The Rookie Recap 03/13/22: Season 4 Episode 16 “Real Crime”

Tonight on ABC their new series The Rookie airs with an all-new Sunday, March 13, 2022, season 4 episode 16 called, “Real Crime,” and we have your The Rookie recap below. On tonight’s The Rookie season 4 episode 16 as per the ABC synopsis,

Desperate to reset the way the world sees him, Officer Thorsen reluctantly decides to be a part of a reality show to help rebrand his image, only to be thrust back into yet another deadly situation. With cameras rolling, the show’s producer is found murdered and the team must investigate before Aaron is made suspect number one.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our The Rookie recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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Tonight’s The Rookie episode begins with Nolan who is being interviewed for the reality show, he says officer Thorsen is desperate to reset how people think about him. Next, Harper is in the hot seat, she says the reality show was his mom’s idea, a way to rebrand him. The reality show is called, “Every Rose Has A Thorsen.” We see snippets from his parents about Thorsen’s life and Morris Mackey is the executive producer who kind of embellishes certain things in Thorsten’s life. Angela and Wesley are interviewed next.

Thorsen’s mom talks about when she sent him to Paris. His former classmates say that he acted like an entitled douche bag, but then they got to know him.

Thorsen says his friends and classmates believe in his innocence. Maurice Mackey’s throat had been cut inside the house. Bradford and Chen were the first responders, even with all the cameras in the house, they found nothing. Luck was not in the cards for the investigation. Thorsen’s mom wants to continue filming, but they get it turned off. Bailey is called in, but when she got there, no EMT was required, he was dead.

Thorsen’s mom says that her son and Morris didn’t always agree with the show, but he wouldn’t hurt anyone. Thorsen is brought into the station, Grey reads his rights and if he doesn’t cooperate he will lose his job. Thorsen says he did not kill Maurice. Harper mentions that Thorsen pulled over Patrick’s dad randomly recently in a traffic violation. When they interview Patrick’s father, he says Thorsen is not the only murderer in his family. Elsewhere, there is footage of Maurice coming on to Thorsen’s mother and his father caught them.

Nolan finds out that Bailey was a Flow Girl, she was hired to appear in a music video for Flex and Flow. At their record release part, things got really heated. Five minutes later, Calvin Flow was shot in a drive by, seven times. It was Grey’s first homicide and he says it never leaves you. A man named Gary Brown was convicted for the murder because Flow was sleeping with his wife.

Mrs. Thorsen is brought in for questioning and asked how long she was having an affair with Maurice. She claims that she isn’t having an affair, it was all staged for TV. Nolan tells her they want all footage or she will be arrested for obstruction. She claims that Maurice has enemies and they should stop looking at her son for his murder.

Smitty reveals that he is Q and the team is surprised. He says that he was trying to start a fan club for This Is Us and things got out of hand, you can’t put toothpaste back in the tube.

Carter Heart is a camera man for the show, he is called in for questioning. He was a follower of Q. He says that he thinks Morris was working for Q. Because Carter had a camera on his shoulder the time of Morris’ murder, he couldn’t be the murderer.

They find a video of Morris who says that he knows who killed Patrick Hayes, it was recorded minutes before his murder.

The interviewing continues, the team really takes Thorsen’s side and say that the police fumbled Patrick’s case and the paparazzi ruined the crim scene for Morris’ case. Harper says the French police took one look at a young black man and didn’t look at any other suspects besides Thorsen.

Thorsen is being interviewed he says Carlos, in prison got him through his encarceration, along with his mother who moved to Paris to be close to him. Turns out, Thorsen’s mother was in Paris the day of Patrick’s murder, even though she says she wasn’t, she was caught on a traffic cam. Thorsen is asked if he knew his mother was in Paris that day and he says it is impossible. Thorsen gets up and leaves the interview. He goes to see his mother and tells her she lied to him.

Thorsen’s mother is called back in, Nolan says that she killed Patrick, and Morris too because he knew her dirty little secret. She claims she went to Paris for a booty call and was in bed all night. Lopez digs deeper into the case, she goes to see Nolan and tells him that Rowan killed Patrick. Chen and Bradford got to arrest Rowan, Lopez figured out that Patrick realized that Rowan was smuggling drugs and that is why he killed him. Thorsen says look back with cop eyes, it is so obvious that Rowan was up to something. He wonders why Patrick never told him about the drugs, if he had, everything would have been so different.

Patrick’s father meets Thorsen outside the station, he says he is so sorry he didn’t believe him and asks for his forgiveness. Thorsen says yes. Grey is happy the truth has come out, Thorsen’s innocence is without a doubt. Nolan says that Thorsen will really never get closure, he will just have to focus on the good memories. Thorsen says it is still sinking in, and the reality show is not moving forward, it was a mistake in the beginning. He plans on just living for himself and for Patrick.


Dorothy Gale:
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