The Equalizer Recap 11/27/22: Season 3 Episode 7 “Paradise Lost”

The Equalizer airs tonight on CBS with an all-new Sunday, November 27, 2022, season 3 episode 7 called “Paradise Lost and we have your The Equalizer recap below. In tonight’s The Equalizer episode as per the CW synopsis, “After Misty (Kelly Rowland), a superstar singer deciding to retire, receives a terrifying fan letter, her head of security hires McCall to track down the culprit.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our The Equalizer recap between 8 PM – 9 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Equalizer recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s The Equalizer episode reveals Viola otherwise known as Aunt Vi has learned Delilah’s secret. She knows that her great-niece was taking self-defenses courses from Mel. Now, she could have gone running to Delilah’s mother to tell her the news only she didn’t do that. She didn’t tell Robyn the secret. She just had a quiet word with Delilah. She warned the teenager to come clean before she does. Vi didn’t want Delilah keeping secrets from her mother and so she talked to the teen and explained that Robyn deserves the truth. Delilah said she would tell her mom. She just didn’t want to tell her right away. Robyn went on for a while with not knowing.

Robyn even took on a new case. Robyn was approached by a bodyguard. The bodyguard was named Lucas. Lucas was worried about his client because someone has been leaving threatening messages for her backstage and he couldn’t find this person on his own. The client was Misty. She was this huge superstar singer. The press also accused her of being a diva and there were tabloids coming up with lies about her. But as for the real person, she was nice. She was kind to people. She advocated music programs. She gave back to the community. She was forced to fire the last pair of extra bodyguards that Lucas hired because they roughed up some of her fans. And it was those people that later badmouth her to the press.

Only Misty still needed protection. She had a stalker out there that was getting closer and closer. Lucas was worried. He turned to the Equalizer for help. The only thing he demanded in return was that they didn’t let Misty know they were there for her protection. Robyn and her people instead had to act as a producer and a filming crew. They were going to be following Misty around on her last tour. Misty recently announced she was retiring from the business. She’s been in the business for almost twenty years. She wants to take time off to date and possibly start a family. And so that has made her stalker act out.

Someone hid in Misty’s hotel bathroom. They tried to attack her. She fought them off. They ran away and unfortunately they escaped before Lucas could find them. Not even Harry could find them. The guy came in by chloroforming a guard. They also got into Misty’s hotel room using an all-access key card that was typically given to the janitor. But the janitor was missing. There was also another stalker at play. The other stalker was identified as Grayson Bradley. Misty has a restraining order against him. He was the one that sent her the message “I coming for you” in blood. He said he only did that because Misty wouldn’t respond to his other letters.

Misty was apparently the favorite artist for Bradley and his ex-girlfriend. He thought if she acknowledged him that he could get his ex-girlfriend back before she married someone else. He was so delusional that he thought Misty would just know the letters were from him in spite of not signing them or leaving a return address on them. The guy was crazy. He was also easily caught. He just wasn’t the guy that tried to attack Misty in her bathroom. That was another stalker. The other stalker was the one that wanted Misty dead. It was this other stalker that also tried to kill Misty later on before her show.

Misty likes to drink tea. She has it everyday. She has it before every show. She just skipped it this once because she had nerves and she gave her tea to her assistant, Zara. Zara drank the tea. She then almost died from the tea. Someone had poisoned it. Someone who wanted to kill Misty and so that changed things for Robyn and her crew. They looked into who would be better off if Misty was dead. The answer was her manager. The manager was heavily in debt. He also wanted Misty to sign a new contract and she refused to do so. She wanted to retire. The manager was against the idea and it wasn’t that long ago he hired a shady dude off the internet.

Detective Dante interviewed Martin the manager. Martin confessed he hired that guy to deal with someone. It just wasn’t Misty. It turns out Martin didn’t write the hit song that made Misty’s career. He’ll still gain royalties off it because he bought the song for five hundred dollars. He then cut the real writer out of the royalties and the real writer went on to die. Her son however wanted justice for his mom. He began sending threatening letters to Martin. When that didn’t work, he tried attacking Misty. The guy was so fueled by hatred that he got a job as Misty’s guitarist and Misty didn’t know about it. No one knew about it until after Robyn blew her cover.

Robyn roughed up a fan that got too close to Misty. Misty then figured out who she was and she fired both Robyn and Lucas. But then they figured out who wanted to hurt her. They tried to warn her in time and unfortunately by time they went looking for her – she was already with the guy that wants her dead. His name is Elton Smith. He tried to get money the legal way and then his mother overdosed. His mother turned to drugs after another woman became a superstar off of her song. Elton became bitter about that and he wanted Misty dead for what happened to his mother.

It didn’t matter that Misty never knew the truth. She only learned it when Elton revealed he wanted her dead and Robyn stopped him. The two women were able to talk him down. They told him his mother didn’t want this for him. And so Elton tried to kill himself, but Misty and Robyn stopped him.

They saved his life and he was promptly arrested.

Misty went on to give her farewell concert and she gave credit to the actual writer

But Delilah’s secret is out. She used self-defense on a kid in her class and she broke his arm. It was also recorded. Robyn took one look at the video and she realized that Mel has been training her daughter behind her back. And so Robyn put a stop to that.

Them being on the outs was why Mel didn’t turn to Robyn for help when something happened with her brother.


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