The Bachelor Clayton Echard Finale Recap 03/15/22: Season 26 Episode 10B

The Bachelor 2021 Clayton Echard airs on ABC this evening with an all-new Monday, March 15, 2022, season 26 episode 10B Finale and we have your The Bachelor recap below. On tonight’s The Bachelor season 26 episode 10B as per the ABC synopsis, “After a rollercoaster season like none other, “The Bachelor” himself, Clayton Echard, returns to face the three women he fell in love with.

Jesse Palmer will guide emotional conversations throughout the evening as the bombshell conclusion to Clayton’s season plays out. What happens next is anyone’s guess, but it all goes down LIVE. Plus, an exciting surprise announcement that no one will see coming.”

We will be blogging tonight’s episode of The Bachelor and you just know there is going to be tons of drama, catfights, and tears. So come back tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM for our live The Bachelor recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our The Bachelor photos, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Tonight’s episode begins with Jesse who says Clayton fell in love with three women, and while he found love with Gabby and Rachel, he still has a lot of love for Susie. Neil Lane is in the audience tonight, he provides the engagement rings for the proposals on Bachelor Nation.

We go to Iceland where Clayton is willing to risk everything to have a conversation with Susie.

Jesse goes to see Susie, she says she is ok but it didn’t go as planned the other night. Jesse tells her that Clayton has been a wreck since it ended, and if she is up to it, he thinks she should go and see Clayton.

Clayton is with his parents, his mom wants to know what sets Susie apart from the others. He says she is a once in a lifetime girl. His father thinks it is slim to none that she will be there. Just then, Susie arrives. Susie asks Clayton if they can go talk outside. She tells him that has been a rough few days, she is shocked to be there. She knows that he is a good human, but she is shocked how it ended.

She couldn’t’ even defend herself, she felt like an awful person, it was humiliating. She felt like a stray dog and he threw her out. He says he is sorry, he didn’t mean what he said, he did it because he thought he was going to lose her. The second she walked out he lost everything, he knows the love is there and it will last a lifetime, he will do anything to have a second chance. She doesn’t feel like she is in a place right now to make this decision. She gets up and leaves. He says this is the most emotional journey he has ever been on and his heart is with Susie, and he will do anything to make it work.

There are a lot of things Clayton wishes he had done differently, but he can’t change that. But, he hopes that his words to Susie warrants his getting a second chance with her. And because his heart is with her, it can’t be with Gabby or Rachel. He thought those two could be his wife, but that has changed and he is going to break up with them. Meanwhile, Gabby and Rachel are speaking, sharing their thoughts about what has happened. Clayton surprises the two women by showing up at their suite. He tells them, this whole journey went not as he expected, he did what he thought was best but he caused so much pain and wishes he could take it back.

He saw a future with both of them, and loved the two of them. He can’t give either of them 100% of his heart, because it is with Susie and he is very sorry. Gabby gets up and says she has nothing to say, he could have done this before. Clayton leaves Rachel and goes to see Gabby, he asks her to talk. She tells him that she doesn’t know who he is at all. She is pissed that she spent the last two days away from her family the people who do care about her.

And he asked her to stay. She tells him off, that he couldn’t let this be her decision, he wanted it to be his decision. She tells him that he sounds ridiculous and he can’t admit that he is wrong. She is pissed that he told her and Rachel in a group setting, he couldn’t have the respect to tell them one on one. I asked if he can walk her out, she says no. Clayton leaves the room and goes back to Rachel.

Present day, Gabby is live in the hot seat with Jesse. She says that since the show it has been up and down, watching the show, things have been really heavy, but she has closure. Clayton reminds her of the day Clayton broke up with the two of them together. She says at the last Rose Ceremony she was feeling sadness and heart break, she met his family and she really thought it was going to be her in the end, like all of them did. She felt angry, betrayed and hurt. She was in love with Clayton and it took her a while to shed her layers and open up and she doesn’t regret anything, she has learned a lot. Looking back she didn’t know everything.

Clayton joins the hot seat beside Gabby, they briefly hug. Gabby says that after watching it back, she feels so misled, she wasn’t given all the information and he had it all – that is what hurt the most, she feels betrayed. He says he can do nothing more than apologize, he had no malicious intent. She says she gave him chances in the moment to be honest, but he wasn’t. She says he pinned them against each other and he had his mind on Susie for a long time, she feels dismissed. She says she doesn’t think he knows the weight his words carry. He says he learned that he didn’t ask enough questions and made too many assumptions.

We go back to the day when Clayton told Rachel and Gabby that he was breaking up with them. Clayton returns to speak to Rachel, she reminds him about his shouting out loud, outside that he loved her when she was on the balcony. And, what he put them through at the Rose Ceremony.

