7 Little Johnstons Recap 05/09/23: Season 13 Episode 4 “Homecoming and Going”

7 Little Johnstons Recap 05/09/23: Season 13 Episode 4 "Homecoming and Going"7 Little Johnstons Recap 05/09/23: Season 13 Episode 4 "Homecoming and Going"

Tonight on TLC America’s largest known little family, 7 Little Johnstons returns with an all-new Tuesday, May 9 2023, episode and we have your 7 Little Johnstons recap below. On tonight’s 7 Little Johnstons Season 13 Episode 4 “Homecoming and Going,” as per the TLC synopsis,“Alex’s girlfriend, Allie, arrives in town for the homecoming dance. Trent sets up a gym in the garage. Liz and Brice hear hard truths about their house search. Trent and Amber reveal an exciting upcoming trip.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our 7 Little Johnstons recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Tonight’s 7 Little Johnstons episode begins with the night of the big homecoming dance, Alex has been looking forward to it all week, Allie is there visiting, she is going to be going to the dance with him. Elizabeth and Anna walk in and tell Alex out, it is time for makeup.

Having Allie there is really exciting for everyone. Anna is doing Allie’s hair while Elizabeth does Emma’s makeup. Emma is really excited, it is her first homecoming. Elizabeth then goes to help Alex do his hair and gives him some tips.

The doorbell rings, I is Cierra, she is one of Emma’s good friends. Emma comes down the stairs, she is all slammed up and looks amazing. Allie is next to come down the stairs and she looks so pretty, she poses with Alex who has butterflies in his stomach. The family loves the way Alex’s face is lighting up. More photos are take outside, then the car arrives, dad got them a chauffeur driven SUV.

Jonah gets a video call from Ashley, they are still together after some bump in the roads. He tells her about the homecoming. Jonah says Alex is very passionate about having a girlfriend. They talk about her classroom, she is finishing her undergrad and teaching first graders. He tell her that he is getting back on his feet mentally and is so excited.

He says his parents see that there have been significant improves and she is happy to see the relationship progress. Ashley is glad that she sees he is getting better and is on board with this, through everything she stuck by his side and she is not giving up on him.

The homecoming four go to dinner first, they are all excited for the dance. Emma hopes they play food music that they can dance to. Emma says she probably won’t dane with anyone because she doesn’t have a date. Alex says he is good for slow dances, but that is about it.

When Alex was in Ohio he met a lot of Allie’s friends and families, he says he is happy they seemed like they liked him. Once they officially became a couple, her family started adding him on social media.

Trent’s fitness journey has been going good, he lost weight and his vision is to take over the garage, they are still shopping around for equipment. Jonah wants to do it to, he wants to show his dad that he is 100% committed to change. Trent says he is going to work out five times a week and he hopes Amber doesn’t go insane because of his new physique.

The homecoming was great, Alex is just a little sad because Allie’s family arrived super early to pick her up. Alex says Allie loved it. Emma had a great time with all her friends and she loved seeing Allie and Alex have so much fun. Alex shows Amber a video of him and Allie slow dancing, it made her heart super happy to see young love shine through Alex’s face. Alex is hoping their relationship gets stronger. Amber asks if he kissed her and he is getting tired of them asking, he is not ready and wants to take it slow with Allie. Alex loves that his family is in full support of his relationship.

Trent and Amber invite Brice and Elizabeth to dinner, they sit in the dining room and Elizabeth knows something is up. Trent says he went to see that property that was so far out and they are worried about the distance. Elizabeth says she would have have to leave like around 2am to go to work and they don’t like it. He tells Amber that if she burns three hours a day driving, she is not going to like it. Amber showed Elizabeth some homes, one is near Anna and Elizabeth liked that one, it is a shorter drive to work and lots of space. They have two and a half weeks until they have to move. Trent says that he and Amber will guarantee the lease to help them out, because he knows they will be good for it.

Joose invited the family to Finland, they have communicated back and forth with his mother and they have a huge surprise to tell the kids. They tell Emma first that they are going to Finland, she tells Alex and his excitement level is a solid 10. They are staying at Joose’s grandfather’s house, they will see the northern lights. Jonah, Anna and Elizabeth won’t be going, Amber says they will buy souveneers for them.

Amber and Trent have reservations, if there is an emergency back home, they cannot be there.


Dorothy Gale:
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