The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Wednesday, April 20 Recap – Rey Found Dead – Ashland Saves Victoria from Burning Car

The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers recap for Wednesday, April 20, reveals that Rey Rosales (Jordi Vilasuso) will be found dead – and Ashland Locke (Robert Newman) will save Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) from a burning car. Here’s how Wednesday’s gripping Y&R scenes will play out.

At the crash site, Ashland will be banged up in front of his deployed airbag.

Ashland’s car door will be stuck as he calls out to Victoria – and his phone will be broken following the crash.

Victoria will be unconscious in her own vehicle when it catches on fire, so Ashland will gather his strength and break the door loose.

After Ashland pulls Victoria from the burning car, he’ll take her to a nearby shack and place her on a cot.

Victoria will cough as she awakens and realizes Ashland is there.

Victoria will yell at Ashland to get away from her, but Ashland will push Victoria to stay still since she might have internal injuries.

While Ashland goes to look for Victoria’s phone and perhaps flag someone down, she’ll try to get up.

Victoria won’t be able to due to a knee injury, so she’ll start calling for help.

Ashland will return and admit the car was completely engulfed in flames, so he had no luck retrieving Victoria’s phone.

Ashland will tell Victoria they’re stranded, but Victoria will sense that there’s something Ashland isn’t telling her.

Ashland will act like he was just shaken up seeing Victoria like that. Victoria will grow suspicious over what Ashland was even doing there.

Victoria will ask if Ashland ran her off the road, but he’ll insist he could never do something like that.

Ashland will confess that he followed Victoria to make sure she was OK since she was so distraught in the fog.

As Victoria thinks back on swerving to avoid headlights, she’ll ask what happened.

Ashland will admit that after Victoria swerved, he turned sharply before the other car hit his own vehicle on the side.

Ashland will confess to pulling Victoria out of her flaming vehicle, so she’ll see that he burned his hand and realize he risked his life for her.

Ashland will mention that the last time this happened, he left his best friend to die.

Ashland will insist he couldn’t do that again and will add that he had to save Victoria, who’ll wonder about the other driver.

At Society, Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) will call Victoria back after the dropped call and won’t get an answer.

As Nikki and Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) grow more concerned about an accident, Victor will have his people start checking the roads for Victoria.

After Sharon Rosales (Sharon Case) fills Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) in on the Blackhawks trip and her trust issues regarding Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan), he won’t see any need to worry about Rey.

Connor Newman (Judah Mackey) will fret over missing the puck drop, so Chelsea will call Rey and leave a voicemail to check in.

Chelsea will later assure Connor that even if they miss the game, Rey will make it up to him soon.

After Nick gets a call from Victor, he’ll hear about the accident Victoria was potentially involved in. Nick will tell Sharon before taking off to help with the search.

Next, Chelsea will step into the main dining area and mention that she can’t get in touch with Rey.

Sharon won’t be able to either, so she’ll suggest maybe Rey stopped to help with the crash – though she’ll seem worried deep down.

Once Victor calls, Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) will admit he hasn’t heard from Victoria.

Adam will find out about the possible accident and bring Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) up to speed once she arrives at the hotel suite.

Sally will sense that Adam is genuinely concerned about Victoria, but he’ll snap at her for implying that he’d wish his sister seriously hurt or worse – just to strengthen his chances at Newman-Locke.

That’ll leave Sally fuming since it wasn’t what she meant at all. Sally will think this was a mistake – and she won’t just mean the romantic celebration!

Sally won’t think Adam really knows her if he believes she’s that heartless about a woman’s life.

Adam will apologize and admit he’s been asking himself a twisted question.

Adam will confess to wondering whether he’s genuinely concerned or if part of him is thinking about getting a leg up at Newman-Locke.

Although Adam will hate that the thought even popped in his head, Sally won’t think he truly means it.

Sally will know that Adam isn’t cold and selfish because she wouldn’t be falling in love with someone like that.

After Adam processes that shocker, he’ll ask if Sally’s saying that she’s falling in love with him.

Back at Society, Nick won’t have any updates to report regarding Victoria.

Victor will blame himself for sending his people after Ashland instead of having them stick with his daughter.

Victor will also get irritated when he learns his security detail has now lost Ashland.

After Victor gets another call about an accident, Nikki will be distraught.

As for Chance, he’ll talk to Sharon and insist he’s only heard about some fender benders.

Chance will also mention that he talked to Rey, who grabbed the tickets from home and was coming back to Crimson Lights.

The delay will leave Chance puzzled since Rey should’ve been there by now.

Back in the shack where Ashland took Victoria, he’ll explain that he checked the other car involved. It was far more damaged and went into a ditch.

As for the driver, Ashland will admit he didn’t make it and will inform Victoria that it’s someone she knows.

Victoria will reel when Ashland reveals that the dead driver was Rey Rosales.

The Young and the Restless spoilers say Rey’s death is going to send shockwaves through Genoa City soon, so stay tuned.

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Heather Hughes:
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