Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 Lone Star airs with an all-new Tuesday, January 31, 2023, season 4 episode 2, “The New Hot Mess” and we have your 9-1-1 Lone Star recap below. In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star season 3 episode 17 as per the FOX synopsis, “Captain Strand and the 126 race to the rescue when a woman is trapped in her mobile house that has been hijacked by her ex.
Owen has a run-in with former nemesis Sgt. O’Brien and is then questioned by the FBI; Tommy asks Grace for dating advice; T.K. and Carlos meet with Iris Blake.”
Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our 9-1-1 Lone Star recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!
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In tonight’s 9-1-1 episode, someone called 911 with a story about how her house was being stolen. Her name is Lila. Her house was a trailer. Lila was also inside that trailer. She woke up because it was in motion and she knew who was stealing her home. She said it was her ex-husband. He’s been threatening to take her trailer for months. They went to court over it. The judge said she could stay in the trailer. Her ex-husband didn’t like that and so he stole it and abducted his ex-wife. The cops got called in. It was Sergeant O’Brien who tried to tell the ex to stop his vehicle. He refused to do so and so the next best thing was to rescue Lila.
This was where the 126 came in. They called in a helicopter. Marjan came crashing through the sunroof and Lila refused to be rescued. Lila said she wasn’t giving up the house. She said the judge gave it to her. She also added that possession was nine-tenths of the law. Lila didn’t want to leave her house to him. She thought he’d win that way. Only Marjan said the house was falling apart on the open road. There were too many bumps and her ex was about to hit a low-hanging overpass. The house wasn’t going to make it.
Lila eventually agreed to be rescued. She was taken out of the trailer and it’s a good thing too because they weren’t lying about that overpass. The moment the ex hit it – half the trailer came right off. The trailer was destroyed. The ex-husband got arrested for kidnapping and it was all for nothing. The only good thing to come out of the situation was O’Brien promising Owen a drink for a job well done. Owen was even in a good mood afterward because no one got hurt and his team did a great job. And they all came crashing down when he was contacted by an FBI Agent.
Owen, it seems had bought a motorcycle. It was a new purchase. He was very excited about it and he had connected with other motorcyclists to get in touch with the free spirit part of owning a motorcycle. He didn’t know that those fellow motorcyclists were considered domestic terrorists. They were part of a motorcycle gang known as “the Honor Dogs”. They believed in returning Texas to a free state away from the United States. Just not returning it to Mexico. They wanted to return to the Alamo days because they seemed to have forgotten how that ended.
Anyways, the FBI wanted Owen’s help in infiltrating the group. They’ve noticed the Honor Dogs have been practicing with their guns a lot recently and they were suspected of the theft of some chemicals used in bomb-making. So, the FBI wanted help. They thought the Honor Dogs were planning a terrorist attack and they wanted Owen’s help in stopping them. Owen, on his part, had thought maybe the FBI was wrong. He’s only seen good things from the Honor Dogs. And that’s why he agreed to plant a wire at the bar that the biker gang frequented.
Owen wanted to prove they were innocent. He went into the bar. He talked to some of his buddies there. He even planted the bug and not long after he did so he ran right into Sergeant O’Brien. The cop was an Honor Dog. He said the group has been looking to recruit firefighters. He also said that it wasn’t going to be Owen. O’Brien said the Honor Dogs wasn’t for Owen and that Owen should never come back. Owen quickly left after that. He thought it was all over until he met with his handler and she asked if he turned on the listening device.
No one told him he had to turn it on. Owen couldn’t go back to the bar because he risks running into O’Brien again. His handler said she’d figure out when it was safe for Owen to return to turn the bug on. But while he was waiting to hear from her, his son TK was trying to convince Iris to give his fiancé a divorce. Carlos married Iris to give her access to his insurance. It helped Iris get back on her feet and now she’s ready to let Carlos go. She was going to give him an annulment. She thought TK deserves to be Carlos’s first spouse.
She also thought TK was just Carlos’s type because he was a hot mess. She ended up telling TK that she thought Carlos loves a project and that TK could be his life’s work. It was both rude as well as deeply hurtful. Carlos had warned TK that Iris could be blunt, but he never mentioned how she could be hurtful. Iris told TK that Carlos loves a fixer-upper. Its why he married her. Its also why he now wants to marry TK. She planted doubts in TK’s mind and it took this man forever to agree to a commitment with Carlos. Iris undid years of hard work.
TK was so upset by what she said that he tried to back out of the marriage. He talked to Carlos about what Iris said and Carlos said that he doesn’t see TK as a project. Sure, he’s a hot mess. Except he was Carlos’s hot mess. TK was reassured by that. But later Carlos got called into work because Iris has gone missing. Her car was found abandoned with her handbag still inside. And naturally, the cops found the divorce papers which made them think Carlos might be connected to what happened to Iris.
Unfortunately for Owen, O’Brien found the bug. He returned it to Owen. He warned Owen that the bar has cameras and that he took care of it for him. O’Brien also warned him about trying to go back to the bar. And then he took Owen on a drive.
And while Tommy decided to back off the pastor when she found out he was in fact her was her pastor, it didn’t stop the sex dreams. She was dreaming about him and it didn’t help that Gracie wanted to fix them up. Grace encouraged Tommy to go after the guy. The guy also realized he needed to make the first move and so he kissed Tommy after they had a group date.