The Equalizer Recap 01/09/22: Season 2 Episode 9 “Bout That Life”

The Equalizer airs tonight on CBS with an all-new Sunday, January 9, 2022, season 2 episode 9 called “Bout That Life” and we have your The Equalizer recap below. On tonight’s The Equalizer episode as per the CW synopsis, “McCall becomes ensnared in a deadly battle between rival rap crews when she is hired by the wife of a famous rapper, Dilemma, to prove the musician is innocent of murdering a fellow artist.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our The Equalizer recap between 8 PM – 9 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Equalizer recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonights The Equalizer episode begins with a man who is suffering from a gunshot would to the stomach and someone walks up to him with a gun and when he says “please no” the person shoots him again.

Viola and Delilah are talking at the breakfast table, Viola says she doesn’t know if she wants to go to college, Robin walks in and tells her she is going to college. Viola leaves to meet Tiffany, Robin tells Delilah that she thinks sometimes Delilah says things to see how they will react.

Robin goes to see Harry who says it feel amazing to be free in the world again. But in gaining the world, he lost his place in it. Mel tells Robin that they got a message from Deidre Blackman, the wife of the rapper Dilemma who gun down his rival in cold blood. Deidre said that even though her husband confessed, she has proof that he didn’t do it.

Robin goes to see Deidre, she plays a song for her and says whoever wrote that track knew details about the murder that wasn’t released to the public. So, she is convinced Sid Slay did it, the person who wrote the track.

Robin goes to the prison to see Dilemma with Dante and plays the track for him. Dilemma says it’s nothing, just some fraud looking for street credit. Dilemma end the conversation and tells them that if they knew what was best for them, they would leave this alone. Dante says he would look at the case file and see if he can find anything. Dilemma returns to his cell and uses a burner phone, he tells the person that the cops were there and they know what to do.

Next stop for Robin is to go see Braller, he is a protégé of the rapper who was killed. Braller says that his man was dead on the ground when he got there, and Dilemma was peeling off. Robin finds out that Daoud, Dilemma’s son lied about where he was the night of the murder, and he is someone that Dilemma would want to protect. Also, Sid Slay’s voice sounds distorted, it could be Daoud who made that track.

Delilah arrives home with Cameron, they met through Tiffany, she is his cousin. They think they are alone outside the house and Violet opens the door. Delilah is surprised, Violet invites them in for pizza. They are talking and Cameron says he is not going to college, he doesn’t think it is worth going into debt for.

Robin goes to visit Daoud at a recording studio, he tells her that his mom is wasting her time. She tells him that she knows he lied about where he was the night of the murder. He says he was in the recording studio making dis tracks. He says the Shadow Boys put him in the hospital and two weeks later his father killed the rapper.

Robin tells him that she thinks Sid Slay has something to do with this and she knows that there is more to this story than what people are saying. Robin leaves and in the car Dante calls her, he tells her that the janitor didn’t just see Dilemma that night of the murder, Jacob Styles, head of Trigger Beat records, that’s Dilemma’s label. Someone payed the janitor 25k to say nothing. Harry looks into Styles and he took out 25k just before the janitor got the money. And, he has been receiving regular payments from Dilemma, it began ten months ago and just after Dilemma got locked up.

Robin goes to Trigger Beats, she lies to get in and it doesn’t work. Robin calls Dante and tells him that she is going to need his badge to get in, all of a sudden, someone on a motorcycle drives by and the person shoots at her. Dante shows up, Robin is ok, he is wondering who is made enough that she is poking around in this.

Dante and Robin get in to Styles and they tell him what they know. He admits he was there to talk sense into Dilemma, he was supposed to record a peace track that night with the other rapper. He was with Dilemma in the studio when shots went off – he knows Dilemma didn’t do it, but he has no idea why he took the rap for it. Harry and Mel are able to track down Sid Rogers aka Sid Slay. About a month ago Sid found a notebook with the words and she made the track, disguised her voice because she didn’t think it would go anywhere being a female rapper; she gives the notebook to Robin, there is no name in it.

Robin goes to see Deidre, the notebook belongs to Dilemma’s other son, Naseer and he was there that night, and his father was covering for him. Naseer says he was at the scene of the murder that night, he grabbed his father’s gun because he got a text that it was a set up that night and his father was in danger. He got scared and shot twice, he did it, he killed him not his father. The coroner’s report said there were three shots, two from far away and one close range in the heart that killed him. Robin doesn’t think Naseer killed him.

Cameron calls Delilah, she tells him that she thinks college is important – he gets upset and bounces.

Harry calls Robin, someone was playing the two rappers against each other; it was Braller who sent the text, he knew about the truce and he was trying to end it.

Robin goes to see Braller and tells her what she thinks, he pulls a gun on her. He says one of them had to go. Daoud comes in with another gun and tells them both that he is there to end it. Robin tries to talk down Daoud, she doesn’t want him to switch places with his father and end up in prison. Braller gets distracted, Robin is able to take him over and his gun, Daoud puts his down.

At home, Delilah is upset, Cameron calls and she is hesitant to answer, Voila tells her to take it. Cameron invites her to a movie next weekend, and says he is sorry for tripping. He knows college is important to her, but he wants her to respect that it isn’t for him.

Dilemma tells Robin that his family owes everything to her.

Robin tells Harry there is a condemed subway under the bar, nobody knows about it, Harry can work from there. Harry says he thinks he has his life back.


Dorothy Gale:
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