tell Jonathan and Maryanne that Lindsey has an idol.

Time for the immunity challenge, today they are going to race over a series of obstacles, then cross a bridge that contains puzzle steps. They will use those pieces to build a staircase. They will then maneuver a bag of balls up a very tall tower. They will then use those balls to finish a table maze. First-person to finish wins immunity.

Omar and Lindsey are in the lead. Jeff tells everyone else to step up or they might be going home. Lindsey gets to the top first, but Omar is right behind her. Four people are on the table maze, and Mike and Jonathan are there as well. Jonathan has one small section left, but he drops and has to start again. Jonathan drops again, and Lindsey wins.

Jonathan thinks Mike is going home, but Jonathan is going home. Lindsey doesn’t see why anyone would veer off from the plan. Romeo thinks it makes sense. Omar tells Mike that Jonathan is going home. Meanwhile, Maryanne thinks Omar could take this whole thing, so she is not sure what she is going to do. She goes to speak to Mike, she wants to vote out Omar.

At the tribal council, Omar says he thinks people are playing for the long-term game and think the trend will continue. Lindsey says she feels confident in tonight’s vote, she hopes everyone else feels the same way. Mike is basing the decision on trust. Time to vote. Nobody plays an immunity idol. The first vote is Jonathan, the second vote is Romeo, then Jonathan, Romeo, Omar, Omar, Omar. Lindsey is shocked. Maryanne pulled off a big blindside. Lindsey is shaking her head. The one time Jonathan didn’t win immunity and they let him stay.


Dorothy Gale:
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