The Equalizer Recap 04/17/22: Season 2 Episode 15 “Hard Money”

The Equalizer airs tonight on CBS with an all-new Sunday, April 17, 2022, season 2 episode 15 called “Hard Money.” and we have your The Equalizer recap below. In tonight’s The Equalizer episode as per the CW synopsis, “McCall’s vigilante work further complicates her personal life when she is forced to ask her ex-husband, Dr. Miles Fulton (Stephen Bishop), to help with a gunshot victim, one of two women being hunted by thieves after they witnessed a robbery.

Tonight’s episode is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our The Equalizer recap between 8 PM – 9 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Equalizer recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s The Equalizer episode, McCall lost her mentor. She watched as Bishop’s plane crashed. This was a hard one for her because Bishop was one of the few people who knew her. As in actually knew her and not just the façade she sometimes put on in front of certain people. McCall has to be tough.

She has to be self-assured in front of her family and it was only people like Bishop or Mel or Harry that McCall gets to relax. She gets to show her softer her side. Her caring side. She even gets to be scared in front of them. She couldn’t do that with anyone else because then her family would worry about her or the agency would have removed her from the field. And so McCall was going to miss Bishop.

She was going to miss having an equal. But her grief didn’t stop her from helping people. She threw herself into work now more than ever and she met two women who were in trouble. She met Shareen and her friend Jenna. They were working a minimum paying job at some dollar when they got the bright idea to rob the place.

They cut the power to the store. They also opened the deposit box. They then changed their minds and were backing out when two guys with guns showed up. They pushed their way, grabbed the money, and shot up Shareen. Shareen and Jenna couldn’t report this to the police.

The police weren’t going to believe that they were backing out. Not when they practically prepared the scene for the bad guys and so that’s where McCall comes in. McCall was called in to help. She immediately took Shareen to see a doctor. The doctor happens to be her ex-husband, Miles. Miles knew about her CIA days.

It’s how they apparently met and so he asked if she was back in the game. McCall said she wasn’t. She said she wasn’t just helping a friend. She brought Shareen to Miles and he repaired the damage. He also got the bullet out. McCall took it. She brought it to Dante and she asked him if he could get one of his cop buddies to check it out.

Dante used to be a cop himself until he left early after becoming a victim to dirty cops. He therefore to help McCall and so the two worked the case together. They found the armed men that robbed the dollar store had also robbed a manufacturer. It turns out the manufacturer were selling ink to the federal government and that ink was being used to create currency.

Which would explain why no one noticed any money missing at the dollar store. No money was taken. Money was exchanged. The supposed thieves had actually replaced real money with their counterfeit money and there’s only two witnesses to the whole thing.

One was Shareen who was safe at Miles’s house. The other was Jenna. Jenna had to go into work the next day because they couldn’t afford to let their bosses know anything had happened and so she reported to work like everything was normal. She told her boss that she hadn’t spoken to Shareen. She didn’t know why Shareen called in sick. Jenna did her best and she proved helpful. She noticed one of the delivery guys from the robbery. She sent a picture of him to McCall. McCall looked into it. She and her people identified the man. They also identified his friends and were looking for them with Dante’s help when Jenna stopped answering text messages.

The thieves had an inside man at the dollar store. A kind older guy. Someone that Jenna thought she could trust and who turned against her. He told his friends with the counterfeiting ring that Jenna was onto them. He helped arrange for her abduction. He was even going to erase footage of her being taken out of the store when McCall found him. She got the story out of him. He did it to help pay for his elderly mother’s medications. The United States allows pharmaceutical companies as well as insurance companies to price everyone out of payable healthcare. Remember Shareen. Shareen was only going to rob the place because the hospital charged her for her miscarriage and she didn’t have the money or the savings to pay it off.

Everyone who robbed that dollar store or at least planned to do so were hard up. But, they’ve already killed someone and then they grabbed Jenna because she was a witness. McCall started looking for Jenna. She later found her and the bad guys, but she had a gun. They had a gun. It was mayhem. McCall was able to get to Jenna in all that chaos thanks to be a great shot and without Jenna getting hurt. And it helped that she she got help from Dante who took care of the guy with the gun.

After they uncovered the counterfeit ring, the Secret Service came in. They arrested people and they rewarded Jenna the finder’s fee in helping them arrest the ring. Jenna might be able to find a place with that money. And finding a place will bring her one step closer to getting custody of her son back. Jenna and Shareen were also reunited. They were told it was safe to go home and so the only one who wasn’t happy was Miles. He demanded to know what McCall was involved in. She refused to say. Even her daughter refused to say when her dad called her. Delilah lied to Miles to keep McCall’s secret safe. McCall hadn’t liked that, but she was glad to have the man off her back about endangering their child.

Some things Miles didn’t need to know.


Kristine Francis:
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