This Is Us Recap 03/8/22: Season 6 Episode 7 “Taboo”

This Is Us Recap 03/8/22: Season 6 Episode 7 "Taboo"

Tonight on NBC their honest & provocative dramedy series This Is Us with an all-new Tuesday, March 8, 2022,  episode  and we have you This Is Us recap below. On tonight’s This Is Us season 6 episode 7 called, “Taboo,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Rebecca has a big announcement to make at Thanksgiving dinner.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our This Is Us recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our This is Us recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Tonight’s episode begins with Thanksgiving, Rebecca’s boyfriend Matt is going to be there and Miguel’s girlfriend, Margarite. Randall and Beth arrive, Kevin is there are tells them that Sophie broke up with him. Rebecca is so happy that all the kids are home, she thanks them for being supportive and tells them that Matt is a really good guy, she promises. Miguel is next to arrive with his girlfriend, she gives a big hug to Rebecca. Later, Matt tells Miguel that he hopes everything goes well, he would like to stick around for a long time. Kevin and Randall are sitting down and Randall is surprised at how much weight Kate gained.

Present-day, Rebecca is making Thanksgiving dinner and Kate goes write down one of the recipes. Kate lets her son lick the spoon and Toby says something negative about letting him have the sugar. Kevin is playing the guitar and trying to ignore the awkward moment between Kate and Toby. Meanwhile, Randall is on the way with his family. Randall is looking forward to the girls spending quality time with his mom, he asks the girls if they will take a break from their phones and tablets for one day. Randall tells Beth it is going to be a wonderful and drama-free thanksgiving. Beth tells him that she loves his heart and enthusiasm, but. Randall and his family arrive and hug and kisses all around. Rebecca asks for a family talk after dinner she wants to go over a couple of things.

Later, Jack is fussing and Toby blames Kate, he says he had too much sugar. Kevin takes the family to the spot where their dad sketched out the cabin. Randall decides to do a family photo. Everyone heads back to have dinner, Miguel asks Kevin to stop playing the guitar, Kevin is not happy about it. Everyone goes to the table to enjoy dinner, Jack is feeding Jack and he is criticizing, Kate is upset and asks him if he is worried that Jack will get fat. Toby increases his tone and Kevin tells him to take it down a bit. Toby says he doesn’t want advice from a 41-year-old man child sleeping on his couch. Toby tells her that they overfeeding the children and bit ad they shouldn’t ignore their genetics.

We see many Thanksgivings for carving the turkey, from Jack to Miguel.

Miguel tells Rebecca that Matt is sweet, just perfect, down the middle. Rebecca tells him that his date is beautiful.

A young Kate is very careful about what she is eating, Randall tries to talk to her and she gets more upset and loads up her plate and eats more. She gets her relationship with food from Rebecca’s mother.

Miguel, Matt, Rebecca, and Margarite are playing charades; mostly Miguel and Rebecca with the kids and the two dates looking on awkwardly. Later, Kevin confronts Miguel and tells him that if he acts on his feelings for his mom, his dad is going to be turning in his grave. Later, after clean-up, Rebecca and Miguel are outside. He says earlier, his jabs at Matt were not harmless and accidental. She says neither were hers at Margarite. She tells him that these past few years he has been so good to her, to us, and somewhere along the way. He says he got a job offer in Houston, he is moving. He says he has been staying around, then he says it’s time for him to go. He leaves, Rebecca goes back into the house, into her room, and cries. Kate goes into the room to see her, Rebecca tells her he is moving to Houston. Kate lies down with her and hugs her.

Rendall is outside, looking at the photos he took during the day, Beth joins him and says she has been sent to confiscate his phone. He tells Beth that he feels disconnected from his mom, she now lives on another coast. He misses her, she says she knows and grabs the phone. Kate is inside, she is covering up a pie when Toby joins her at the table. He says she is always upset that he is not around and he is guilty, she says she knows. Then he says they were both fat kids and it was hell, Jack has their jeans, so if he can help him to eat healthily and avoid any of that pain, he is going to help him do it. She says after her dad died and she had gained all the weight, she would stop herself from eating by singing “Kiss Me.” She imagined herself thin and beautiful, how she was meant to be. But as the shame built, she would eat more. Food has always had an intense power over her and she doesn’t want her kids to feel like that. She has put a lot of thought into what she feeds the children and she doesn’t know how he doesn’t know that. Rebecca walks in and asks Kate if she is ready for that talk.

Rebecca sits with the kids, no matter how this thing goes if a decision has to be made for her Miguel is the captain of her ship. She tells Kevin that she wanted a guest house built beside the new house because she might eventually need permanent care, and they will need a place to stay. If something happens to Miguel, Kate will stand in for him. She thinks the disease will be harder on them than her, and she doesn’t want the camera focused on her every holiday. This thing that is holding her back, is not the thing that will hold them back, so take the risks. She is their mother and she is sick, she is asking them to be fearless.

Later Kate asks Rebecca why she, she tells her that she is her daughter and her best friend, it was always her.