The Family Chantel Recap 06/27/22: Season 4 Episode 4 “No Ninos or Ninas”

The Family Chantel Recap 06/27/22: Season 4 Episode 4 "No Ninos or Ninas"

Tonight on TLC their reality show The Family Chantel airs with an all-new Monday, June 27, 2022, episode, and have your The Family Chantel recap below. In tonight’s The Family Chantel season 4 episode 4, “No Ninos or Ninas,” as per the TLC synopsis, “Chantel throws a housewarming party to help put her and Pedro’s recent marital troubles behind them. Her plans backfire, however, when the party shines a spotlight on the pressure points in their marriage.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our The Family Chantel recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

Tonight’s The Family Chantel Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s The Family Chantel episode begins with Pedro and Chantel, she is setting up for a party and asks Pedro for help but he is not into it. Chantel went all out for the housewarming and she just hopes that Pedro is on good behavior. She tells him that when people buy a house in America it is a big deal, he is not invested and not interested.

He thinks she invited 100 people for sure because the decorations were over the top. And, he is wondering why she is even planning the party when their relationship is not good. She wants to make sure they have a good time, she tells him that she doesn’t want their tension to come between the family. He says he will try his best. She feels like she is the only one showing up for this relationship at this point.

In the Dominican Republic, today is pageant day and Nicole is ready. Lidia, Nicole and Pedro’s mother, says this pageant is very important to her. Nicole’s friends are there as well, they are her biggest fans aside from her mother. Pedro hasn’t even sent her a message of support and that really hurts her. Nicole is trying not to be nervous, she is one step closer to the crown.

The doorbell rings and people are starting to arrive at the housewarming party. Thomas walks in the door with Karen, and Pedro can barely let go of the video game he is playing, he didn’t even get up to greet them. River arrives and he cut all his hair off and shocks the family. Winter is also there, she is a few weeks post-op and lost 15 pounds. The family puts Pedro on the spot about children, he says no not now.

At the pageant, it is the swimsuit competition and Nicole is very confident. They start narrowing down the competition and Nicole is included, she is in the top ten.

Nicole is convinced that she is going to make it to the top five, and if she wins the whole thing, she says Chantel can kiss her butt. Sadly, Nicole didn’t make it to the top five and she kept it together on stage. She is devastated, but she wasn’t going to show it on air. Her mother is furious and has a lot to say, she says the judges are blind.

At the party the family asks Winter how is Mmesoma, she says thinks are a little shaky, he asked her to buy him a phone and she feels uncomfortable. Since then, she has pulled back from speaking to him, so maybe he is not the person. This gets Chantel in the discussion and she says she used to send things to Pedro. He replies that since he is there with her though, he buys her things, like a new cell phone every year. Out of nowhere, Chantel says to Pedro, “I got you here, you need to show me some respect.” The tension is so thick in the air and everyone knows there is something going on with Pedro and Chantel.

The next day, Chantel is in the car with her mom and dad and he makes mention of the tension. Chantel tries to shake it off as Pedro just likes his video games. She goes on to say that he is just tired because he has been working on his real estate a lot. Thomas offers marital advice, but Chantel says she doesn’t need any. They arrive at River’s apartment, he moved out to have his freedom and he says he isn’t looking back. Chantel finds out that Pedro gave River a tv and she didn’t know anything about it.

Nicole is having a tough time, she has made so many sacrifices to do the pageant and now she doesn’t know what to do with her life.

Alejandro has been thinking about Nicole and the majority of their problems have been because of her mother, it wasn’t like they were cheating on each other. He is going to surprise her at her work, and do whatever he has to so that he can win her back. He wants her to quit her job, he makes good money and he can take care of her. He walks in the door, she looks up shocked, and asks him what he is doing there.