7 Little Johnstons Recap 06/13/23: Season 13 Episode 9 “Trent’s Yule Log”

7 Little Johnstons Recap 06/13/23: Season 13 Episode 9 "Trent's Yule Log"7 Little Johnstons Recap 06/13/23: Season 13 Episode 9 "Trent's Yule Log"

Tonight on TLC America’s largest known little family, 7 Little Johnstons returns with an all-new Tuesday, June 13, 2023, episode and we have your 7 Little Johnstons recap below. On tonight’s 7 Little Johnstons Season 13 Episode 9 “Trent’s Yule Log,” as per the TLC synopsis,“It’s Liz’s 21st birthday, and the family throws her a hoedown. After surprising news from the nutritionist, Trent must take a P. test. Anna gives an update on her therapy journey. Then, the Johnstons celebrate Christmas.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our 7 Little Johnstons recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s 7 Little Johnstons episode, since the holiday season, Trent has been working on his health as well as his diet. The specialist he sought out had tested him. She found out he was pre-diabetic and so she warned him about his weight. Something that he took seriously.

She also wanted to run a few more tests. She sent a kit to his house. He is supposed to take a stool sample and mail it to get tested. It was a bit hard to do all of that himself. He had to get help from his wife. He was worried about people overhearing everything from the bathroom and so he needed a minute to himself. And he got that sample when he was as far away from other people as possible.

Trent later tossed it into the box. He also kissed his wife. Which wasn’t an issue. It was when he caressed her face right after and before washing his hands that left Amber completely disgusted. Trent on the other hand found it funny. Trent was a silly guy. Him founding a way to laugh about a stool sample was right up his alley. He did his part. Amber sent off the sample. They then went shopping with their kids for Elizabeth’s party. Elizabeth was turning twenty-one and she was going to have a party.

It even had a theme to it. The theme was “cowboy country”. They were going to do a line-dancing group number. They just needed clothes to wear for the event. They all went to a cowboy themed clothing store. They found ponchos. They found cowboy boots. The store was a real one stop shop for everything cowboy and Trent managed to find something that was both comfortable and not all that embarrassing for his kids. They checked out their items. And it wasn’t long before the party itself arrived.

The twenty-first birthday was a big one in the US. It was when you reach the drinking age. Elizabeth being a good kid meant she didn’t intentionally seek out drinking opportunities like most kids. She actually waited until her birthday to try a jello shot. She didn’t know how strong they were before that. She also did jello shots with Brice’s mom. She did some with her aunt. She had four beers on top of that and so she started to pace herself after that. She slowed things back because she wanted to make it to the end of her party.

She didn’t want to be like her brother, Jonah. Jonah started drinking right away at his own twenty-first birthday party. He barely lasted thirty minutes and he had to be put to bed. Elizabeth learned from his mistakes. She paced herself. She got a little testy with Brice for a second because he was asking her to pace herself, but she complained about how she was already doing that and that he was annoying her. It wasn’t a fight or anything. She just set him straight. She went back to enjoying her party afterwards and she had a great time.

Elizabeth and her family also did their group dance. Elizabeth and her sisters remembered all the steps. The others, not so much. They hadn’t been practicing as much as they should. It showed. Only the objective was having fun and that’s what they did. They all had fun. Elizabeth made it through the end of her party. Elizabeth was sleeping it off the next day when Anna was talking to their dad. Anna admitted she’s been struggling with her anxiety. She works a full-time job. She lives on her own. She was worried about being seen out at night.

Anna was worried about people possibly targeting her because she was a single woman by herself. She was also a little person and the wrong sort of people might think she’s an easier target. Anna was just talking to her dad about everything when he suggested therapy. He was even willing to pay it for it himself just to make sure that Anna was speaking to a professional. He was worried about her living on her own. He wanted to make sure that she was getting all the help she could get and he didn’t tell her about his own worries because he hadn’t wanted to exacerbate hers.

The family later went caroling with Trent’s sister and her daughter. They couldn’t really sing only they still did their best to celebrate Christmas. They facetimed with Joose on Christmas Day. Joose was wearing the same Christmas pajamas as them and they all did a dance over facetime in celebration of his culture. They also showed him the Christmas tree. That year they used a ladder to get to the top of the tree and so the decorations were a little more consistent.

And Trent finally got the Dukes of Hazzard car model that he wanted when he was eight. He mentioned to Amber that he got mad at Santa over that car and so Santa came through for him this time.


Kristine Francis:
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