He told her that he was willing to fight for this because it was worth it. She promises him, when he looks back at this, he is going to regret that he let her go. She says she tried so hard by herself, she thought this was worth it. What little he gave her, she held on to. He tries to defend himself, but fails miserably. He walks her out. As they are walking uot, she tells him that he gave up on them, she didn’t. She can’t believe he is going to put her in the car.

Joining Jesse now is Rachel, she has tears in her eyes. She says the hardest part for her in watching this back in how much in love with him she was, and she didn’t know what was happening behind the scenes. The hardest part is how hard she fought for the relationship, and he was disrespectful to both she and Gabby. She has no lingering feelings, and she feels robbed, she was begging him not to put her in the car. She never felt the way she felt for him with anyone else, and she fought all the way to the end. She does not have feelings for him anymore, watching him completely disrespect both she and Gabby, she can’t love someone like that.

Clayton joins the hotseat to speak to Rachel, who doesn’t get up and hug him like Gabby did. Rachel turns in her seat, she says that none of the emotions she has are about feelings for him, she is collateral damage for his journey, she can’t imagine that he didn’t shed a tear when she left and it is incredible disrespectful. He says he didn’t want to hurt anybody, but he did and it pains him. He is incredibly sorry, she shouldn’t have gone through any of that.

She says that she doesn’t believe him. She watched the last two episodes and he lied about transparency, who knew who the one was and she doesn’t even believe that he loved her. He completely disrespected her as a human, a group breakup! He cast them aside as quickly as he could so he could move on to Susie. Jesse asks her parents if they have anything to say, her father is very angry and says no, he has nothing good to say.

Her mother says she has nothing good to say either. Clayton apologizes again, to them and to her. Jesse asks Clayton if he is haunted by breaking up with Rachel. He says he followed his heart and did what he thought was best. Rachel tells him, he told her that she was the first person that he said I love you to in six years, did he tell her he loved her because he wanted to sleep with her. He says no, he felt those feelings about her. She says she doesn’t believe him.

Back to Iceland, Gabby and Rachel are gone. Clayton is nervous and scared, one of the most life changing days in his life. He screwed up, but he still has Susie there, he hasn’t spoke to her in a couple of days and will do anything to get her back. He is ready to do anything to get her back, he doesn’t even know if she will give him a chance. He is dressed in a tux and he has an engagement ring. Jesse drops by Susie’s door with a note from Clayton.

Basically, he apologizes and says he wants a chance, without her he is nothing. He asks her to meet him. Susie shows up, Jesse meets her at the car and welcomes her. Susie walks into the room where Clayton is, he tells her she looks beautiful, she says he looks handsome as well. He thanks her for being there. He goes on to say that he only wants her and he is fully committed. He can’t take back what he has done. He pulls out the ring box and tells her that he sees so far behind this, a marriage and a family. Rachel says the letter, his words, mean a lot to him, she truly believes every word.

She thinks he is an incredible person and she believes in him. But, she doesn’t feel the love she has for him right now, is the same love that she has right now. She has made the decision to leave Iceland alone, it is not easy, it is devastating. She doesn’t think she is his person. He says he appreciates her saying all that. He asks if she thinks there could be a chance, or it is over. He says it is not over until she says it is over, she says it is over. She hugs him. He walks her out.

For the first time in history, the bachelor was rejected and left alone. Or was he?

Clayton is back on stage, his journey has not ended and only Clayton can tell us what happened. Clayton says it was five years of growth packed into two months. He wishes he could take away the pain, but he doesn’t believe that he is a better man for it. He ended the journey alone, but things didn’t end there. He left Iceland, went back home, was reached out to by someone.

The last person he expected to reach out, he was shocked and maybe something could come out of all of it. The woman he is speaking about is there tonight, it is Susie. Jesse asks her what she is doing there. She says she left Iceland so she could make her decision herself. They took time after the show to reflect and go at their own speed. She says Clayton is her boyfriend. She says they were able to re-establish their relationship.

Susie says she loves Clayton, everyone makes mistakes and learn from them. They are both expecting a little backlash, everything was controversial. People are not rooting for them, but they hope they do because they only have the best intentions. Clayton says that it is all worth it, following his heart was the best decision he ever made. Jesse asks what is the next step for them. Susie says if they were going to do that, she would be doing the asking. Clayton gets up and leaves the room for a minute, he returns and gives her the final rose. She accepts. No ring, no engagement, but Clayton did mention that within days they are moving in together.

Time for Jesse to announce who is the new Bachelorette, it’s not Gabby and it’s not Rachel, its Gabby and Rachel. The two women join Jesse on stage. This is the first time, there will be two Bachelorettes for the entire season. This will be their journey, Rachel is so happy for Gabby, she can’t wait to do this with her. Rachel wants someone who is supportive and loves her. Gabby wants someone who is emotionally mature.


Dorothy Gale:
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