The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Tuesday, March 22 Recap – Victoria Tricked Into Intervention – Ashland’s Tuscany Escape

The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Tuesday, March 22 Recap – Victoria Tricked Into Intervention – Ashland’s Tuscany Escape

The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers recap for Tuesday, March 22, reveals that Victoria Newman-Locke (Amelia Heinle) will be tricked into an intervention after Ashland Locke (Robert Newman) makes a Tuscany escape pitch. Let’s talk about all Tuesday’s Y&R action.

In Victoria’s office, she’ll be surprised when Ashland suggests getting away for a while.

Ashland will want to escape to the palazzo in Tuscany, but Victoria will seem uneasy over leaving town right now.

However, Ashland will argue that they could hang out with Harrison Locke (Kellen Enriquez) for a bit and then spend a few weeks working while enjoying their peaceful Italian getaway.

Ashland will act like he could investigate all these slanderous accusations without any major distractions.

Victoria won’t want people to think they’re hiding or running away, but Ashland will fear Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) has planted more doubt than Victoria wants to admit.

Ashland acknowledge that their marriage couldn’t survive another blow like that and will think Victoria’s expecting a confession.

Ashland will ultimately decide to give Victoria one, but it won’t be the confession she expects.

Ashland will simply remind Victoria of his deep love and desire to spend the rest of his life making her happy.

Ashland will understand that Victoria is torn, but he’ll push her to shut out all the Newman noise and go away with him.

Victoria won’t think that’ll make their problems disappear, but Ashland will feel confident this will help and will push Victoria to leave with him today.

At Newman Media, Victor will talk to Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow), Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) and Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) about the new plan.

Adam will be skeptical that it’s actually going to work – and Nikki will worry that Victoria might never forgive them.

Victor’s priority will remain protecting Victoria, but Nick will fret over Ashland perhaps trying to get rid of her by any means necessary.

Nikki will wonder if Nick actually thinks Ashland would harm Victoria, but Nick will act like they can’t be too careful.

Adam will admit he doesn’t buy Ashland’s story about doing everything he could to save the real Ashland’s life.

Nevertheless, Victor will vow to make sure Victoria remains unharmed and will confirm that Nikki, Adam and Nick are all in on the plan.

Soon after, Nikki will show up in Victoria’s office and pretend she’s having a private crisis.

Nikki will want to speak with Victoria alone, but Ashland will refuse to leave if Victoria wants him to stay.

Nikki will decide she’s done being polite and will order Ashland out of the office.

Nikki will argue that not everything is about Ashland and will claim this is about a huge fight she just had with Victor.

Victoria will give Ashland a gentle nudge to go, so he’ll relent and act like she’s a wonderful daughter.

Once Nikki is alone with Victoria, she’ll send a text to the Newmans waiting back at Newman Media.

As for Adam, he’ll wonder what happens if Victoria doesn’t come around.

Adam will ask Victor if the board has the power to nullify Ashland and Victoria’s contracts.

Victor will admit that’s difficult because of the merger and will warn Adam that under no circumstances will he remove Victoria.

Nick will back Victor up and slam Adam for trying to make his own power grab.

There’ll be some bickering, but Adam will act like he’s not trying to knock Victoria off the throne so he can steal the crown.

Victor will make it clear that Victoria’s protection is the priority before Lauren Baldwin (Tracey E. Bregman) arrives.

Lauren will point out that she knows Victor has people searching for Michael Baldwin (Christian LeBlanc) and will push him to come clean with her.

Victor will eventually admit he’s lost contact with Michael, but he’ll refuse to divulge anything about Michael’s mission.

Victor will just want Lauren to trust that he’ll bring Michael home safely.

After receiving Nikki’s text, Adam and Nick will head to Victoria’s office.

Victor won’t be far behind, so they’ll enter right after Victoria realizes Nikki lied about the fight.

Nikki will grip Victoria’s shoulders and insist Ashland has been using her. Nikki will warn that Ashland has been lying to Victoria since the day he claimed he was sick.

An exasperated Victoria will wonder how far Nikki is willing to go, but Victor will pipe up that they’ll go as far as necessary.

Victor will intend to show Victoria exactly what Ashland has done.

Nick will agree that they’re not leaving until Victoria has seen all the evidence.

As the Newmans prepare to present Nate Hastings’ (Sean Dominic) findings, it’ll be obvious that an intervention is underway.

At Crimson Lights, Lily Winters (Christel Khalil) and Devon Hamilton (Bryton James) will overhear part of Nate’s conversation with Elena Dawson (Brytni Sarpy).

Once Lily realizes Nate won’t be working with Ashland after all, she’ll offer a better alternative.

Devon and Lily will insist this info can’t leave the table, but they’ll admit a merger between Chancellor Industries and Hamilton-Winters is happening.

They’ll pressure Nate to join their family endeavor, but he’ll lash out and act like it may not be the right move.

After Nate apologizes for blowing up, he’ll admit he’s just dealing with the aftermath of a bad judgment call.

Nate will take off to deal with some things, but Elena will think he’s going to appreciate the offer once he cools off.

The Young and the Restless spoilers say Nate will have to figure out his new path, so stay tuned!

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